Xiao Bai never expected that Astraea would agree to his conditions. A god would agree to become a toy for a few humans. He must be mentally ill.

"Since you want to agree so much, let me see if you will regret it."

Looking at Astraea in front of him coldly.

Xiao Bai snapped his fingers and then the next moment Xiao Bai said to Astraea:"All the members of your family have been resurrected, so I will give you one day to go and talk to Astraea. Get along well with your family members and you won't have free time anymore!"

Asteria took a deep breath

"I see."

Then Astraea left Xiao Bai. He just looked at the protagonist Astraea leaving with a disdainful smile.

Xiao Bai wanted to see how long this hypocritical god of"Nine Seven Seven" would last. She will regret it later.

Xiao Bai is now looking forward to this hypocritical god crying and begging him to let her go, and then he will let this god kill her resurrected family members with his own hands. It would be interesting to die like this.

Suddenly, a person appeared in front of Xiao Bai. Looking at the person who appeared, Xiao Bai raised his eyebrows slightly.

"What's up?"

Looking at Nangong Nayue who appeared in front of him, Xiao Bai asked. Nangong Nayue looked at Xiao Bai helplessly:"I don't want to come if I can, but obviously I have to come. Xiao

Bai didn't care what Nangong said that month and said directly:"If you have anything to say, just tell me.""

Nangong Nayue:"You have gone too far, so I have to warn you!"

"Advise me?"

Looking at Nangong Na Yue Xiao Bai's brows suddenly wrinkled in front of him.

"Yes, it’s time to give you a good warning and see what you are doing now."

Xiao Bai looked at Nangong Nayue in front of him expressionlessly.

"You are now obsessed with having fun and have not considered the situation of other people at all. Do you think this is good? Just like the goddess Astraea just now, why did you decide that the other party must be hypocritical rather than truly kind?"

Xiao Bai said nothing and looked at Nangong Nayue in front of him.

"This time I am just here to remind you that you are now falling into evil ways, and sooner or later you will change to the point where we don’t recognize you!"

Xiao Bai looked at Nangong Nayue in front of him without speaking, just staring silently.

Nangong Nayue was so shocked that he said:"If you don't listen, I can't help it. I just follow what I should do. I’m telling you this. Whether you listen or not is beyond my control."

Xiao Bai was silent for a moment and then looked at Nangong Nayue.

"I don't think I did anything wrong!"

Nangong Nayue's eyes showed disappointment.

"In this case, I have nothing more to say. I will go back first."


Nangong Nayue's footsteps that were about to leave paused slightly and turned to look at Xiao Bai.

"But since you said so, I really need to reflect on whether I really did something wrong."

Nangong looked at Xiao Bai that month with a smile on his face. As long as Xiao Bai is willing to listen to his advice, everything can still be saved. At least Xiao Bai will not become that bad.

"Maybe you don’t feel it at all, but I have to remind you that you have deviated from the right path now. Just like Astraea just now, you seemed to feel that the other person was not a good person from the first moment you met her. Don’t you Willing to believe in the kindness of the other person, but instinctively paranoid that the other person is just hypocritical."

There is absolutely no way to deny or refute this sentence.

Xiao Bai did instinctively think that the other party was hypocritical from the bottom of his heart.

"I think you really need to change. Otherwise, if you continue like this, I'm worried that one day you will completely turn into a fun person, and then continue to cause all kinds of tragedies."

"When you were facing Astraea just now, were you thinking in your heart that if Astraea is really hypocritical, then when Astraea regrets it in the future, let Astra Leah killed those members of her family with her own hands?"

Xiao Bai stared at Nangong Nayue with eyes full of horror. How did Nangong Nayue know what he was thinking in his heart? This is simply disturbing, okay? Is it possible that Nangong Nayue really Did you guess it yourself?

But is that possible?

Or is it that I really don’t have any secrets in their hearts now?

Or that their understanding of themselves really makes them understand themselves very well, just a simple Based on his own guesses, he guessed what Xiao Bai was thinking, but is this possible?

Xiao Bai originally didn't think that they could guess his thoughts, but now Xiao Bai found that it seemed that the other party might really guess. Out?

But is this reasonable?

Xiao Bai secretly wondered in his heart, but then Xiao Bai looked at Nangong Nayue...

"We are the people who know you best, and we can also naturally know what is thinking in your heart."

Xiao Bai looked at Nangong Nayue with some doubts in his eyes, but on the surface he didn't say anything more. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After all, Nangong Nayue came here with good intentions. Xiao Bai couldn't deny it, and Xiao Bai couldn't refute what Nangong Nayue said.

The expression on Xiao Bai's face gradually became weird.

Xiao Bai, who was complaining in his heart, looked at Nangong Nayue in front of him:"Although I don’t know how you happened to know what I was thinking, but this time, you are right."

Nangong Nayue was also sweating for himself in his heart.

Xiao Bai was very good and had no intention of continuing to delve into 0.5. Otherwise, Nangong Nayue really didn't know how he should explain this matter.


Looking at Xiao Bai in front of him, Nangong asked Xiao Bai that month:"So how do you plan to solve this matter now?"

"whats the matter?"

Xiao Bai looked at Nangong Nayue with confusion on his face.

Nangong Nayue:"???"

"It's about the goddess Astraea. You should give me an explanation or a solution.

Xiao Bai looked at Nangong Nayue with a puzzled face:"Explanation?" Explain what? What should be solved? Looking at Xiao Bai in front of him, Nangong raised his eyebrows that month and said,"Shouldn't you solve Aisi's matter?"".

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