Ke Qing knew that Xiao Bai, a bastard, knew, but he was helpless, if Xiao Bai was shameless, what could Ke Qing do, there was no way at all!

"Don't go too far, you know what I'm talking about!"

Facing Keqing's anger, Xiao Bai smiled and didn't speak, Keqing's anger was anger?

It's obviously not, Keqing's anger is not taken to Xiao Bai's heart at all, Keqing is angry when he is angry, anyway, he won't lose a piece of meat.

Seeing Xiao Bai's appearance, Ke Qing trembled with anger!

Xiao Bai, you really damn it!

Seeing Xiao Bai's appearance, Keqing was really about to die of anger.

"Anyway, I don't know what you're talking about, I didn't do anything, don't wronged me. "

Xiao Bai just said this, he won't admit what he did if he broke the sky!

I didn't give Naiyako any hints, all of it was Nayako's own assertion and had nothing to do with herself.

"You bastard, believe it or not, I'll jump off the top of the pavilion and die!"

Hearing this sentence 24, Xiao Bai replied to Keqing very seriously: "I don't believe it, and even if I really die, I can be resurrected!"

Ke Qing suddenly jumped to his feet angrily, Xiao Bai is a bastard.

"Aren't you not believing in your word?"

Ke Qing finally suppressed the anger in her heart, and said to Xiao Bai calmly.

"What did I do? I didn't do anything, don't slander me, I'll sue you for slander, I'll tell you, Yanfei, where is Yanfei, I want to find a lawyer!"

Keqing was suddenly trembling by Xiao Bai's behavior.

"Die, you slut!"

Ke Qing couldn't bear it anymore at the moment, pulled out his sword, and slashed at Xiao Bai.

Dodging Keqing's attack, Xiao Bai continued to speak as if he didn't think it was enough: "If you can't say it, just do it, I didn't expect Keqing that you are such a woman, it's really disappointing to me." "

Keqing's eyes were red, Xiao Bai in front of him actually dared to mock himself like this, what is the difference between this and sticking to his face, if Keqing is patient today, then Keqing will simply not be called Keqing, called Ke Ninja Turtle Turtle Qing

Seeing Keqing's appearance, Xiao Bai also knew that Keqing had entered a red temperature state.

Then Xiao Bai disappeared in front of Ke Qing all of a sudden, which made Ke Qing, who was already angry, feel bad all of a sudden.

"Xiao Bai, if you have the ability, don't appear in front of me for the rest of your life!"

Keqing's angry shouts resounded almost throughout Liyue, but Xiao Bai, who was already listening to Yun Jin's singing in the teahouse at this moment, plucked out his ears at Keqing's angry voice.

Will Xiao Baiqi take the joke to heart because of Keqing's few words?

Obviously, it's not possible.

At this time, Xiao Bai looked at Yun Jin who was singing in front of him, and showed a satisfied expression on his face, should he say that Yun Jin sang something in this play.

Even if Xiao Bai doesn't have much interest in opera, he has to admit that Yun Jin sings well.

In a word, people are beautiful and have a good voice, so the content of the opera is not so important to Xiao Bai.

After Yun Jin finished singing, Xiao Bai took a look at his body, and then threw out a thing casually, as the cost of listening to the play.

When Xiao Bai was about to get up and leave, Yun Jin suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Bai and stopped Xiao Bai.

Looking at Yun Jin standing in front of him, Xiao Bai didn't leave in a hurry, just looked at Yun Jin and asked, "I don't know what Mr. Yun Jin has to say." "

Yun Jin looked at Xiao Bai with a hint of firmness in her eyes and said to Xiao Bai: "I hope you can give me a chance!"


Glancing at Yun Jin in front of him, Xiao Bai didn't quite understand what Yun Jin meant by the opportunity.

"I want to make a pact with the Black Goat Mother Goddess. "

"Then you should go to the Black Goat Mother Goddess instead of me. "

"You know what the conditions for the conclusion of the Black Goat Mother Goddess are. "

Xiao Bai naturally knew, but it was precisely because of this that Xiao Bai was a little incomprehensible.

"I don't think you need to be involved in this kind of thing, do you?"

Hearing Xiao Bai's words, Yun Jin was silent, and then Yun Jin looked at Xiao Bai, "Do you know how many people have died in Liyue in the past year?"

Xiao Bai spread his hands and then looked at Yun Jin and replied: "What does it have to do with me who are dying a lot, they are not killed by me, right, and it is not me who caused all this!"

Xiao Bai didn't feel guilty about this at all, and it wasn't his fault for being like this, he felt guilty.

If you really want to feel guilty, it should be those witches who are guilty, and they don't have anything to do with their own hair, and to put it bluntly, it's a good thing that those witches did by themselves.

Of course, it is inevitable that they will do bad things with good intentions, not only did they not save this world, but on the contrary, they made this world more dire and miserable.

"I understand, but it's up to me to do my part. "

After hearing what Yun Jin said, Xiao Bai's face became strange with 723 colors, and then replied to Yun Jin: "Even if you want to contribute, there is no need to use this way." "

Yun Jin didn't answer, just looked at Xiao Bai in front of him calmly, wanting to know what Xiao Bai meant.

Xiao Bai looked at Yun Jin and was a little speechless, how to say it, Xiao Bai naturally didn't mind or object, after all, it wasn't himself who suffered, but this Yun Jin...

"You have to think about it, once you've made your decision, then there's no room for regret!"

"I don't regret it!"

Hearing this, Xiao Bai didn't say anything more, just turned around and left, Yun Jin was stunned for a moment, and then followed.

Soon after the two left, Ningguang quickly received the news, and Ningguang passed the news to their chat room.

Keqing: "Did you arrange Yun Jin?"

Ningguang: "I didn't arrange it, and I don't want to understand why Mr. Yun made such a choice!"

Yun Jin made this choice, to be honest, the condensation was completely unexpected, I didn't expect it to be like this.

Hu Tao: "You said we should stop it, I don't think it's necessary for Mr. Yun to make such a sacrifice." "。

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