After Riveria returned, she told Loki about this incident.

"This method is good. As long as Xiao Bai doesn't go to Freya to settle accounts with Qiu Hou, then there is no problem in asking Freya to do a little help."

Loki looked at Riveria in front of him and said happily, but Riveria fell into silence.

"Just looking like this is not enough, you still need to be prepared just in case."

Loki fell into silence after hearing this. Although Loki was very unconvinced, Xiao Bai was really special, so special that even Loki couldn't understand why Xiao Bai could resurrect dead adventurers in this world.

Everyone. They are all gods, but why can Xiao Bai be so special? Gods from other worlds are amazing!

Cursing in my heart, looking at"Four Nine Three", Vilia Loki said helplessly:"Okay, I understand, after that I will go and have a good talk with Uranus. The best thing is for Uranus to come forward and give Xiao Bai some warning.

Riveria looked at Loki in front of her and said,"I don't think Ouranos would do such a thing.""

"How can you know this kind of thing if you don't give it a try? You say so? Anyway, it doesn't cost any money to give it a try, so it doesn't matter at all."

Hearing this, Riveria did not object anymore. If Loki wants to try, then let him try. If it succeeds, it will obviously be a good thing for Riveria.

After all, Riveria was already prepared to use herself to calm Xiao Bai's anger.

On the other hand, Xiao Bai, who was completely addicted to the drunken life and dreams of death among the Xiao Bai family members, was completely unaware of what was going on.

Xiao Bai even I don’t know about this kind of thing. In fact, Xiao Bai has no obsession with Riveria and Aisi. Even if it is true that Riveria and Aisi don’t want Xiao Bai, they won’t care. Xiao Bai is not There are no women, Xiao Bai just wants to collect these girls for the purpose of collecting stamps.

But if the other party doesn't want to do that, Xiao Bai won't force the other party, just do as you like.

Besides, it's not Xiao Bai's own loss, so For example, if the other party wants Xiao Bai to resurrect his parents, he will have to pay the price.

If it is not necessary, Xiao Bai will not lose anything and save a lot of faith. As for Sword Princess?

Come on, pretty There are so many girls that Xiao Bai just stares at each other.

Liuli Ang is about to fall into the trap set by Xiao Bai for her. Now Xiao Bai wants to stare at Liuli. Ang, where do you have time to take care of other things?

Then there is the goddess of justice, Astraea. It is impossible to take down that goddess of justice, Astraea. After all, that goddess It is impossible for a goddess of justice to sacrifice herself for a few members of the family.

No matter how much these gods love the children of their family, they cannot sacrifice themselves for these children of the family. Therefore, the goddess of justice Astraea Don't think about it. Xiao Bai's goal is only Liuliang.

He rubs it against Phil Weiss' conscience.

"Phil Weiss, she's a bit young, she hasn't grown up at all."

Looking at Phil Weiss's poached eggs, Xiao Bai's words instantly made Phil Weiss' face look ugly, and she took a hard bite on Xiao Bai's body.

"Hey, hey, let it go, let it go, I was wrong, okay, I shouldn't have called you young!"

Fair Weiss remembered that she took another hard bite of Xiao Bai.

What happened to Xiao Bai? Isn't it okay to be a child?

Looking at Fair Weiss's angry look, Xiao Bai laughed and then said:"Don't be like that. I care about such small things. Although Phil Weiss is a little small, I don't mind at all."

Fairweis snorted and ignored Xiao Bai, feeling a little bit resentful about her figure.

Suddenly Fairweis looked at Xiao Bai:"Can you make my figure better? ?"

Fair Weiss knows that even the dead can be resurrected by Xiao Bai, so there is no problem for Xiao Bai to make his figure plumper.

Looking at Fair Weiss's expectant eyes, Xiao Bai really doesn't want to deceive. Phil Weiss:"It's possible, but it's such a waste to use the power of faith in such a boring place..."

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Fairweis was sure that the power of faith could definitely do such a thing, but the only trouble was that Xiao Bai seemed unwilling to use the power of faith in this kind of place.

However, Phil Weiss knew very well what she needed to do to get Xiao Bai to agree to her.

Looking at Xiaobai Feiweisi in front of her, she laughed.

Xiao Bai underestimated Phil Weiss's obsession with her figure. Xiao Bai almost squeezed her out of her body in three days and three nights. Xiao Bai did not expect that Phil Weiss would go so far as to get him. It's incredible that he actually made such a promise.

In the end, Xiao Bai agreed to Phil Weiss's request. If he didn't agree, it would be fine. If he didn't agree, Xiao Bai was sure that Phil Weiss could continue to fight with him.

Seeing Phil Weisi's appearance and attitude that she wanted Xiao Bai to agree even if she died, and how Fair Weisi fainted after the unification of the school badges, Xiao Bai knew that he had agreed to Phil Weisi. It's the right thing to do

"It really makes people don’t know what to say."

"I asked you, can you please stop being so dissolute?"

Ke Qing couldn't help but feel a little angry when she saw Xiao Bai. For three days and three nights, Ke Qing had to wonder if Xiao Bai died in bed.

"This one is 3.6. Actually, you really can’t blame me for this."

Xiao Bai put all the blame on Phil Weiss. You really can't blame Xiao Bai for this matter. If Phil Weiss hadn't pestered Xiao Bai, how could Xiao Bai have done such a thing? Going to get my own

"Even if it looks like this, whose fault do you think it is?"

Ke Qing really doesn't care about so much. What this incident makes clear is that Xiao Bai himself did a good deed. If Xiao Bai was determined, how could he be entangled for so many days? To put it bluntly, Xiao Bai himself was addicted to wine and sex.

After hearing what Ke Qing said, Xiao Bai fell into silence. Then Xiao Bai looked at Ke Qing:"Indulging in drinking and sex is really not what I want, so starting from today, I will quit sex and work hard."

This time it was Keqing's turn to be silent.

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