In Aylin's mind, the two brothers and sisters came from a game.

The Zanpakutos of these two siblings have very similar names and abilities.

His brother Miyano Fujimaru's Zanpakutō is named Ryujo Maru.

The Zanpakutō owned by my younger sister, Matsuri Miyano, is called Toaomaru.

Although they are still only the fifth and sixth seats of the fifth division, in the context of that game, the two brothers and sisters completed the training of swastika under the guidance of Shifengin Yoruichi, and they can be regarded as two geniuses .

Well, thanks to their contributions, Aelin Unlimited Sword System has analyzed two more captain-level Zanpakutō.

The remaining Shinigami, after putting down the students in their hands, continued to leave instantly to bring the remaining eliminated students here to assemble.


In the quiet night, these boys and girls once again experienced the cruelty of the world.

From a place like Rukongai to going through all kinds of hardships and traveling across mountains and rivers to study at Zhenou Spiritual Arts Academy, everyone has great expectations for their future.

Become the Grim Reaper and take control of the power to change your own destiny.

Six years of hard work finally came to nothing today.

From now on, they will spend their entire lives in Hueco Mundo, which is even worse than Rukongai.

With good luck, he was able to survive repeated battles with Xu, and his strength increased greatly, and he finally became the commander of the Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force.

The leader of the Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force, his identity and strength are similar to those of the captain of the Gotei 13th Corps.

If there is a vacancy in the position of captain within the Seireitei, and the balance between Hueco Mundo and Soul Society has not been broken, then Seireitei is likely to recall the commander of the Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force to serve as the Gotei Thirteenth Team The position of captain.

And if you are unlucky, you may be like now, the first time you encounter a virtual, you will be killed and devoured by the virtual.

However, this time, because it was the graduation examination, the Death God who protected himself and others came to the rescue.

As for the Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force, no one would even look at them even if they died.

Feeling the despair of the future, many students with weak psychological endurance burst into tears.

Such behavior would definitely make a group of people laugh if it were normal.

However, everyone here is the same loser. What's the difference between laughing at others and laughing at yourself?

Even hearing the cry, many people's eyes turned red.


Seeing the condition of these students, Aylin sighed slightly.

Perhaps, allowing Aizen to successfully defeat Seireitei, kill the Soul King Palace, and successfully replace the Soul King will bring a different trend to the Soul Society?

Otherwise, the Soul Society would be like a pool of stagnant water. It has been like this for millions of years, and it should still be like this after millions of years.

As long as those nobles still have the power to suppress the Rukongai, and as long as the Shinigami of the Gotei 13 still rule the Seireitei together with the nobles, nothing will change in this world.

Perhaps, this is one of the reasons why the Spirit King seeks Nirvana.

The future he saw countless years later was no different from the present.

Therefore, he wanted to seek his own liberation at this time when the "future" was most likely to be born, and also to create more possibilities in the world.

Aylin also believed that if they were not in the Seireitei, everything those nobles had done, whether in this world or in Hueco Mundo, would have directly attracted the Gate of Hell and caused some of the Seireitei nobles to fall into hell.

The sky is dimming, and the students who have stayed here all night are not in good spirits at the moment.

Inside Taishan Jing, Miyano Matsuri had completed preliminary treatment for the wounded, but no one died due to their injuries.

Now, after being treated by Miyano Matsuri, they all woke up and were helped out of the barrier of Taishan Crystal by someone familiar.

With a thought in Ai Lin's mind, the mountain crystal more than ten meters high turned into spirits and dispersed.

Walking in front of everyone, Aylin said: "Dear students, I am very sorry for everyone's situation."

"However, there is no need for everyone to be so depressed."

"Captain Aizen, we have become losers, how can we not be depressed?"

Hearing Aizen's comfort to everyone, some students couldn't help but cry: "That's Hueco Mundo. If you're not fighting against Hueco Mundo, you're on the way to fighting against Hueco Mundo..."

"We are destined to be buried in Hueco Mundo in this life!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt even more desperate.

"Yes, what this student said about the Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force is very vivid."

"Indeed, everyone in the Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force is either fighting against the Hollows or on the way to fight against the Hollows."

Aylin first affirmed the student's words, and then, after everyone looked at him, Aylin smiled and said: "But, have you ever thought about why the Seireitei sends everyone to Hueco Mundo every year? Going?"

Seeing everyone's mental state, Aylin knew that if they went to the Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force in their current state, at least 90% of the students would die on the battlefield of their first battle with the Hueco Mundo.

In order to give these students a better chance of survival, Aylin decided to tell a big lie here.

Now these students need a "hope."

"Everyone knows that there are countless Hollows in Hueco Mundo who only rely on devouring human souls to evolve."

"The duty of the Shinigami of the Gotei Thirteenth Team is to protect everyone in this world and Soul Society, and prevent everyone's souls from being swallowed by Hollows."

"However, everyone also knows that the living world and the Soul Society are very large. If a large number of Hollows enter the Soul Society or the living world at the same time, it is impossible for these Shinigami of the Gotei 13 Team to protect the living world and the Soul Society alone. From Soul Society.”

"Therefore, in order to allow Hueco Mundo's Hollows to enter the real world and Soul Society in large numbers at once, Seireitei decided to form the Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force."

"Everyone has already felt the results of establishing the Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force."

Amidst the confusion among the students, Aylin bent down towards them.

"It is precisely because of the containment of the Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force that most of the Hollows in Hueco Mundo are fighting against the Expeditionary Army. Therefore, the number of Hollows who entered the real world and Soul Society from Hueco Mundo has been reduced by dozens of times."

"This has greatly improved the effectiveness of the Gotei 13 in protecting the souls of the people."

"Everyone, maybe for you, entering the Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force is a disaster, but for the humans in this world and everyone in Soul Society's Rukongai, it is precisely because of your battles in Hueco Mundo that the number of battles has been greatly reduced. Human casualties.”

"Here, on behalf of the human beings in this world and all the people living in Rukongai, I would like to say thank you."

"You are all heroes who protect this world secretly."

"Are we heroes?"

"Yes, you are all heroes!"

Faced with everyone's expectant inquiries, Aylin nodded.

"Besides, everyone doesn't need to be so depressed."

"After I went to the Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force, I didn't fight against the Hueco Mundo every day."

"I hope everyone will not give up practicing. After all, no matter where you are, strong strength is the greatest and most effective guarantee for your own safety."

"Furthermore, among the Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force, they are similar to the Gotei Thirteenth Team."

"If one day you can become the commander of one of the three Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Forces, your status and status will not be lower than those of the captains of the Gotei Thirteenth Team."

"Even if there is a vacancy for the captain of the Gotei Thirteen Team, you will be transferred back to the Seireitei to serve as the captain..."

"Wow, Captain Aizen, are you telling the truth?"

After hearing that it was possible to return to the Seireitei after joining the Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force, everyone's eyes suddenly changed.

Although becoming the captain of the expeditionary force is no less difficult than becoming the captain of the Gotei 13, it is still a hope, isn't it?

"it is true."

After nodding to the questioner, Aylin smiled and said: "When the time comes, you will return to Seireitei as a 'hero' and gain everyone's admiration and recognition..."

"After all, most of the Shinigami in the Seireitei know that the reason why this world is so peaceful is the result of your constant fighting in Hueco Mundo."

It's good to be a hero, but it's even better if you can return to Seireitei!

"Everyone, I hope that one day in the future, I can stand in the Seireitei and feel proud to be one of the people who greets you."

"So, work hard!"

Under Ai Lin's chicken soup, the more than 40 students finally regained some fighting spirit.

After Aylin opens the world-traveling gate, these students will bow to Aylin to show their respect for Captain Aizen before entering the world-traveling gate.

No one is stupid.

Everyone knows that the Shinigami who entered the Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force narrowly escaped death and had no future.

However, Captain Aizen of the fifth division still warned them earnestly, saying that everyone in the Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force was a hero, and encouraged everyone to practice hard and become the commander of the expeditionary force.

Then, like a hero, he was welcomed back by the Seireitei.

Even the Shinigami of Division 5 were dumbfounded when they saw the students bowing to Aylin.

When did the eliminated students become so respectful to the examiners?

Only our Captain Aizen can do it.

Such a situation made the Shinigami of Division 5 proud.

This is our Captain Aizen, with unparalleled charisma!

After all the students who were eliminated today entered the gate, Aylin closed the gate and asked a Shinigami standing next to him: "Fujimaru, how many students are there now?"

The boy whom Ayrin calls "Fujimaru" is the twin brother of Miyano Matsuri, who now holds the fifth seat of the fifth division.

After hearing Aylin's words, Miyano Fujimaru immediately replied: "Sir Aizen, after a day of elimination, there are currently sixty-eight students."


"There are fifty-three students who have just been eliminated."

"There are a total of one hundred and thirty-four students participating in the assessment this time. Excluding the remaining and eliminated ones..."

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