After getting the coordinates of the two worlds of God Slayer and One Piece, Xiao Bai suddenly lost interest in the Harry Potter world, no matter how much he tossed this world, it was just like that.

Therefore, Xiao Bai obviously plans to change to another world, and before going to another world, this side of the Harry Potter world has to be closed.

Just when Xiao Bai was thinking about solving the matter of the Harry Potter world, a diary suddenly appeared in the hands of Hermione and Kassandra on the other side.

A hint of shock flashed in the eyes of Hermione and Kassandra when they saw the diary.

Then they looked through the diary, Hermione and Kassandra then found the diary chat group, and the last two people asked for help through the chat group like other diary holders, and the other "860" diary holders had two thoughts about this, one was that they didn't want to meddle in things, and the other was that they felt that Xiao Bai was doing too much.

Eventually, Tifa decides to do a favor and arrives in the world of Harry Potter.

Seeing Tifa coming, a trace of surprise flashed on Xiao Bai's face: "Why are you here?"

"Coming here to take a look at the same time can be regarded as preventing you from continuing to do bad things, no one in this world has offended you, why do you look like this for this world. "

"I didn't do anything, did I? those wizards were arrested and sent to the dissecting table, purely because the Muggles in this world had nothing to do with me, I just removed the magic of the wizards in this world, and I didn't do anything else. "

Tifa glanced at Xiao Bai.

"Even if it's not your own hands, but it has something to do with you, you can be regarded as indirectly killing those people, so let's just play here, stop it!"

Xiao Bai looked at Tifa in front of him, raised his eyebrows slightly, and then hesitated for a moment before saying, "Okay, then I won't interfere in this matter, just like this, what happens to this world after we leave this world has nothing to do with me." "

Tifa pinched Xiao Bai angrily.

"I don't ask you to resurrect those who died, at least let the wizards who have lost their magic power restore their magic powers, which is not too much!"

"Isn't that too much?"

Tifa glanced at Hanyu in front of him angrily.

"That's pretty much it, hurry up and restore the mana to others and then we'll go!"

Xiao Bai looked at Tilfa expressionlessly with a look of refusal to cooperate, and Tiva helplessly coaxed Hanyu like a child.

"I refuse, but for your sake, as long as they can pass my test, then I can give them a chance. "

"What a test, let's hear it!"

"I hid 5 items in 5 corners of this world, if the other party can collect all these 5 items, then the other party has passed the test!"

"Then tell me quietly, where did you hide this item!"

Tifa looked at Xiao Bai, but Xiao Bai rolled his eyes: "You wash and sleep, how could I tell you such a thing!"

Where would Xiao Bai not know Tifa, it was clear that he wanted to ask, and then go and tell others, so how could Xiao Bai tell the other party.

After rolling his eyes directly, Xiao Bai did not answer Tifa's question.


Hermione and Kassandra also knew Xiao Bai's thoughts through the diary, and the two of them breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

As long as there is a chance, the most fearful thing is that there is no chance, which is really despairing.

Now Xiao Bai is willing to give them a chance, so they will firmly grasp this opportunity and will never let go again.

Although it is a pity that I don't know where the few things Xiao Bai said are going to be hidden, at least there must be a chance, and with Tifa's help, it should not be that there is no way.

It's a pity that when Tifa came, he didn't bring them news about where Xiao Bai hid his things. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It's a pity that even if I want to help you, I can't do it, so I can only rely on you to find a way to find a few things that Xiao Bai hid. "

Tifa said to Hermione and Kassandra with regret.

"Your help is enough for us, and we need to work hard ourselves in the future.........."

Kassandra and Hermione knew they couldn't rely on Tifa all the time, so they said they would try.

"On my side, I will also help you find it as much as possible, and as for Xiao Bai's side, I will also help you find out where the things are hidden. "

Looking at the two girls in front of him, Tifa sighed and said, the two girls in front of him are really unlucky.

The current Xiao Bai is simply an ancestor, if you don't provoke Xiao Bai, then forget it, but whoever provokes Xiao Bai then Xiao Bai will do no one knows.

"It doesn't matter, at least Xiao Bai is not the unluckiest in our world compared to the things we did in Teyvat. "

When Tifa heard this, she couldn't say anything, and glanced at Kassandra and Hermione helplessly.

If Kassandra and Hermione had said this in front of the others, it would have caused a huge ripple.

"In the future, there will be no more such words that are not conducive to unity. "

"Good. "

Hermione and Kassandra were reminded by Tifa's reminder that there was something wrong with what they were saying.

After all, the world on Teyvat's side is in dire straits. 0.3: "Okay, then that's it, I'll go back first, and I'll let you know as soon as there is any news in the future." "

After saying that, Tifa left directly.

After Tifa left, Hermione said with some remorse, "I shouldn't have said that sentence just now." "

"Rest assured, it's okay, this Miss Tifa isn't the kind of person who likes to talk a lot. "

Kassandra affirmed.

"After all, Miss Tifa is one of the few people who is willing to help us, and the other party will not reveal this matter. "

"Then we have to prepare for the next step, the few items that Xiao Bai hid are definitely not easy to find. "。

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