For Funina, who had just arrived in Liyue, everything about this place made her curious.

At the same time, Xiao Bai also came to Qunyu Pavilion.

However, the next moment, Xiao Bai had just seen a figure and kicked Xiao Bai fiercely:"Die to death, you scumbag!"

With a roar, Xiao Bai saw the shadow. He kicked me hard.

Xiao Bai just turned sideways to avoid the opponent's attack, then hugged Ying with one hand and said to her:"A sneak attack is not a good thing.-"

Ying, who was held in Xiao Bai's arms, glared at Xiao Bai fiercely:"You damn scumbag actually left me alone in Teyvat and went to other worlds to find girls. You - you are so damned!"

When Xiao Bai heard this sentence, he suddenly had a speechless expression on his face, and then he stabbed Ying's forehead hard with his finger.

"What do you mean I went out to find a girl? I have business, okay? Don't make it sound like I don't do anything serious and just want to find girls."

"Do you believe the lies you tell in your heart? Do you dare to say that you didn't find a girl after you left? If you haven't been hanging out with girls all day long, I would have seen clearly what kind of person you are, okay?"

Xiao Bai couldn't help but fell into silence after hearing this. How should he explain this?

Looking at Xiao Bai's silence, Ying suddenly became even more angry:"I'm right, you bastard is What a scumbag, you really deserve to die"

"Maybe I have my own reasons for that?"

"Do you think I'm a fool? I don't care where you go from now on, you have to take me with you, otherwise I will never forgive you, at least you have to ask me if I'm going."

Xiao Bai looked at Ying with a speechless expression. This girl seemed a little

"Okay, okay, next time when I leave, I will ask you if you want to go with me. This way, it’s okay."

The young man nodded with satisfaction.

"Not bad, okay."

At least what this guy Xiao Bai said now sounds pretty good.

Then the traveler looked at Xiao Bai:"What did you do when you came to Teyvat?"

"He just went to save a certain water god."

Ying suddenly became curious, but before asking, Ning Guang had already spoken:"If you have anything to do, go in first and talk about it. This is not the place to talk."

Xiao Bai nodded and then took Ying into the Jade Pavilion. Then Xiao Bai told the story about the Water God. After finishing speaking, Ying suddenly started to cry.

"Damn it, it's really hateful, it's like this!"

Ying patted her chest and looked heartbroken.

Xiao Bai looked at Ying without saying a word. On the other hand, Paimeng said to Ying:"Ying, it doesn't matter anymore. The Water God has been saved."

"That's not what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about is that it's too abominable for the Water God to be threatened by this scumbag and taken into the harem like this.

Paimon:"You fucking gave me back my emotion.""

Xiao Bai on the side showed an expression that was indeed the case, but Ning Guang looked at Xiao Bai speechlessly and said:"So now Suishen is in Liyue, do I need to entertain him?"

"This is not necessary, you just need to do your own thing well and they will let them have their own fun."

The expression on Xiao Bai's face that had just finished speaking suddenly became strange. Looking at Xiao Bai's expression, Ning Guang immediately realized that something was wrong.

"What happened?"

"The Water God and that retired old man bump into each other."

"The emperor and the water god met."

Ning Guang was obviously a little surprised, but after thinking about it, it seemed normal.

Zhongli, an old man, has been either drinking tea or walking birds all day long since he retired, so he was obviously not worried about meeting each other in Liyue. What an unexpected thing

"There was no conflict, right?"

"This is not true. After all, Zhongli is still very measured."

"Then there shouldn't be any need to take care of it. There shouldn't be any trouble when the former Rock God and the previous Water God meet, right?"

"I'll go there!"

"I am coming too."

Seeing Xiao Bai going to find the water gods Funina and Fukalos, Ying immediately followed her. It would be a pity for such a cute girl not to go to Tie Tie.

After rolling her eyes at Ying, Xiao Bai took her Ying left to look for Funina and the others.

In the end, Xiao Bai and Ying saw a certain retired old man and two water gods from the previous generation at a certain place.

"This guy is a waste of money. Spending so much money on this kind of thing is simply a waste!"

Funina pointed at a certain retired old man, as if she wanted to open his head and see what was inside his head. ( To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"According to common sense, this painting is indeed worth the money!"

"If you want to say it’s value for money, then you’re telling me it’s value for money when you spend your own money and get nothing out of your pocket?"

The expression on the retired old man's face stiffened slightly. The retired old man, whose pocket was cleaner than his face, obviously didn't expect that the opponent's attack power would be so strong.

"Why don't you say anything? If you have the ability, you spend your own money to buy it and keep accounts every day. Guys like you should be sentenced to death!"

Fukalos covered his mouth and suppressed laughter.

Fukalos had already figured out that the retired old man in front of him was the Rock King Emperor, but Fukalos had no intention of saying it.

And watching a Rock King Emperor being raped Funina's speechless look was so interesting that she naturally didn't stop her.

But fortunately, the arrival of Xiao Bai and Ying gave this retired old man a step forward.

"Personally, I suggest that it is better not to judge. You, the water god of the previous generation, want to judge the rock god of the previous generation, but it will cause conflicts between Liyue and Fendan."

Funina's expression stiffened slightly and then she looked at the retired old man:"Is he the Rock King?"

Funina couldn't understand that such a social waste could actually be Liyue's Rock King, Jun Xi?"

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