In the end, Ying agreed to give Xiao Bai 1,500 kilograms of gourmet ingredients. From now on, she would only wear a maid outfit in front of Xiao Bai and would also call her master when calling Xiao Bai.

"You really sold yourself, just go ahead!"

Looking at Ying in front of him, Xiao Bai said with emotion.

Ying rolled his eyes and said that he didn't want to pay attention to Xiao Bai. In his heart, he was thinking about whether he should find someone to help him make all these ingredients delicious. I heard that there is a restaurant called Wanmin Tang on this side of Liyue. It seems that the chefs there are very good at cooking, so I might as well ask them to make the dishes. I think they will be very happy to come.

Yeah. With this thought in my mind, I was also secretly thinking about whether I should find some time to meet the"180" chefs of Wanmintang. The current chef of Wanmintang is even Mond. Everyone knows that there is a chef on this side of Manmintang who cooks very delicious food!

Every day, Manmintang is full of customers, and this is also due to the publicity of Amber and Youla. , if they hadn’t helped publicize it, I’m afraid Wanmintang would not have spread to Mondstadt.

As for why Xiao Bai was not allowed to do it, it was obvious that Xiao Bai would not agree to such a thing, so There was no such idea at all!

After having the goal, Ying went straight to Liyue Wanmin Hall.

However, looking at Wanmin Hall with many customers, Ying was instantly dumbfounded. In the current situation, the other party simply It's impossible to help yourself deal with those ingredients.

When you think of this situation, your whole body feels bad. If you let yourself handle it, there will be no problem, but the problem is how can you have so much time to deal with this?.

Ying looked at Xiao Bai pitifully, but Xiao Bai was smiling.

"You don’t want those ingredients to rot in your hands and become useless, right?"

Ying looked at Xiao Bai in front of her with a strong look of vigilance:"What on earth do you want to do?"

Ying is now as afraid of Xiao Bai as a tiger. Whatever Xiao Bai says, Ying must carefully consider whether Xiao Bai is digging a hole for herself again. Just like before, Ying clearly realized that she was being raped. Xiao Bai was fooled.

1,500 kilograms of ingredients?

Are you kidding me? What does it mean that Xiao Bai can give out these ingredients so readily?

This shows that the ingredients Xiao Bai has are definitely not just 1,500 kilograms. The difference It just depends on whether Xiao Bai is willing to give it to him or not. It may be a bit difficult for him to pay 10,000 kilograms before, but he was definitely cheated by Xiao Bai for the last 1,500 kilograms!

"It’s nothing. I can help you introduce a chef who can make these dishes. It’s just a small price to pay. I don’t know if you are willing."

"At what cost?"

"It's actually very simple, just play some games with me!"

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he leaned close to Ying's ear and whispered to Ying. However, after Ying listened, her face suddenly turned red. Looking at Xiao Bai in front of her, she looked like she was looking at a pervert.

"You are a pervert, you are definitely a pervert. You actually made such a request to me, you are definitely a pervert!"

Ying's little face was red and very cute, but Xiao Bai said to Ying with an indifferent expression:"You lose the least in this way, and you can also gain happiness without having to pay. What, so you only have one chance. Whether you can seize such an opportunity depends on you."

Ying just hesitated for a moment and then gritted his teeth and agreed!


It's exactly what Xiao Bai said. He and Xiao Bai are already together anyway, so there is no need to be secretive.

Xiao Bai's request is just to have fun when we are two people. So Ying agreed decisively.

At the same time, Ying also looked at Xiao Bai in front of her:"Then now you can tell where that person is!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Bai looked at Ying with a strange smile on her face, and then directly reached out and pulled Ying up.......

"Come on, then come in with me!"

Xiao Bai took Ying directly into Wanmin Hall, and Ying was confused!

Then Ying almost exploded.

Xiao Bai, a bastard, actually knew Xiangling from Wanmin Hall!

And Xiao Bai Bai is still Xiangling's master. After knowing this, Ying's side almost killed people.

"Bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

Ying almost burst into anger when she thought that she had been deceived by Xiao Bai again.

Xiao Bai, a bastard, really didn't behave like a human being at all. He actually had to deceive himself about this kind of thing. From the beginning to the end, Ying almost I live in Xiao Bai’s deception every day. Is Xiao Bai still a human being?

From the first time I met Xiao Bai and then was deceived to this day, I’m so damn crazy! I can’t bear it in my heart. I was so cursed.

Although I didn't get cheated this time, when I thought about how much fun I had in bed, I suddenly felt my heart twitching and hurting. It was so painful. Who could understand? The pain in my heart!

Seeing Ying's look of wanting to kill someone, Xiao Bai smiled and said,"Why do you think the price is so cheap? It just makes you pay some insignificant price, Ying, I seem to have told you many times, there is no free pie in this world with 4.7!"

You f*ck me!"

"Thank you so much!"

Ying gritted his teeth and looked at Ying in front of him!

"You're welcome, who among us is following whom?"

The teeth were crunching, and Ying's hands were trembling slightly. He couldn't help but pull out his sword and give Xiao Bai a good look.

Xiao Bai coughed quickly when he saw Ying's appearance, and then said to Ying :"Calm down, you are completely irrational and irrational right now!"

"Then should I also thank you for reminding me?"

After saying that, he pulled out his sword without feudalism and thrust it hard at Xiao Bai. Today, if there is Xiao Bai, there will be no baby.

Suffer to death, you scumbag!.

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