Underground Altar Uranus showed a helpless look on his face after receiving the reply. The thing Xiao Bai requested was obviously beyond Uranus's expectations.

To be precise, basically no one can agree to Xiao Bai's request.

If Xiao Bai only asked for one magic book, Uranus could still get it, but what Xiao Bai wanted now was not one magic book but several.

This is something that Ouranos can't do at all. When Ouranos was having a headache, a voice came over:"Maybe I can help you with this matter, Ouranos."

Hearing this voice After that, Ouranos' eyes suddenly lit up. Yes, he couldn't do it himself, but there were other people who could do it, right?

If you can't do it yourself, then let someone who can do it do it for you!

As a famous sage, Fels can naturally solve the problem this time.

"How many grimoires do you have in stock?"

As a famous great sage, he even created the Philosopher's Stone, the ultimate tool for alchemy. There is no doubt that Fels can make a magic book, so if possible, just let Fels take out his own Just inventory.

Fels was speechless after hearing what Ouranos said:"Ouranos, do you think I will have inventory of that kind of thing? Obviously I didn't. The reason why I said I could help you get it done is that I could help convince Xiao Bai, but the other party had to reduce the quantity."

Hearing this, Uranus's face suddenly showed a look of disappointment. He thought that this guy Fels had some way to help him.

But forget it!

After all, Fels can do it anyway. It's good to be of some use, it's better than to be of no use at all.

"In this case, I will leave this matter to you. I believe this matter will definitely not be a problem for you."

Uranos is obviously blaming the blame, and he is passing the blame to Fels.

Looking at Uranus, Fels said helplessly:"I will try my best, but I can't guarantee it. To say that it will definitely be effective, I can only say that it is possible and you don’t have to have high expectations (dbbb)."

Uranos said there was no problem.

Teacher Fei then left the underground altar at the guild headquarters to look for Xiao Bai. Fels felt that he should be able to convince Xiao Bai.

After all, Xiao Bai did not explicitly refuse, so this meant There is hope. Since there is hope, it means there is room for negotiation. As long as he negotiates with Xiao Bai, he should be able to lower the price.

Fels soon came to Xiao Bai's family and looked at In the rapidly developing Xiaobai family, Felsner's skull face under the hood obviously has a larger mouth.

"What a god who can perform miracles!"

To be able to develop the Familia to this point in such a short period of time, it can be said that it has completely surpassed 1% of the Familia of Gods in Orario.

"Maybe the other party can end the black dragon!"

With this thought in mind, Fels walked into the Xiao Bai family. Next, Fels will try hard to find a way to get the secret he wants from Xiao Bai's mouth. That's how it works. Let the family members quickly upgrade to LV2.

After entering the Xiaobai family members, Fels clearly felt that something was not right in the atmosphere in the Xiaobai family members. It seemed that there was something wrong.Waiting to kill the pig?

Suddenly a thought popped up in my mind:"Is the other party waiting for me to kill the pig? Probably not!"

After having this thought in my mind, I couldn't get rid of this thought. Pressing down, Fels suddenly had a bad premonition. The best thing for him now is to turn around and leave. There is a high probability that there will be no problem in this way.

But if you go in by yourself, you may be sending the sheep into the tiger's mouth.

Should he leave? After hesitating for a while, Fels finally decided to stay. After all, if the upgrade of Xiaobai Familia to LV2 can be popularized, it will make Orario even more powerful.

With firm steps, Fels walked into the Xiaobai family and the subsequent

When he went in, he was full of energy, but when he came out, he was in despair, as if his whole body had been squeezed dry. Fels swore that he would never come to this family again in the future. He only came here once today and even wore his underwear. They were almost ripped off by each other. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When he thought of this, Fels felt that his heart was so painful. All the collections and accumulations he had accumulated over the past hundreds of years were suddenly lost to the Xiaobai family. The pain was taken away, it hurt so much!

And the results obtained also made Fels quite dissatisfied. Fels never thought that there was no so-called secret at all, it was simply the talent of the Xiaobai family.


Even Fels couldn't help but want to scold her at this moment. How could this damn talent have such a terrifying talent?

When he thought that everyone in the entire family had similar talents, Fels felt particularly cheating. Who in this world could have such a talent? Isn't this purely cheating?

If I had known this, how could I have lost all my hundreds of years of capital? It was a sin, but it was too late to say anything now.

He has already lost his old capital, and it is impossible to get it back now, and the other party will not give him a chance. Thinking of the coffin book he has stored in his family for hundreds of years, even if it is At this moment, even as a skeleton, I couldn't help but want to cry!

"Profiteers, these profiteers deserve to be hanged under the street lights."

Fels returned to the guild with broken thoughts. Looking at the returning Fels, Ouranos looked at Fels expectantly and asked:"What's the result?"

"Ouranos, unfortunately I have to tell you something very speechless. What the other party possesses is not a secret, but a pure personal talent. The other party simply uses his own personal talent to force the The strength of his own family members has been improved."

Ouranos fell into silence after hearing this sentence. Fels's words seemed to reveal a burst of resentment. This resentment wasted a little bit.

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