Finally, under Xiao Bai's threat, Alfia agreed to go back with Xiao Bai to protect Xiao Bai's family, but as a price, Alfia wanted to see her sister's son.

Xiao Bai naturally agrees with this point

"Your sister's child was raised by Zeus, so I think you have an idea of ​​what will happen now."

The expression on Alfia's face instantly turned ugly. In one sentence, if the current Zeus appeared in front of Alfia, Alfia would definitely tear Zeus to pieces.

When she thought of her own When her sister's child turned into a character like Zeus, Alfia immediately had the urge to go crazy, Zeus, you really deserve to die!

Ouranos looked at Xiao Bai from the corner of his eyes. Twitching, Xiao Bai was obviously there. It's just nonsense, but now Alfia actually believes it.

But Ouranos doesn't want to care about these things, it's fine with Xiao Bai and Alfia, as long as it doesn't affect Orario , so love.

Xiao Bai brought Alfia, who was wearing a cloak, back to his family. Looking at the person Xiao Bai brought back, Riveria's life was full of disbelief.

"Loki Familia? Alfia was a little surprised when she saw Riveria, as if she didn't expect to see her here.

Riveria then looked at Xiao Bai and asked:"Is it possible that this Riveria was attracted by you?" Did you dig it from the Loki Familia?"

"It's not that, it's just that the Loki Familia and I had some problems with each other before, and then they compensated me. Within a year, they will be the bodyguards of our Familia. This time, I kind of forgot about it. They're still here. Alfia nodded and said nothing more, but Riveria looked at Alfia and asked,"Aren't you already dead? Why are you alive again now?""

Alfiya obviously had no intention of answering this question, and left without even looking at Riveria.

Riveria looked at Xiao Bai, but Xiao Bai looked at Riveria. Leah said:"If you want to know, you must at least join my family. Even if you don't join my family, how can you ask me to tell you these secrets! , by the way, remember to keep it secret, otherwise I can’t guarantee what kind of accident will happen."

Riveria heard that this was Xiao Bai's threat, and the look on her face changed slightly but she didn't say anything.

She just looked at Alfia with a hint of complexity in her eyes!

Riveria now He is called the first mage of Orario, but in fact he only became the first mage of Orario after Alfia died.

Before Alfia died, Orario’s The first mage has been Alfia from beginning to end.

So when facing Alfia, Riveria was a little complicated.

The arrival of Alfia undoubtedly brought a little bit of trouble to the Xiaobai Familia. Change, at least the Xiaobai Familia doesn't have to worry about someone suddenly coming to Xiao Bai's Familia one day and then turning on the unparalleled mowing mode.

After all, if a LV5 adventurer sneaks into the Xiao Bai Familia, So basically Xiao Bai and the others can only wait for death, but it's different now. With Alfia bargaining, those who want their families are

Riveria really wanted to inform the Loki Familia about this matter, but Xiao Bai's warning kept echoing in Riveria's ears. Because of this reason, Riveria now has an extremely headache..

Riveria didn't know whether she should tell the Loki Familia about this matter. After much hesitation, Riveria finally did not tell the Loki Familia about this matter.

After all, the relationship with the Loki Familia had already become very bad before. If Xiao Bai's information was told to the Loki Familia now, I'm afraid the grudge between Xiao Bai and the Loki Familia would never be resolved.

So after much hesitation, Riveria decided to hide something, or to just vaguely remind the Loki Familia that the Loki Familia should not go against the Xiaobai Familia again.

After entering the living room, Alfiya looked at Xiao Bai with disgust.

"How obscene!"

Xiao Bai looked at Alfia in front of him with a puzzled look.

"You must be mentally ill. Why are you calling me obscene? Alfiya sneered and said to Xiao Bai,"You think I can't see that you have some ulterior motives for that goblin!""

"I am going to sue you for slander. Believe it or not, you are slandering me!"

Looking at Xiao Bai in front of him with a sneer, Alfia didn't even bother to argue with Xiao Bai. It was completely meaningless.

Seeing Alfia's appearance, Xiao Bai couldn't help but become a little annoyed. What do you mean? Are you looking down on yourself?

Xiao Bai said that he would never accept Alfia's contemptuous attitude, and he would definitely let Alfia know his attitude.

Looking at Xiao Bai's look, Alfia sneered. Instead of talking nonsense with Xiao Bai, she turned around and left.

Alfiya knew very well that if she wasted time on this with such a person, she would definitely be taken advantage of by the other party.

So Alfiya chose to leave and give up on talking to Xiao Bai. It's useless to think about other people's ideas.

It's the stupidest thing to argue with Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai couldn't help but gnashed his teeth when he saw Alfia leaving!

"Sooner or later, this dead woman will be better-looking than you."

Xiao Bai cursed and always felt that he was underestimated by Alfia.

But then Xiao Bai sighed.

"This Alfiya is really cool to look at."

Did Xiao Bai have any small thoughts about Riveria?

That must be true, but the problem is that Xiao Bai hid it so deeply that Alfia suddenly saw that something was obviously wrong!

In the following time, Because of Alfia, Xiao Bai and the others no longer had to tie their hands, and directly carried out drastic reforms and annexations.

In less than a month, the entire business circle of Orario was completely controlled by Xiao Bai.

Now if Xiao Bai just says a word, these people in Orario will have to eat those high-priced grains. Even if Xiao Bai wants to, they will starve to death one by one.

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