"With my understanding of Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai must have dug a pit for us, so the best thing for you is to be careful, although I don't know what kind of pit Xiao Bai dug for us, but I am sure that Xiao Bai has bad intentions and no good intentions. "

"Suddenly, I thought of a point, the previous Black Goat Mother Goddess refused us to go to the assessment, so do you say that there is a possibility that other gods will also reject us!"

"Just because of the Black Goat Mother God, we people can't get by, and we people can't participate in the assessment, who do you think can pass?"

Lisa seemed to have discovered a blind spot, and as soon as she finished saying this, everyone was silent in an instant~.

That's right, they can't even participate in the assessment, so how can they pass the test of the Three Pillars God?

"But it seems that some of us may not have a relationship with Xiao Bai yet. "

The eyes of a group of people swept over Ke Qing and a few people, and not all of them had anything to do with Xiao Bai, such as Ke Qing!

"Xiao Bai, this guy is too despicable, he actually uses this method!"

"What kind of person do you think Xiao Bai is, this kind of thing is simply not too normal for Xiao Bai, and this is Xiao Bai's casual calculation, if Xiao Bai is serious, I am afraid you will not even find out. "

Under the snow, Xue Nai knew that if Xiao Bai really wanted to calculate them, they would be sold, and they would have to help count the money, and the reason why they could find out now was also a decision made by Xiao Bai casually.

"But we can't do anything on the side of the Black Goat Mother God, but we can start with the other two evil gods, as for the Black Goat Mother God, we can only hand it over to Keqing and them. "

"Then plan to act separately, as soon as possible to figure out what the assessment of these evil gods is, those who have not yet had a relationship with Xiao Bai to find the black goat mother god, at least you have to figure out the specific assessment of the black goat mother god first. "

"And the One who is one, we also have to figure out what the other person's assessment is. "

Soon everyone discussed the course of action, and then went their separate ways.

Keqing has found the Black Goat Mother Goddess!

"Black Goat Mother God, I'm here to accept your assessment!"

Looking at Keqing, the black goat mother goddess fell into silence!

The conditions given by the Black Goat Mother Goddess at the beginning were that the first was a pure girl, and then the second was for Xiao Bai to agree to conclude a contract.

The current Keqing meets the first condition, and Xiao Bai does not object to the same second condition, at least on the surface, so the black goat mother goddess must give Keqing the exam questions, and it must be the one that makes Keqing unable to pass!

Suddenly, the black goat mother god felt a headache, what do you say this matter is really so troublesome.

The subsequent Black Goat Demon God gave an assessment!

"The assessment is that I need you to conceive a child of Xiao Bai!"

Keqing: You TMD simply said that you don't want to pass.

This can be done by giving birth to a child for Xiao Bai, and Xiao Bai has not known a child for so long, God knows what the reason is.

Keqing didn't think she had the ability to give birth to a child for Xiao Bai at all.

"If you can do it, then even if you pass my test, if you can't do it, then go back where you came from!"

After taking a deep breath, Ke Qing turned away directly with a cold little face, and continued to listen to it, Ke Qing suspected that he was likely to be angry to death.

So Keqing decided to leave the rest of the world to do after leaving.

Anyway, I can't do this by myself!

On the other hand, Hu Tao found the One Who All Things Are One.

"Let's not talk darkly, I'm here to accept your assessment!"

Hu Tao spoke to the group of shining bubbles.

In the next moment, a voice came from the shining bubbles: "Are you sure you want to be assessed? If you fail, then even in Xiao Bai's face, you will suffer a lot of punishment!"

"That's right, I'm going to be assessed, so don't talk nonsense, just say what the assessment is!"

"In that case, then let's take the assessment, my question is, when will Xiao Bai be able to have his first child!"

Ask for flowers


If you want me to be assessed, just say it!

Hu Tao has a black face, with a hint of murder in his eyes, this bullshit thing is definitely deliberate, it's really tnd!

But Hu Tao really has nothing to say, who let himself lose.

"Then you answer, and if you can't answer then accept the punishment!"

Hu Tao did suddenly roll his eyes, and then looked at Yogsothos in front of him and said, "Future!"

Yogsothoth: "... "

The corners of Yogsothoth's mouth, who felt like he were being criticized, twitched.

"I need a specific time, not a vague concept. "

Hu Tao did put his hands on his hips, raised his head and chest, and then looked at the other party with a straight face and said, "Then you should say it for a specific time, if you say it, even if I lose." "

Yogssothoston was silent.

"Since you can't answer this question, it's a draw!"

Hu Tao complained when he looked at Yogso Toston in front of him: "You can't have an answer at all, I think you are deliberately not wanting other people to pass!"

"Whatever you say, since you can't pass the test, I can't give an answer either, so even if it's a draw this time, I won't punish you, and I won't count you as passing the test, okay, you go back!"

After that, Hu Tao was sent back to Liyue.

The expressions on the faces of the others after knowing this thing are wonderful!

The questions given by the Black Goat Mother Goddess and the One Who All Things Are One simply cannot pass the test.

"Actually, it's not like there's no solution!"

King Dacishu showed a smile and then said: "Actually, we have a way to solve this matter, it is not difficult, as long as we can be pregnant with Xiao Bai's child, these two things will be solved." "

"It's not that simple!"

Hearing this, the others had bitter expressions on their faces!

If only this matter were so simple.

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