Under Xiao Bai's arrangement, he quickly seized the stolen goods from the Ishta Familia, and successfully obtained the key to the man-made maze from the Ishta Familia, and even learned about the location of the man-made maze on the surface of the earth. an entrance

"These damn bastards actually colluded with the Dark Familia. No wonder the Dark Familia has not been completely wiped out for so many years. With the support of the artificial maze and the Ishtar Familia, this would only be possible if they could be completely eliminated. ghost."

Finn is also a little annoyed. Finn, who has been committed to eliminating the Dark Familia, did not expect that there would be so many Dark Familia under his nose, and even the Ishtar Familia and Dark Familia in Orario I don’t even know about the collusion.

"You don't have to blame yourself for this matter. After all, you are only one person, and it is already good to be able to do this."

Loki next to Finn said:"You are worthy of the name of a brave man."

"There is no need for these people to continue to waste time. Now the things have been obtained for you. I think you should understand the handling of the Ishtar Familia. The big one among the Ishtar Familia I want the fox, whoever steals it will die!"

Facing Xiao Bai's glaring look, the other members of the family had no intention of competing with Xiao Bai. Even Loki, whose curiosity was aroused by Xiao Bai's hook, did not pry.

Xiao Bai's crazy Luo Ji Ji didn't want to have any more conflicts with Xiao Bai, so in order to avoid further conflicts with Xiao Bai, Loki directly chose to act like he didn't hear anything.

"The guild will handle the matter of blaming the Ishtar Familia, and after the guild has finished handling it, the foxman from the Ishtar Familia will be handed over to you."

Xiao Bai looked at Fels who was speaking, and there was clearly a look in his eyes that said,"You're not kidding me."

"Don't talk to me about the guild. How can I not know what the guild is doing now? How can the guild deal with Ishtar? Let the Loki Familia destroy the Ishtar Familia directly, and then send Ishtar directly back to the heaven."

"The main focus now should be on dealing with the Dark Familia. Ishtar can deal with it later."

"How can you be sure that Ishtar will not attack from behind when you are dealing with the Dark Familia? How can you be sure that Ishtar will not attack from both sides with the Dark Familia?"

No one can answer Xiao Bai's question, because it is not impossible.

"Ishta's people were captured by us. How dare you be sure that those people from the Dark Familia don't know about this? So I just say one thing, before the people of the Dark Familia react, take care of Ishtar first, and then deal with the Dark Familia slowly, do you understand?"

"What Xiao Bai said makes sense."

Finn thought about it carefully and felt that what Xiao Bai said made sense. To deal with the outside world, one must first settle the internal affairs. To deal with the Dark Familia, it is natural that the Ishtar Familia must be dealt with first. After all, no one knows the Ish Familia. Will Tower help the Dark Familia to deal with themselves when they deal with them?

"In that case, let’s deal with the Ishtar Familia first!"

Finn made the decision directly, and Xiao Bai Zhishi gave a thumbs up:"Wise choice!"

"As for the dungeon, the best thing is for adventurers not to enter the dungeon in the near future. Otherwise, no one can be sure whether the Dark Familia will madly drag the adventurers to death together."

"This aspect is more difficult. After all, no one can guarantee that there will never be any accidents."

"No matter what, you have to give it a try. What if you succeed? As for those who don’t listen and insist on entering the dungeon, then let them go. It’s not me who will die anyway."


Happy Street Temple of God and Prostitution.

Ishtar has some vague premonitions in her heart. Ishtar has always felt like this recently. Ever since the incident with Dionysus was exposed, Ishtar has a vague feeling that the next one is very likely. Be yourself.

And as far as the current results are concerned, things have indeed developed as I expected.

The Dark Familia who sent people to deliver supplies to the Dark Familia today has not come back yet. Ishtar has obviously noticed something, but it is a pity that Finn and the others have already arrived before Ishtar can take action..

Knowing that she could never fall into Finn's hands, Ishtar immediately ordered the members of her family to encircle and suppress Finn and Loki's family.

At the same time, he is trying his best to break through. He must not die here, and he must not be sneaked back to heaven before he defeats Freya!

"Where do you want to go, Ishtar!"

Xiao Bai looked at Ishtar who came to take away Haruji with a smile, with a look of complete amusement on his face. Next to Xiao Bai was Alfia who was wearing a cloak to hide her face.. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"who are you and why are you here"

"My name is Xiao Bai, and the purpose of coming here is to take away this fox 523. As for you, leave it to the Loki family members to deal with it."

After that, Xiao Bai will take Sanjono Haruhime away.


Ishtar, who was irritated by Xiao Bai's ignorance, instantly used charm to seduce Xiao Bai. However, Xiao Bai did throw his big dick directly on Ishtar's face:"You are the only one who is ugly. , don’t show off to me, it’s disgusting to look at, and you’re a nigger, you’re still a bus, you die."

After directly kicking Ishtar to the ground, Xiao Bai squeezed his feet and kicked Ishtar hard on the face. In an instant, Ishtar was beaten to a bloody head.

After Xiao Bai finished speaking Without missing a beat, Ta got more and more angry:"Why don't all you niggas die? There shouldn't be you niggas in this world."

After saying that, he gradually put more force on his feet, and even used the soles of his feet to crush Ishtar's face.

Alfiya on the side couldn't help but twitching her eyelids when she saw this scene. Is this guy Xiao Bai a little too cruel? , is there really nothing wrong with Ishta’s appearance?

But looking at Ishta, Alfia did not ask for mercy.

Alfia also looked down upon Ishta, the goddess.

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