The second soul to be found was that of Snape.

The place where Snape's soul was found was where Snape and Lily Evans first met.

Snape's soul was found there.

After that, the soul of Lily Evans could not be found no matter what, as if this soul did not exist at all.

"Where will Xiao Bai hide Miss Lily's soul."

Lily's soul was not found, which made several people feel a little helpless. They were full of confidence when they found Snape's soul before. But now

Xiao Bai's move was like a slap on their faces, and they still had no way to settle the score with Xiao Bai.

"It seems that we can only find a way to continue searching on our own."

"But the question now is where should we look?"

"First, search all possible hiding places. Twelve days have passed in a month, and we have no time to waste any more."

Xiao Bai only gave one month. If he cannot find five souls within one month, then Xiao Bai will leave this world directly.

No one is sure what this world will look like by then..So it is a top priority to find 5 souls and let Xiao Bai change this world back to its original appearance.

But now they are stuck again. How do they find Lily's soul now?

They have to find Lily's soul first and then The remaining two souls can be found.

But now if Lily's soul cannot be found, the remaining two souls will be even more impossible to talk about.

"Where did the damn guy hide his soul?"

"Having said that, I can't help it. Where did Xiao Bai hide the remaining soul? We have no way of finding it. If we can't find the remaining soul, we can't find the other two souls."

"Look for it first, and if you can't find it, think of something else."

Tifa looked at the two anxious girls and comforted them.

"It can only be like this now!"

The following group of people began to search almost as if they were digging three feet into the ground, but in terms of results, there was no harvest.

They did not find Lily's soul, as if it did not exist at all (adag).

"I'll go find Xiao Bai and ask!"

Knowing that searching like this would not yield any results, Tifa spoke helplessly and went to find Xiao Bai. As for whether she could find out anything from Xiao Bai's mouth, it just depends on luck.

And Xiao Bai He was playing with the Devil Fruit he picked up.

Xiao Bai had completely obtained the coordinates on the Devil Fruit and the Gorgon Stone.

As for the Gorgon Stone and the Devil Fruit itself, it was no longer important.

However, this Devil Fruit and the Gorgon Stone still have some uses.

The Gorgon Stone can be used to catch Athena, the goddess of wisdom.

As for the Devil Fruit, Xiaobai must first find out what this Devil Fruit is. What kind of fruit, let alone a cockroach fruit, would be funny.

However, after testing, Xiao Bai discovered that this fruit was not a cockroach fruit, but a devil fruit that did not appear in the plot..The name of this fruit is the wish fruit. As the name suggests, this fruit has the ability to realize people's wishes, but as a price, every time a wish is realized, a certain amount of life will be consumed. The larger the wish that is realized, the more life span will be consumed. If the wish is made, If the wish is to deduct a person's lifespan and it is still not enough, then the person with the fruit ability will die suddenly on the spot.

However, this is obviously not a problem for Xiao Bai. Will Xiao Bai be short of lifespan? It is not lacking at all, okay ? Okay!

But Xiao Bai is not sure whether he wants to eat this wish fruit. After all, who knows whether this wish fruit can really come true. After all, if he gives birth to a demon who wants to be stronger than the multiverse, then this wish fruit will come true. Can the fruit satisfy oneself?

There is a high probability that it cannot be satisfied.

So this thing is really a bit disappointing.

Otherwise, you should use common sense and hold the Devil Fruit in your hand. Xiao Bai's eyes flashed with a thick look. Malice.

Don’t blame me for not being a human being. If you want to blame, blame it on yourselves.

And if I hadn’t given you this opportunity, would you have been able to solve this matter yourself?

Xiao Bai’s eyes revealed deep malice. At this moment, Tifa came to Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai casually put the Devil Fruit aside.

"I won't talk nonsense and tell me where those souls are hidden. Even if you don't want to tell me directly, at least give me some reminders."

Xiao Bai did not speak when he heard this sentence but fell into deep thought. After a while, Xiao Bai threw the wish fruit towards Tifa.

"This one is a devil fruit, and it is a wish fruit. As long as you eat it and wash it, the wish can be realized. However, as a price, every time you realize a wish, you will lose a certain amount of life. Even if the wish you make is too difficult, it will be directly The user's life will be deducted completely."

After Tifa took the Devil Fruit, she was about to eat it, but Genichi Hanyu stopped her.

"This Devil Fruit is not for you to eat. Let this Devil Fruit go where it should go. I think you know where I am talking about. Tifa looked at Xiao Bai with a dark face and was a little dissatisfied, but Xiao Bai said indifferently:"You let them choose whether they want to eat this devil fruit or not!""

After rolling her eyes at Xiao Bai, Tifa turned around and left.

Looking at Tifa leaving, Xiao Bai didn't care. It was clear that Xiao Bai needed an experimental subject to test the Devil Fruit's ability.

And who was this experimental subject? Xiao Bai didn't care who Tifa gave the Devil Fruit to, then who would be the experimental subject.

Tifa found Hermione and Cassandra and then told Hermione and Cassandra the side effects of the wish fruit.

After listening to the wish After the side effects of the fruit, Hermione and Cassandra looked at each other.

After that, Hermione directly reached out her hand to grab the Devil Fruit. However, Cassandra directly cast a spell and put Hermione into a coma. in.

Then Cassandra picked up the wish fruit and ate it

"I want to know where Lily Potter's soul is hidden!".

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