The dog didn't fall asleep at all the whole night.

All night long, Voldemort had been thinking about one thing with his eyes open, which was why he had become like this and ended up in this situation. However, after thinking about it, Voldemort came up with a result.

Because he is a Horcrux!

If the person in the Horcrux was not him, then he would not have met Xiao Bai. If he had not met Xiao Bai, he would not have been turned into a dog, so all this is Voldemort's fault.

After Xiao Bai woke up, he glanced at Voldemort:"Let's take you to class today!"

After saying that, regardless of whether Voldemort was willing or not, he just took the dog leash and walked out. The little Hogwarts wizards passing by Everyone showed surprise in their eyes when they saw Xiao Bai with a dog.

But then they looked at Xiao Bai with strange eyes. Each of these individuals wanted to see how the professor would deal with them when Xiao Bai brought a dog to class.

Xiao Bai walked directly into the classroom with the dog.

Professor McGonagall's Animagus on the podium immediately glared at Xiao Bai, obviously very dissatisfied with Xiao Bai's behavior of bringing a dog to class.

"Mr. Xiaobai, we are giving lessons to the little wizard, not to a dog."

When the Voldemort dog heard this sentence, he looked at Professor McGonagall with murderous intent in his eyes.

After Xiao Bai heard this sentence, he just kicked the Voldemort dog next to him and then said lightly:"Listen When you get there, no one will call you a dog, and you don't need to use magic to show the other person."

This dog directly hit Professor McGonagall with an Avada Kedavra. In an instant, Professor McGonagall rolled on the spot to avoid the Avada Kedavra.

Then McGonagall Professor Ge looked at the dog in disbelief. Then Xiao Bai said to Professor McGonagall:"So do you have any other opinions now? Professor McGonagall" glanced at the dog warily, and then Professor McGonagall looked at the dog in front of him. Xiao Bai asked:"What the hell are you doing, Mr. Xiao Bai!""

Looking at Xiao Bai in front of him, Professor McGonagall stood up to question Xiao Bai.

However, Xiao Bai just answered calmly to Professor McGonagall:"It's just to prove that this dog has the qualifications to be in this classroom.."

Professor McGonagall's face turned red with anger. After sleeping, Professor McGonagall looked at Xiao Bai in front of her and said,"In that case, then you should watch over this dog for me. If it dares to use Avada Kedavra again, Then you and he will both go to Azkaban."

Professor McGonagall's roar really made Xiao Bai feel a little funny:"I would like to go to Azkaban to have a look, but the problem is that some people don't dare. Otherwise, Professor McGonagall, how about you send me to Azkaban?"

Looking at Professor McGonagall in front of him, Xiao Bai said with a faint smile, and Professor McGonagall's face turned ugly!

Of course Professor McGonagall knew that what Xiao Bai said was not false, but Professor McGonagall was really sincere in her heart. It was uncomfortable, and Xiao Bai was simply daring.

But after all, Professor McGonagall didn't say anything, and Xiao Bai kicked the Voldemort dog:"If you continue to hit you casually, I don't guarantee that I will treat you." Do something! Voldegou glanced at Xiao Bai and said nothing.

Voldegou's heart was now full of fear for Xiao Bai, because the moment Voldegou found out that he couldn't die even if he wanted to, Voldegou became really scared. He wanted to die. No, so the current Voldemort dogs have basically completely lost their temper, and with the collar around their necks, the Voldemort dogs will be in pain whenever they have the slightest thought.

So the current Voldemort dogs have completely become Xiao Bai's At least now, the dog dared not resist Xiao Bai at all.

As time passed, other students came to the classroom one by one. This time, Patch was in class with Ravenclaw. The class was over After that, Professor McGonagall immediately ran to Dumbledore angrily to find out what Xiao Bai wanted to do. A dog dared to use the Avada Kedavra. What did Xiao Bai want to do? After arriving at the principal's office, the professor directly faced Dumbledore fired:"Dumbledore, tell me exactly what happened to that student who brought a dog with him that could use the Avada Kedavra!"

Dumbledore immediately fell silent after hearing this. Then Dumbledore replied to Professor McGonagall:"Professor McGonagall, you don't have to worry about this matter. As long as the other party doesn't kill anyone, then everything will be fine. he goes!

After hearing Dumbledore's words, Professor McGonagall immediately became excited:"If you don't explain it clearly to me today, Dumbledore, then I will never let it go, even if I go to the Ministry of Magic." Solve this matter!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Hearing Professor McGonagall say this, Dumbledore immediately felt a headache. Should he tell Professor McGonagall about Xiao Bai?

Because after repeated Dumbledore decided to tell Professor McGonagall about this matter.

When Professor McGonagall heard what Dumbledore said, he suddenly felt bad:"Dumbledore, are you kidding me?"

"Do you think I'm kidding you? Are you kidding me about something like this?"

Professor McGonagall suddenly fell into endless silence.

If what Dumbledore said were true, then this world would really be in danger.

"Dumbledore, why didn’t you say something like this earlier!!!"

Looking at Professor McGonagall in front of him, Dumbledore's mouth twitched.

"Can you talk about this kind of thing casually? But if there is a problem, then the whole world will be over. The other party just uses a little bit of the power of his body and the world will begin to break."

Professor McGonagall was so angry that her head hurt. Professor McGonagall Now I have the urge to open Dumbledore's head and see what is inside Dumbledore's head.

"Dumbledore, you better not be lying to me, otherwise this matter will never be over."

After giving Dumbledore a fierce look, Professor McGonagall left. Looking at Professor McGonagall leaving, Dumbledore could only smile silently and bitterly.

"I don't want to either, but"

Dumbledore finally said nothing more and sighed silently in his heart..

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