Fu Nina looked at Xiao Bai with a hint of confusion in her eyes. Fu Nina has not yet made a decision about whether she wants to stay. What will happen to Fu Nina if she stays? Clear as day.

If you don't want to stay, then the best thing is to leave. But the problem is what will Yukinoshita Yukino do if she leaves like this?

Because of her own reasons, Yukinoshita Yukino was disgusted by Xiao Bai, so this was something Funina could never accept.

So looking at Xiao Bai in front of her, Funina said to Xiao Bai:"If you can forgive Xueno, then I can stay"

"In this case, I agree and I forgive Yukino!"

Xiao Bai boldly agreed to Funina's request and expressed that he forgave Yukinoshita Yukino.

After hearing this, Funina had a complicated expression on her face, but in the end she did not leave.

Then Funina seemed to He said to Xiao Bai as if he was showing off:"Okay, then whatever you want to do, just do it to me, who makes me so attractive like this!""

Xiao Bai couldn't help but complained after hearing this sentence:"You are really narcissistic, Funina, but I'm sorry that I refused. In fact, I had already forgiven Xueno before, so You don't need to do this kind of useless work at all. Funina was stunned for a moment and then her face gradually turned red:"You perverted bastard, you go to hell - ah!""

Obviously, I have convinced you that I have been tricked by Xiao Bai. I rushed directly in front of Xiao Bai and punched your chest with a small fist.

Xiao Bai couldn't help but fell into deep thought when he saw the gangster excitement punch you used. , should I do some beastly things? I always feel that if I don’t do it, I’ll be sorry for myself. Sure enough, I might as well do it. He reached out and hugged Funina. Xiao Bai looked at Funina in front of him. Na said calmly:"You seem to have misunderstood something. Although I have forgiven Yukino, it does not mean that I will let you go."

Funina, who was held in Xiao Bai's arms, trembled slightly. Obviously, Funina didn't expect that Xiao Bai didn't intend to let her go.

"Damn it, you're such a hateful guy."

Funina was held in Xiao Bai's arms. She knew in her heart that there was a high probability that she would be doomed this time. She felt a little unwilling in her heart. If she had a choice, Funina still hoped to be in a more romantic situation. Next, she completed her ritual. Unfortunately, seeing that Xiao Bai looked very much like a man, Hu Mingna knew that she had no choice.

Xiao Bai looked at Funina and chuckled, then snapped his fingers, and the surrounding scene changed in an instant.

Funina looked at the scene in front of her in surprise.

"here it is?"

Funina looked at Xiao Bai in front of her, smiled, and then replied:"I will give you the romance you want, and you have to give me what I want."

Funina immediately rolled her eyes at Xiao Bai after hearing this.

However, she was still very satisfied with the attitude given by Xiao Bai. After all,

Xiao Bai did not throw him directly on the bed and then forcibly tore his clothes into pieces and entered his body. It was enough.

After giving Fu Nina the romantic life she wanted, Xiao Bai successfully obtained Fu Nina's first blood.


"Oops, it looks like Funina succeeded."

Fukalos said with emotion.

For Fukalos, nothing is simpler than this.

Fukalos can easily feel what Funina is doing.

Fukalos Los sighed helplessly.

Although he said that he was responsible for this incident, Fukalos also understood one thing. This was probably the best choice.

Keqing looked at Fukalos:"Why do you do this? Such a thing?"

Keqing couldn't understand why Fukalos behaved like this.

"Because Fu Nina likes it, I can only help Fu Nina a little bit."

When Ke Qing heard this sentence, her whole body felt bad. There are still people who like a guy like Xiao Bai?

"How could anyone like a guy like Xiao Bai? Funina looked at Keqing who said this with a strange expression on her face:"Look at what you said, it sounds like you don't like Xiao Bai.""

Keqing's face turned red and then she said with quibbles:"Who likes that guy?"

"Okay, okay, if you don’t like Fu Nina, it’s okay if she does."

Fukalos rolled his eyes and didn't want to pay attention to Keqing.

Seeing Fukalos' appearance, Keqing was a little speechless. Since Keqing didn't want to admit it, he wouldn't force Keqing to admit it.

"Fu Nina's mission has been completed. If you need it, I can help you find a way to cook the raw rice quickly."

"I don’t need Keqing to directly and arrogantly retort after hearing what Fukaros said."

Forget it if Fukalos doesn't want to mention this matter anymore, Fukalos is too lazy to think about it that much. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Keqing saw that Fukalos didn't speak. I'm a little speechless, but I originally wanted to ask about it, but I've decided not to do it now.

"By the way, I have a question."

Suddenly Keqing thought of something and asked Fukalos on the side.

"By the way, is Funina human now?"

"Because of Xiao Bai, Funina is now a demon."

"Then I think Funina should also have strong power, right?"

Fukalos looked at Keqing with a strange smile on his face.

"If you want, you can go to Xiao Bai. I believe Xiao Bai will be very happy!"

Keqing snorted coldly and said:"I don't need it, I will rely on my own efforts."

"Keqing really has character, but sometimes hard work may not pay off."

Looking at Keqing in front of him, Fukalos sighed and said

"I go first."

After Keqing finished speaking, she turned around and left Fukaros. Looking at Keqing leaving, a playful smile appeared on her face.

"Your mouth is really tough, Keqing, but your body is very honest."[]

Fukalos said to himself, and then he didn’t know where his thoughts went.

"Be happy, Funina!"

Fukalos said this with a tone that sounded like a blessing.

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