Riveria originally wanted to settle the score with Xiao Bai angrily, but unexpectedly, it turned into ridicule. She was ridiculed for a while, but Riveria didn't even retort. There was no excuse at all, and when she thought about this, Vilia was so angry that she felt bad all over.

However, when Riveria returned to Orario, she found that things were even worse. Ace's murder was exposed. Riveria was stunned when she found out about this.

Then Riveria's first thought was to find Ace.

However, before Riveria could move, Loki had already stopped in front of Riveria.

"Riveria, where are you going?"

"I want to go find Aisi, I want to stop Aisi, Xiao Bai wants to lure Aisi to fall, I will never let Xiao Bai's conspiracy succeed!"

Loki was silent for a moment after hearing Riveria's words, and then she said to Riveria:"It's too late, Ais can't turn back."

Loki had a sad look on his face and then told Riveria the truth.

Riveria instantly felt dizzy and then looked at Loki with an unbelievable look on his face.

"Why is this happening?"

Riveria's question caused a bitter smile to appear on Loki's face.

"Don’t you know why this is so?"

Riveria's body stiffened instantly. Don't you know why this happened?

Xiao Bai, it was because of Xiao Bai that she became like this!

Riveria's expression instantly became a little distorted.

That twisted Loki, whose expression was on the other side, couldn't help but worry about what would happen to Riveria, but fortunately, Riveria quickly regained her composure!

"Loki, what do you think, or do you just plan to watch Ais being wanted?"

After hearing Riveria's question, Loki fell silent for a moment without answering. Riveria stopped speaking.

"If that's the case, then I'll leave the Loki family and go find Ais!"

After hearing what Riveria said, Loki's expression changed slightly. Then he looked at Riveria in front of him and said,"Are you serious, Riveria?"(cjcf)

"I have taught Aisi since she was a child. Now that Aisi has made such a mistake, it is natural for me to correct Aisi's mistakes!"

Loki fell into silence after hearing Riveria's words. Riveria's words undoubtedly put all the faults in Ais on himself.

Riveria's awakening also made Loki felt it.

"In this case, I won't stop you Riveria, but remember one thing, you did not leave the Loki Familia but accepted my request to bring Ais back, even if Ais is at fault. We, the Loki Familia, need to judge it ourselves, and other people are not qualified to judge Ais."

Obviously Riveria hadn't thought that Loki would say such a thing. She looked at Loki in surprise, but Loki waved his hand.

"Okay, okay, don't worry about it. Then go find Aisi. You don't have to worry about other things."

After hearing Loki's words, Vilia pondered for a moment, and then said to Loki:"I understand, I will bring Ais back intact!"

"Then go quickly, I heard that the Ganesha family is hunting Ais"

"I see. Riveria immediately left without saying a word.

Not long after Riveria left, Loki asked:"What are your opinions?""(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Finn came out and said with a smile on his face:"Do you still need to ask about this? Of course we are going to bring back the members of our family!"

Grace pinched his beard and laughed the same way:"Isn't that the case? How can our companions be handed over to others for judgment!"


When Riveria arrived, Aisi was already surrounded by Ganesha Familia's Ganesha Staff Shakti Farma and her family members.

Although Aisi and Alicia tried their best to resist, they were ultimately unable to defeat the four-hander with two fists and were about to be defeated. But fortunately, Riveria came at this time and knew that she would definitely appear once she appeared. Riveria, who would become the target of public criticism, quietly began to chant magic, and a subsequent magic directly turned most of the Ganesha family members into ice sculptures.

However, Riveria, who had the power of the controller, did not kill these adventurers, she just made them incapacitated.


After seeing this magic, Shakti Farma immediately knew who had done the good deed.

However, Riveria did not show up and just shouted to Ais secretly:"Let's go!"

Ais immediately led Alicia out of the encirclement, and then under the cover of Riveria, they broke through the encirclement.

But at this moment, a person suddenly stopped Fu who was trying to escape from Ais. A member of Leia's family, the goddess's chariot catman Allen!

"I can't let you go like this. This is a great opportunity to attack Loki's family."

With an arrogant smile on his face, Allen looked at Aisi with ridicule in his eyes.

Riveria was anxious in her eyes, but at this moment a figure suddenly moved towards Allen attacked and Finn attacked Allen with a gun.

"Ace, don't even think about escaping."

Finn said, but he stopped between Ace and Allen.

Riveria looked at Finn and the others with a flash of shock in their eyes. She didn't expect that Finn was here too.

But soon Vilia realized that this matter might not be as simple as it seemed.

There was Finn between Aisi and Allen. If Allen wanted to attack Aisi, he would have to break through Finn. That is to say The Loki Familia did not come to capture Ais but instead helped Ais to escape.

Although Ais did not understand, Alicia immediately saw it and pulled Ais and started to escape. The other Loki Familia were It's to cover Ais's escape.


Eren had obviously seen through the purpose of the Loki Familia and was furious, but he couldn't stop it.

Soon Aisi disappeared one by one under the cover of the Loki Familia.

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