Xiao Bai looked at Funina who came to him crying, and said helplessly:"Even if you come to me, I can't do anything. After all, you are just Funina, not Fukaros. As a human being, you are naturally In terms of strength, it is not as good as the demon god Fukalos."

"Unfair, unfair, this is so unfair!"

Looking at Funina rolling on the ground, Xiao Bai's eyelids couldn't help but twitch slightly.

"Ms. Fulina, I have to remind you one thing now, that is, you are completely like a child who cannot get candy."

"I don’t care, I don’t care, I want it, I want it!"

Xiao Bai looked helplessly at Funina in front of him. After all, Xiao Bai still couldn't be cruel to this Funina.

"Okay, then I will give you a chance to have power, but the specifics will depend on your own luck. What kind of power you can get depends on your luck!"

"no problem!"

Fu Nina immediately stood up from the ground, and then came to Xiao Bai, her eyes shining with anticipation.

Xiao Bai took out a wad of power of faith and put it into Fu Nina's head. In front of him:"Then this power of faith is handed over to you. What kind of power you can get from using this power of faith depends purely on your own luck. If you are lucky, you can easily crush Fukalos. If you are unlucky, the most it will be is similar to the ordinary Eye of God."

As soon as she heard this sentence, Funina's face suddenly showed a tangled look. Then Funina raised her head and looked at Xiao Bai. Her eyes were obviously saying,"Help me."

"This thing shows what you desire most in your heart, so it can only be used by you. Although I can also give you other powers,It would be too boring to look like that, so try your best~"

"You guys just want to have fun, right?"

Funina saw through Xiao Bai's true purpose at a glance. This guy just wanted to have fun.

Xiao Bai smiled and didn't explain.

Funina was so angry that she picked up the power of faith like a puffer fish. , and then the power of faith gradually turned into a water-type eye of god in Funina's hands.

Seeing this scene, Funina was instantly dumbfounded, and the school bully just laughed unkindly. Nina looked at Xiao Bai and then at the Eye of God in her hand, and then rushed towards Xiao Bai:"It's you, it must be you, you just gave me the Eye of God, right?"

"Slandering you is pure slander. What I give you is not just the Eye of God. What I give you is undoubtedly the power of faith. This power of faith has enough power to make you the Water Dragon King, but It turns out that you just want the Eye of God in your heart?"

Fu Nina fell silent for a moment. Is it possible that she really just wants the Eye of God in her heart? How is this possible?

"It's so cute, Ms. Funina, I didn't expect that you just want the Eye of God in your heart. It's really beyond my expectation."

"Fake, fake, all of this is fake. You must have used some despicable means. Otherwise, what I got must be the authority of the Water God."

"Okay, now you have what you want, so do you have anything else to say, Ms. Funina?"

"You, you, damn it!!!"

Looking at Fu Nina, who was as angry as a puffer fish, Xiao Bai stretched out his hand and poked Fu Nina in the face, and immediately with a pop, Fu Nina was deflated.

"Ah, you bastard!"

"If the water god wanted to do it before, I would take it back."

"This one is mine now, how can you take it back."

When she heard that Xiao Bai was about to take back the Eye of God, Funina was stunned and snatched the Eye of God from Xiao Bai's hand. At the same time, she looked at Xiao Bai with an aggrieved face. Xiao Bai shook his head helplessly and then Reach out and touch Fulina's little head

"The Eye of God in your hand seems to be the Eye of God, but in fact it has power that is not weaker than the Heart of God, which means that you are now not inferior to any demon god."

"Really?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Funina's eyes suddenly lit up when she looked at Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai nodded affirmatively:"Of course it's true. Do you think I will lie to you?"

Funina immediately jumped up happily when she heard Xiao Bai's words:"Okay!"

"Then I'm leaving!"


"Although this is just a water-type Eye of God, it possesses power that is not inferior to the Heart of God!"

Holding her God's Eye, Funina put her hands on her hips and looked like she was really awesome.

Looking at Funina's happy look, Fukalos couldn't help but fell silent. The last words Fukalos looked at Fulina and said,"Do you think there is a possibility that Xiao Bai tricked you?"


"The Eye of God in your hand is actually an ordinary stone, and it doesn't even have the power to control the water element."


Looking at the blue eye of water god in her hand, Fu Nina had an unbelievable look in her eyes.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how could this be just an ordinary stone, fake, this must be fake!"

Funina picked up the Eye of God and tried hard to use the power of the Eye of God.

The next moment, the entire Mondstadt (Zhao Lihao) began to shake, and then there was a roar and gushes out from the ground. The endless water washed away the entire Mondstadt, and the entire city of Mondstadt was destroyed in an instant.[]

The Eye of God in Funina's hand fell directly to the ground.

The expressions on the other people's faces also became ugly.

"Xiao Bai Ci!"

Yukinoshita Yukino gritted his teeth.

Funina looked at the consequences she had caused with a look of fear on her face:"This, this, this, this has nothing to do with me."

Fukalos' eyelids also twitched, and then he picked up the Eye of God. After repeated confirmation, it was just an ordinary stone that could not feel any elemental power at all.

"This is obviously just an ordinary stone. How could it happen?"

The people of Fukalos were dumbfounded and couldn't understand what was going on..

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