Xiao Bai's expression became calmer and calmer as he watched the messages one after another.

"I'm curious since when did Funina know these people?"

Xiao Bai could tell at a glance that there was someone behind it, and Xiao Bai quickly found out who was behind this incident.

Yukinoshita Yukino!

Xiao Bai frowned slightly. Yukinoshita Yukino's hands are a bit too long. Yukinoshita Yukino always likes to control them here and there.

"The control is a little too broad!"

Xiao Bai said this and then stopped talking. On the other side, a group of people who had not received Xiao Bai's reply immediately understood what Xiao Bai meant.

"Sure enough, this incident still caused Xiao Bai's dissatisfaction."

Nangong Nayue sighed and said

"There is nothing we can do about this. According to Xiao Bai's character, this look is not surprising, so we should stop it. If we continue, it will be troublesome if Xiao Bai really gets angry."

Shinomiya Kaguya said to the others

"This matter ends here. If you want to continue, please do it yourself. Rem will not ask the Master to do anything with you anymore."

No one else said anything after hearing Rem's words.

Sakurajima Mai said helplessly:"This matter has nothing to do with us, does it? To be precise, Xiao Bai didn’t harm anyone else, so let’s stop there."

"Having said that, Xiao Bai was a little too cautious."

Tsuchima Mi said softly.

"To get something, you must give something. If you want to get anything without giving anything, then the world will lose its fairness. Kuroyukihime said to the others, and a group of people started to argue about this matter, whether they should continue to persuade Xiao Bai.

Most people still chose to give up and no longer care about this matter.

After all, this matter has nothing to do with them.

They can't really force Xiao Bai to do anything.

Although Xiao Bai says he likes them, he won't always pamper them and agree to all their requests, and they also You must be self-aware.

This woman Yukinoshita Yukino must have aroused Xiao Bai's boredom this time. They don't want their women to get involved.

Ram looked at these women and said:"Don't think As long as the master loves you, he can do whatever he wants. Don’t forget that if the master really gets tired of you, then you will have to be thrown into the cold palace for no reason."

"Don't forget that the master has been an emperor. It is normal for those who obey me to prosper and those who go against me to perish."

The others didn't say anything. They also knew that what they said was right.

"All in all, we are not involved in this matter. If you want to continue, I will never stop you. But if Xiao Bai is thrown into the cold palace later, don't come to us crying to intercede for you."

Yakumo Purple gave some individuals a dose of vaccination in advance.

Sawamura Sayuri said speechlessly:"I don't think anyone will be so stupid to continue and participate in this matter."

Kasumigaoka Shiu glanced at Sawamura Sayuri and shut up silently.

Kato Megumi was a little distressed. Kato Megumi wanted to help, but Kato Megumi had also realized one thing.

It was right that she wanted to help, but she Whether you can help or not is the question. Don’t let yourself get involved instead of helping when the time comes. That’s not worth the loss.

Kobayashi Ryodan:"Ning Ning and I will not be involved in this matter. , pray for yourselves the best of luck."

Other people also (cfca) each expressed their disapproval of participation.

Yukinoshita Harano sighed helplessly about her sister!

Hayasaka Ai:"So that means we have the same opinion now, only Yukinoshita Yukino is a fool and still wants to make changes"

"I think it should be"

"What a headache."

Yunoshita Harano wanted to stop her idiot sister, but in a sense, her idiot sister was not the kind of person who could listen to what others said.

And at some point, once she recognized If something happens, my stupid sister will burst out with unimaginable persistence.

"Otherwise, go meet with Funina and persuade her to give up the matter. If Funina gives up, then Yukino will not continue to persist. If there is really no solution, the person who caused the problem will be punished. solved"

"I am more concerned about what kind of role Xiao Bai will play this time. As our message was sent out, Xiao Bai felt a trace of dissatisfaction in his heart, so I can say with certainty that Xiao Bai will definitely choose If you use the topic to play, then the problem is coming!"

"I'm very curious about what method Xiao Bai will choose to teach him a lesson."

The corner of Shinomiya Kaguya's mouth raised a smile. According to Shinomiya Kaguya's understanding of Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai must have been thinking about teaching the disobedient Yukinoshita Yukino a lesson.

Yukinoshita Yukino's The corners of his mouth twitched

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you!"

The helpless Yukinoshita Yono looked at the people in front of her and then thought of her disobedient and careless sister. If you say you want to build Mondstadt over there, just build Mondstadt. How can you be like this if you are doing well? The matter is related.

Is that guy Xiao Bai such an easy person to talk to?

Full of resentment in his heart, Yukinoshita Harano helplessly said to the others:"I will go and bring Yukino back now."

After saying that, Yukinoshita Harano left. Looking at Yukinoshita Harano who left, Shinomiya Kaguya showed a trace of ridicule.

"Since there is nothing else to do, let's break up. There is no need to hold meetings over such boring trivial matters in the future."

After Shinomiya Kaguya finished collecting, he took the others and left first.

"Speaking of which, there is also a Raiden Shinwa Rai movie and Yae Kamiko over there, should we go and take a look?"

Leiden Zhen from Zongman World said suddenly.

"Us in that world?

"Let's go and take a look. I'm also curious about what we are like in that world."

Zongman World's Yae Shenzi said after making a decision.

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