Draco Malfoy, who was hit by Cruciatus, immediately lay on the ground and started wailing and screaming.

The two little followers around Draco Malfoy were already frightened when they saw this scene. They could not imagine that such a thing would happen.

Someone actually dared to use the Unforgivable Curse in front of so many people. He was simply a lunatic.

Xiao Bai really ignored it and raised the wand in his hand and waved it at Draco in front of him. Suddenly Draco's mouth disappeared and he could not make any sound at all.

He could only roll on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Bai raised the magic wand in his hand and cast another spell.

"Cut out the bone"


Cassandra directly hit Xiao Bai with a disarming spell, but Xiao Bai casually waved the magic"130" staff to disperse Cassandra's disarming spell.

"Do you also want to try the Cruciatus Curse?"

Xiao Bai looked at Cassandra indifferently without any emotion in her life.

Xiao Bai would really use the concentration spell on Cassandra. As long as Cassandra stopped him, Xiao Bai would not hesitate. He cast a spell on the opponent.

Cassandra pursed her lips and felt the malice emanating from Xiao Bai's body.

"Sir, although Draco Malfoy deserved it, using the Cruciatus Curse was a step too far, he was only a child."

Xiao Bai looked at Hermione speechlessly, saying as if you were not a child.

But in the end, Xiao Bai did not continue to torture the other party.

He took back the wand. In any case, what Hermione Granger said was not wrong.

A little lesson will be enough. If you really care about Draco Malfoy, it would be a bit embarrassing. It is really embarrassing for a big man and a little brat to care about this kind of thing.

I didn't see Xiao Bai again. Hermione breathed a sigh of relief as she continued to work. Cassandra just quickly came to Draco and then used a magic spell on Draco. In an instant, Draco, who was screaming and wailing, fell into a coma. Go over.

Looking at the unconscious Draco, Cassandra asked Draco's two followers to take Draco away.

Then Cassandra said to Xiao Bai:"You just use magic wantonly like this." Aren't you worried about trouble coming to your door?"

Xiao Bai showed a mocking smile!

"If anyone dares to trouble me, I welcome them with both hands."

After hearing this, Kassandra's face showed a trace of dissatisfaction. Obviously, Kassandra felt that Xiao Bai was a bit too pretentious for Xiao Bai's words.

But Kassandra did not say anything. Now Cassandra knows very well that she is no match for Xiao Bai, so no matter what she says now, it is useless.

But in her heart, Cassandra secretly vowed that she must do well after her strength improves. Cassandra was trying to teach the person in front of her.

It was hard for Cassandra to imagine who the person in front of her was and why he could use the Unforgivable Curse without any psychological burden.

Even the other person had no emotions when using the Unforgivable Curse. Any change.

Cassandra knew very well the prerequisites for using the Unforgivable Curse.

If you want to use the Killing Curse, you must have the intention to kill, and if you want to use the Cruciatus Curse, you must have the idea of ​​torturing the opponent.

But in the end, Hanyu Xian Yi didn't have similar emotions at all but he did use it.

If you don't understand, just ask

"Why can you cast the Unforgivable Curse without any emotion?"

"Do you still need to ask? I have told you before that it doesn't matter what kind of spell you want to use magic. As long as your will is strong enough, it doesn't matter whether it is a magic spell or something else."

Cassandra thought about what happened in the wand shop before.

Hermione on the other side was still a little confused about what was going on.

Cassandra and Hermione spoke in a low voice. Finally, Hermione began to think about whether what Xiao Bai said made sense. Is it reasonable to simply rely on will to change the use of magic spells?

No matter how you think about it, there is something wrong..When did the magic spell become so simple?

Cassandra is not too willing to believe Xiao Bai's words, but she really can't think of any other reason other than that..........

Xiao Bai ignored the thoughts of Cassandra and Hermione. At this moment, Xiao Bai was immersed in his own world.

I don't know how much time passed like this. There was a burst of chaotic footsteps outside the carriage, and then a group of people violently opened the door of the carriage.

This voice brought Xiao Bai back to his senses. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then Xiao Bai looked at the people in front of him with a trace of dissatisfaction flashing in his eyes.

"I hope the best thing you can do now is to give me a reason, otherwise I can't guarantee what will happen to you."

For these people who disturbed him, Xiao Bai's eyes were full of displeasure.

"It was him, the one who used the Unforgivable Curse on Draco!"

Draco Malfoy's two little followers shouted to the other people. When Xiao Bai saw this scene, a trace of irritation flashed in his eyes. He took out his hand and directly took out the wand and then fired it at the person in front of him. The curse passed.

Everyone fell silent at the moment of this curse.

Xiao Bai sneered and looked at the people in front of him with a trace of murderous intent in their eyes, but Xiao Bai quickly removed this trace of murderous intent. The murderous intention was suppressed.

Killing these individuals would be too harsh on these people.

However, some lessons are still needed.

Xiao Bai just waved the magic 4.4 in his hand, and all of these individuals suddenly looked like one. He fell to the ground like a puddle of mud.

"what have you done!"

Seeing this scene, Hermione stood up in shock and looked at Xiao Bai.

"It just removed all the bones in their limbs, a simple bone-removing spell."

Xiao Bai's words, Hermione and Cassandra fell into silence. What is a simple bone-drawing spell? Does Xiao Bai know what consequences his magic will have?[]

These people are very likely to die because of this thing if they are not careful.

"Don't you think this look is a bit excessive?"

"I don’t think so at all, I even think it’s nothing!"

"You are truly a hopeless lunatic."

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