After Xiao Bai left, Fukalos said to Funina next to him:"Now that the Random Gate is in our hands, we can travel to other places. Funina, is there any place you want to go?"

"Um, no"

"Why don't we go to Inazuma's side and have a look? I heard that Inazuma's side seems to be doing some big construction which is quite interesting, so why don't we go over and have a look. Funina glanced at Fukalos and immediately realized what Fukalos was going to do:"Are you planning to go over there to see how Inazuma built it and then bring the technology back to Fontaine?""

Funina could see the true purpose of Fukalos at a glance.

But after knowing the true purpose of Fukalos, Funina naturally chose to agree. After all, Funina also loved Fengdan very much. Dan, Funina has been guarding Fontaine for 500 years for this reason.

"Yes, I have this idea. After watching the construction of Mondstadt, I think Funina, you should be the same as me.

"Of course"

"So let's go."

Finally, the random door was opened, and Fukalos and Funina appeared in Inazuma.

Then Funina and Fukalos saw a scene that really surprised them.

This was in front of them. It was even more shocking than the Mondstadt I had seen before.

"Is this Rice Wife?"

Having completely transformed into a modern metropolitan rice wife, Funina and Fukalos couldn't be confident at all.

"If there are no accidents, this should be the rice wife, but it is also a bit unbelievable. I even doubt whether I have traveled to other worlds with the rice wife in front of me."

Fukalos took a breath and said, looking at the rice wife in front of him. Funina also nodded in agreement with this sentence.

That's right. Funina also agreed with what Fukalos said. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe that the person in front of you was actually Inazuma.

"Welcome to Inazuma Water Goddess Fukalos and Lady Funina."

The Thunder God appeared in front of Fukalos and Funina. Looking at the Thunder God in front of him, Fukalos recognized the person in front of him as Inazuma's God of Thunder.

When the Seven Gods gathered together, Fuka Ross had seen Raiden Makoto, so Fukalos was a little surprised when he saw Raiden Makoto, because Fukalos remembered that Raiden Makoto should have died 500 years ago, but now he is resurrected..

But then Fukalos understood that the reason why Raiden is alive again now is because of Xiao Bai. With Xiao Bai's help in resurrecting Fukalos, Fukalos felt that it would be difficult for Raiden to die even if he wanted to. After all, he was not the same. It was a person who died once, but the result was that he was resurrected by Xiao Bai

"I didn't expect that I would be able to meet you again. I thought it would be completely impossible to meet you again after the gathering of the Seven Gods."

Fukalos looked at Raiden Jin and said.

Raiden Jin smiled slightly and acknowledged what Fukalos said.

"That's right, who would have thought that there would be someone like Xiao Bai."

Raiden Zhen was also filled with emotions in his heart. Who could have imagined that there would be people like Xiao Bai, and people who died because of Xiao Bai could be resurrected.

Fukalos looked at Raiden Zhen and then Then he looked at the rice wife and asked Lei Dengzhen:"What's going on?""

Hearing Fukalos ask about Thunder and Lightning, there was a look of pride on his face. This rice wife is their hard work. They put in countless efforts to build it.

So after hearing Fukalos' question Leidenzhen told Fukalos the answer:"This is the result of our hard work for a long time."

With the existence of the main god, Raiden and the others can obtain an endless supply of building materials, design drawings, and machines used in various constructions as long as they work hard to complete various main god tasks. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novels Network!)

It can be said that they have spent countless efforts on this city, Leidenzhen, but fortunately, it is all worth it. Looking at the majestic city in front of them, Leidenzhen is full of pride. Fukalos looked at Raiden Zhen with a hesitant look on his face, and then asked Raiden Zhen:"Can you please go to Fontaine to help with the construction? Lei

Dian shook his head regretfully:"Unfortunately, this is not possible. Although I don't mind helping, the thing called the Lord God given by Xiao Bai cannot be used after leaving Dao Wife. The previous Daci Tree Wang Bu Yael also wanted me to help but unfortunately things didn't go as planned."

After hearing Raiden Zhen's words, a trace of disappointment flashed in Fukalos' eyes.

But then Fukalos asked Raiden Zhen again:"So, is there any achievement on the side of the Great Ci Tree King?"

"Buyer relies on her own void system to create a lot of machines. If you need it, you can buy machines from her. As for the design drawings, Buyer can also help with the design."

Fukalos's eyes lit up immediately after hearing this sentence.

This one can have

"Well, if that's the case, I won't bother you. I'm going to find Buyer now."

Thunderbolt looked at the impatient Fukaros and laughed:"It doesn't matter, anyway, you now have any door that can quickly travel to various places, so go ahead, and you are welcome to visit Inazuma later."

Fukalos nodded and then greeted Funina and immediately went to Xumi.

After arriving at Xumi, Fukalos' eyes were dull again. The Sumeru in front of him was still the Xu Mi he knew. Mi?

Shouldn’t Sumeru be mostly desert? There are only a small part of the rainforest, but this one in front of you[]

It feels like I haven’t been around for 500 years and now I don’t recognize myself in the whole of Teyvat.

"Is this Xumi?"

Looking at the boundless forest, Funina was completely confused.

Is this really Xumi?


Seeing this scene, Fukalos murmured to himself

"Welcome to Sumeru Water Goddess Fukalos and Lady Funina."

A gentle voice sounded B...

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