Tifa brought Cassandra to Xiao Bai:"You are responsible for solving the trouble you caused."

Tifa put Cassandra in front of Xiao Bai and said to Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai looked at Tifa in front of him with a speechless expression and said,"I seem to have no reason to do this."

"If it weren't for you, Cassandra wouldn't be what she is now. Do you dare to say that all this is not your responsibility?"

In this regard, Xiao Bai said that he does not bear the blame.

"Did I ask her to do that? Don't forget that it was you who gave the wish fruit to Cassandra, not me. I just gave the wish fruit to you, and then you gave the wish fruit to Cassandra."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Bai looked at Cassandra in front of him. At this time, Cassandra had fallen into a coma"543" and her appearance returned to normal, but Xiao Bai knew very well that all this was The illusion is that Tifa poured huge life force into Cassandra's body, which temporarily maintained Cassandra's youth.

However, all this is an illusion. Once the life force in the body is exhausted, then It will rapidly age and disintegrate and eventually disappear into ashes, so Cassandra was brought to Xiao Bai by Tifa in order to allow Xiao Bai to save Cassandra.

After hearing Tifa's request, Xiao Bai remained silent. answer

"Do you really want me to carry this guilt? I was the one who gave the wish fruit to Cassandra. I am partly responsible for why Cassandra is like this now, so if something really happens to Cassandra, I will do it for her. Blame yourself for this."

Obviously, in order to get Xiao Bai to help Cassandra, Tifa also tried her best.

Xiao Bai looked at Tifa in front of him and then looked at Cassandra next to him.

"Forget it, I'll just help you once, and Cassandra doesn't look disgusted, but only this time."

Then Xiao Bai came to Cassandra and couldn't help but shake his head when he looked at Cassandra's appearance:"It's so stupid that people don't know what to say. You can sit back and relax with peace of mind. He is alive, but he just wants to do a stupid thing."

Tifa next to her heard this and asked Xiao Bai angrily:"In today's world, it is difficult for Cassandra to survive, so why do you want Cassandra to survive? How can you live peacefully? Because of you, Muggles are hunting Cassandra all over the world. Do you want Cassandra to be a savage in the mountains, or do you want Cassandra to go to those Muggles? Being used as a guinea pig in Gua's laboratory?"

Xiao Bai was choked by this sentence and had nothing to say!

"Okay, okay, it’s my fault, it’s all my fault!"

Xiao Bai rolled his eyes fiercely at Tifa in front of him, then stretched out his hand and pressed it on Cassandra's chest. A white light was pulled out of Cassandra's body, and then The white light formed a devil fruit in Xiao Bai's hand.

This devil fruit was the wish fruit that Xiao Bai gave to Tifa before, and Tifa gave it to Cassandra.

With the wish The fruit was extracted from Cassandra's body, and Cassandra's crisis was resolved.

"Okay, I have already fulfilled your request. Whatever happens next has nothing to do with me!"

He rolled his eyes at Xiao Bai, and then Tifa left with Cassandra.

After the two left, Xiao Bai took the wish fruit in his hand and began to study it, and passed the experiment on Cassandra. Bai got the result he wanted. The fruit of this wish was not as simple as it seemed. Although it seemed that Cassandra almost died after making a small wish.

But to Xiao Bai, that was just A thing that can be done easily is a miracle for Cassandra.

So although the wish fruit seems to be of no use, as long as there is enough vitality, the wish that the wish fruit can realize is a miracle. To be honest, if Xiao Bai didn't know the upper limit of the wish fruit, then Xiao Bai would really not be able to help but want to eat the wish fruit.

After all, vitality is completely dispensable for Xiao Bai, and Xiao Bai will lack vitality. Something?

It’s really full of temptation. Should I eat this Devil Fruit?

But Xiao Bai soon thought of another way. He doesn’t eat Devil Fruits but can get as much from Devil Fruits as possible. To extract the ability of the Devil Fruit, as long as you extract the ability to fulfill wishes, you can do it even if you don't eat the Devil Fruit.

But the only problem is to extract the ability from the Devil Fruit. Obviously It’s not that easy. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, Xiao Bai is not helpless. As long as he consumes enough power of faith, he can use the power of the power of faith to take out this one. Ability.

But this power of faith

Now I don't have much faith, it can even be said that I don't have much.

It is more or less difficult to take out the wish-making ability in the Devil Fruit.

"It seems that I need to go to the world on the other side of Cangna to collect the power of faith."

On the other side, Cassandra, who was taken away by Tifa, gradually woke up from her coma.

"Where am I?"

Kassandra asked subconsciously after waking up, and then she saw Tifa

"This is Xiao Bai's destination, your wish has come true!"

After hearing this sentence, Cassandra 1.4 Della breathed a sigh of relief. Her wish came true. This shows that her efforts were not in vain.

"The world has returned to its original state."

The hanging heart in her heart was completely relieved. Just when Cassandra was about to say something, she suddenly thought of something.

"So are you going to leave this world soon?"

"It depends on Xiao Bai's intention, but I think it won't be long before he can leave this world."

"Can you take me away with you?"[]

Tifa looked at Cassandra in shock, unable to understand what Cassandra meant.

"I hope to see a wider world, not just the one I am in."

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