Looking at Orpheus being held by Xiao Bai's hand, Ouranos couldn't help but sigh that Xiao Bai is really a beast, and he won't let go of such a small child.

Sit in jail!

Ophis looks like a lolita, and Xiao Bai is actually able to do it

"What’s that look in your eyes? I told you not to look at Ophis now, who looks like a lolita, but in fact Ophis is older than me. Ouranos said nothing but looked at Xiao Bai and asked,"So what's the purpose of your visit this time?""

"I want Orpheus to also form a family. What is later said to be two families is actually one family, but one is a business type and the other is an exploration type."

Ouranos seemed to understand the purpose of Xiao Bai's actions. He hesitated and nodded after"three-five-zero", but then looked at Xiao Bai.

"I can agree to all of your requests, but I have one thing to ask you!"

Hearing what Ouranos said, Xiao Bai answered in advance before Ouranos could speak:"I know what you want to ask. You can rest assured about this, Ouranos. Some things are hard to come by. Like before. Loki's threat was just to tell Loki that I had the ability to do it first."

Uranos nodded with satisfaction after hearing Xiao Bai's words:"In that case, I have nothing to say. I will handle the matter about your dependents for you!"

"Then it’s up to you!"

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he took Orpheus and left. After Orpheus and Xiao Bai left, Ouranos spoke:"You should believe it now, right?""

"I never doubted you Ouranos."

After hearing what Fels said, Ouranos couldn't help rolling his eyes.

If you had always believed me, you wouldn't have had so many doubts before.

But Ouranos didn't say anything else. , just looked at Fels in front of him and said:"Xiao Bai can be trusted now, so let's tilt the guild's resources towards Xiao Bai."

Fels couldn't help but show resentment on his face when he heard this.

Looking at his old partner, Ouranos couldn't help but feel a little funny:"Okay, okay, isn't it just a little thing? You act like this and keep worrying about everything"

"Is that a little thing? It was all that I had accumulated over hundreds of years and was robbed by the other party."

Ouranos just smiled awkwardly at the scolding Fers and said nothing more.

Xiao Bai took Ophis back to the family members, and it was just as Xiao Bai expected.

Xiao Bai will After Orpheus was brought to this world, Orpheus was also sealed with divine power but was endowed with favors, so Orpheus could also be regarded as a god.

Later, Xiao Bai mobilized some business talents, and then let these individuals Business talents have joined Orpheus's family.

But in fact, the two families are the same family.

I have to say a sigh of relief here, Ouranos did do things very beautifully, and he quickly The request of Xiao Bai and the others was fulfilled.

And in less than two months, the Ophis family had already taken control of the entire Orario business.

For this reason, those businesses on Orario's side Each and every one of the Familia is boiling with resentment. After all, the business methods used by Xiao Bai are not comparable to those of natives like Orario. The

Hephaestus Familia.

Watching the income of the Familia on their own side drop again. , Hephaestus couldn't help but the corners of her eyes twitched. According to this look, the Hephaestus family will probably go bankrupt soon.

"It seems that I need to have a good talk with the other party. If the other party continues to act like this, the other members of the family will die."

Then Hephaestus called the leader of her family members to go to the Xiaobai family members. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The Xiaobai family members heard Hephaestus' arrival. , Tushan Rongrong’s eyes almost narrowed into slits when he smiled. Tushan Rongrong and the others were trying to force business families like Hephaestus to come to them.

"Since the other party is here, let’s invite him in. The visitor is a guest, and we must entertain him well!"

Soon Hephaestus and the leader of the Hephaestus Familia walked in.....

"Welcome, Goddess Hephaestus!"

Hephaestus looked at Tushan Rongrong in front of her and couldn't help but let out a sigh in her heart.

It was a bit unlucky to meet such a vixen. This vixen clearly gave people the impression that she was not an easy person.

But things have already happened. At this point, Hephaestus has no choice. Xiao Bai must stop their actions, otherwise all the business families in Orario will be destroyed.

"Do you understand the serious impact your actions have on Orario!"

Xiao Bai looked at Hephaestus in front of him, and a trace of indifference flashed in his eyes:"If Hephaestus, you come and just say this to me, then I think it is completely necessary for you to continue. Continued"

"If you came here to have a good talk with our family members, then that's fine, but other than that, there's nothing else to talk about. I don't accept threats."

Hephaestus was a little speechless, but then Hephaestus got straight to the point:"Okay, then just tell me what you are going to do to stop your barbaric expansion!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, listen to 1.2 and look at what you said. What is barbaric expansion? All business actions are legal and reasonable. Instead, I want to sue you for defamation."

"Xiao Bai, don’t make me laugh. Do you know what the consequences will be if it explodes for those business families who can’t survive in Orario?"

"I'm not sure, but thinking about it, there's nothing stopping me."

"What do you have to do before you are willing to stop!"

Knowing that he could not threaten the guy in front of him, Hephaestus, who believed in him, directly chose to show off his cards.

"Simple, all the business families form an alliance and then I will deploy them!"

Hephaestus's face changed. She didn't expect Xiao Bai's ambition to be so big.

"Do you think this is possible?!.

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