"Trees and sea? I never imagined that this world could be so dangerous."

Knowing that the world is in danger, the faces of a group of people changed.

"Xiao Bai had said before that the world of Teyvat would be destroyed one day, but he did not expect that it would be in such a way."

Xiao Bai once promised that Ningguang would be taken away even if Tiyvat destroyed Liyue, but he didn't expect that the crisis of destruction was imminent.

"The maintainer of heaven's law began to countdown to the destruction of Teyvat from the moment the opponent was suppressed by Xiao Bai."

A voice suddenly came from a crystal ball.

Captain Qin showed a trace of surprise on his face:"Ms. Alice"

"Yes, I am informing you about this this time. Because of the broken eggshell, the current border situation is very bad, so the time has come when we need you. Girls, go and save the world."

It's obviously about saving the world, but from Alice's mouth, I heard the elements of going to the theater and so on.

"Something is wrong, very much something is wrong, Ms. Alice."

Captain Qin still knows a little bit about Alice, so when Alice said these words, Captain Qin instantly realized that Alice's purpose may not be as simple as it seems on the surface. In other words,

Alice Si didn't have such a simple idea when she informed them of this incident.

"Ms. Alice, what exactly do you want to do?"

"Of course I want to see you girls save the world!"

Captain Qin said expressionlessly:"Ms. Alice, please stop joking. Please tell me your true purpose now."

"Oops, Qin is getting less and less cute. You can save the world of Teyvat by just doing what I say, so why bother asking questions."

Facing Alice, Captain Huaqin continued to say to Alice:"Ms. Alice, Keli always likes to fry fish. At the same time, various bombs are often detonated due to some accidents. , so you don’t want Keli to be beaten either!"

The rest of the people looked at Captain Qin with a look of astonishment on his face. They didn't seem to think that Captain Qin would use this to threaten Alice.

However, Captain Qin had no expression on his face.

"Ms. Alice, you don’t want Keli to get hurt, right? Captain Qin

's words once again broke Alice's guard:"You are so despicable, Qin!""

"So what are your options? Do you want to tell me what you want to know, or wait until I beat up Keli and show you her crying expression?"

"Hey Hey hey. Hey Hey hey. You don't mean it. Keli is so cute, how can you bear to beat Keli?"

"It seems that you are not happy, Ms. Alice. In that case, I won’t say anything more to you. Now I am going to beat up Kelly. To be honest, I have wanted to beat up Kelly for a long time."

The next moment, a person suddenly appeared and grabbed Captain Qin.

Looking at the enlarged version of Keli, Captain Qin grabbed Alice with his backhand and then said to Alice:"Then please take you now. Tell me everything you know, otherwise I'm not sure what I will do"

"You, you, damn it, I was fooled!"

Alice looked at Captain Qin with a deceived expression on his face.

"Then, Ms. Alice, please tell me everything you know."

"I don't know, I don't know anything!"

Although she has been caught now, Alice is still stubborn and refuses to say anything. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Now you have a chance to teach Ms. Alice a lesson (bbaa). If anyone wants to teach Ms. Alice a lesson, do it now."

As soon as they heard this sentence, the people who originally had a grudge against Alice looked at Alice with unkind eyes.

"Damn it, you actually plotted against me!"

Knowing that she had fallen into Captain Qin's design, Alice had an expression of dissatisfaction on her face.

"Ms. Alice, this is not the time to joke with you. Please tell us what exactly you have predicted."

Knowing that there are prophets and diviners in Alice's witch guild, they must have discovered something. Captain Yiqin asked directly what he wanted to know without any nonsense.

But at this moment, Captain Qin But he found that Alice was completely non-violent and non-cooperative, and a vein jumped on her forehead.

"If you are so uncooperative, don't blame me for being rude."

After saying that, Captain Qin directly asked his sister and Lisa to hold down Alice, and gently tickled Alice's soles with a feather. With the help of Raiden Jin and others, a group of Alice was unable to resist under the control of others. In the end, Alice obviously had to compromise. After all, if she resisted to the end, she would only be ruined by these individuals, so Alice gave up.

"I tell you it’s okay."

Then Alice tidied up her messy clothes, rolled her eyes at Captain Qin and the others, and then said:"The eggshell of this world has been broken. You should already know this, but after the egg I wanted was broken, it was originally There are still guardians of heavenly principles maintaining it, but now"

"The Quantum Sea has begun to erode this world. This world has been eroded. It will take up to half a year for this world to be completely eroded by the Quantum Sea."

"How could it be possible that Xiao Bai didn't say that there would be at least dozens or even hundreds of years left?"

Lisa immediately thought of what Xiao Bai said before. It will take at least tens to hundreds of years for this world to be eroded by the quantum sea.

However, Alice looked at Lisa:"When will we The witch trusts others so easily"

"You mean Xiao Bai is lying to us?"

Ning Guang looked at Alice and asked

"Yes, Xiao Bai is lying to you. As long as this world is destroyed, Xiao Bai can say that he has no knowledge at all and he can also say that he can shift the responsibility to other people, such as the Winter Fools."

"By then, Teyvat will have been destroyed. Is it possible for you to kill Xiao Bai even if you are angry again?"

Everyone was immediately speechless. It was exactly as Alice said.

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