Because of Xiao Bai's words, a group of people suddenly became furious.

Even Xiang Ling looked at his unscrupulous master with a hint of complaint in his eyes.

Xiao Bai looked at these people and picked out his ears and said:"Okay, okay, I know that all of you are suffering and grudges, but there is no need for you to look at me like this, I didn't do anything to you. What's going on?"

After hearing what Xiao Bai said, all the girls present had unpleasant looks on their faces.

Although it is true that this matter has nothing to do with Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai's appearance undoubtedly attracts hatred, so people now look at Xiao Bai with anger and shame in their eyes.

Hutao rolled her eyes at Xiao Bai angrily and said,"Don't stop talking nonsense on the"390" side and tell us directly whether we can solve the problem this time."

Xiao Bai spread his hands and his meaning was obvious. It's self-evident.

However, these people had already seen through Xiao Bai and looked at Xiao Bai and sneered.

"Don't think we don't know, you guys have a way to tell us quickly."

Xiao Bai looked at Hu Tao with a speechless expression. So what do these girls think of themselves as omnipotent wishing machines?

But it seems that it is not impossible. He can definitely say that he is omnipotent. There is nothing wrong.

"Master, please help me!"

Xiang Ling looked at Xiao Bai in front of him with a pleading expression and said, the only one who can help Xiang Ling at this time is Xiao Bai.

After taking a look at Xiang Ling, Xiao Bai scratched his head. After all, he is his Apprentice, no matter what, I still want to help, even though he usually doesn't care at all and always adopts a free-range mode.

Then Xiao Bai looked at Xiang Ling, with a bad smile on his face:"Spread the recipe!"

Xiang Ling shook her head after hearing Xiao Bai's words:"No, no, that recipe must not be leaked out, otherwise the entire Teyvat continent will be in chaos."

Xiao Bai's light words made Xiangling and everyone present fall into silence:"So now, do you think the people in Teyvat are not in chaos?"

"But the current chaos is only limited to Liyue, but if the genealogy is spread, the entire Teyvat continent will fall into chaos. We cannot engulf the entire Teyvat continent for our own selfish interests. Get into the chaos!"

Ke Qing scolded Xiao Bai sternly.

However, Xiao Bai looked at Ke Qing with a faint smile on her face and said,"How can you be sure that Tiyvat will fall into chaos?"But I said that Tiyvat will not fall into chaos. Do you believe it?"

How could people who listened to what Xiao Bai said believe this? How could they believe what Xiao Bai said? Once those recipes are announced, the entire Teyvat will be in huge chaos. To put it bluntly

, When the time comes, Xiang Ling will become the sinner of the entire Teyvat.

Thinking of this incident, Xiang Ling instantly felt bad!

Xiao Bai smiled contemptuously:"Then I only want to ask you one question now. , can they make this kind of buns with Xiangling's cooking skills?"

"Or do you really think you can make steamed buns just by following the recipe?"

"The heart of the kitchen is the most critical issue. Otherwise, if you really catch a few slimes and make them into buns, you can awaken the elemental power?"

Xiao Bai has long seen through the key to making Xiangling's buns, which requires the chef's intention. If you just follow the recipe to make buns, it is impossible to make Xiangling's kind of buns.

Xiangling heard After Xiao Bai's words, his eyes suddenly lit up, right?

The reason why he can make such buns is because he is the chef who makes buns, but if it were replaced by other people, they would be able to make the same buns. Baozi? The answer is obviously no, it’s impossible.

Xiang Ling immediately looked at Xiao Bai with admiration:"Master, you are so awesome!"

After hearing Xiang Ling's words, Xiao Bai raised his head with a proud expression on his face:"It's good to know, and you guys are so self-righteous, who do you think I am!"

Ke Qing glanced at Xiao Bai and then sneered. What kind of person are you? Don't you have a little bit of trouble in your heart?

However, Ke Qing did not attack Xiao Bai. After all, Xiao Bai did help this time. I'm busy, so let Xiao Bai be proud for the time being......

Anyway, Xiao Bai did help this time

"So now I will arrange this matter immediately. I must calm down all the people in Liyue as soon as possible."

"Wait, there's another question. What would happen if those individuals got the recipe and found that what they made was unable to awaken the elemental power?"

"This matter is not simple, that is because they are not capable"

"But what if they want Xiangling to make it?"

One sentence instantly silenced everyone.

"They would decide on Xiang Ling after they couldn't do it themselves, and the result would still not have changed at all."

Xiao Bai next to him sneered:"I wonder if you are mentally ill? If these unscrupulous people are like this, then why are you talking to each other? Just kill each other. What a group of unscrupulous people. That’s all, I’m just too used to them."

Xiao Bai obviously feels that these people are a little too soft-hearted.

They are just a group of unruly people. There is no need to coddle them.

What else did Ke Qing want to say? Hu Tao next to him nodded and acknowledged what Xiao Bai said:"Xiao Bai, this Although what the guy said was a little harsh, he had to admit that what Xiao Bai said was reasonable. If the other party is still pestering him then there is no need to pay attention to it. If he dares to cause trouble, he will be sent away directly. Keqing rang for a moment and then said:"I will discuss this matter with Ningguang carefully. Xiangling, please give us some more time and we will definitely handle this matter!""

"Then I’ll leave it to you, Keqing. After this matter is over, I will thank you properly and make you your favorite golden shrimp balls."

"Then I would be disrespectful."

After Keqing finished speaking, she hurriedly left.

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