People are in death, unlimited sword control at the beginning

Chapter 92 The Legendary Witch (4,000 words chapter)

During the Warring States Period, warlords continued their conquests, and countless people died every day.

Under such circumstances, some of these dead people directly turned into evil spirits between ordinary souls and the void.

Although they have not yet fallen into the void, evil spirits already have some abilities beyond ordinary souls and can have some slight influence on people in this world.

Under such circumstances, some people who possess spiritual pressure and can see the existence of "spirits" take on the responsibility of liberating these evil spirits.

Men are called "mage" by everyone, and women are respectfully called "witches".

In this era, both "mage" and "witch" are highly respected.

They use their meager spiritual power to save evil spirits and bring peace of mind to people in this world.

Since Aylin agreed to take Kuchiki Haruko away from ghosts after she gave up the chanting of Kidō No. 1, he had naturally prepared the corresponding clothes.

So, on this day, the villagers of Yingyuan Village discovered that Master Ai Lin was actually walking out of Yingyuan Village behind Mrs. Haruko.

Moreover, if they read it correctly, Miss Haruko is actually wearing a miko costume?

In confusion, they couldn't help but ask: "Master Aylin, Mrs. Haruko, what are you doing?"

"Ha ha."

Qingzi is successful in cultivation, but she also wants to show off to the world. Aylin can understand this feeling.

Therefore, at this time, he fulfilled the role of a commentary very well.

"I'm sorry, everyone, for keeping this secret from everyone for so many years."

"Actually, Haruko's true identity is a powerful miko."

"The reason why we have stayed here for so many years is because there is a very powerful evil spirit here, and Qingzi has to suppress the evil spirit here."

"But don't worry, everyone, this powerful evil spirit has been purified by Haruko, so we are ready to leave here."

"In recent years, because I didn't want Haruko to be too lonely, I took it upon myself to move everyone here to keep her company. Please forgive me."

"Wow, it turns out that Miss Haruko is a miko."

"Let me just say, Lord Aylin is so powerful, how could Miss Haruko be an ordinary person?"

"No wonder we haven't encountered any evil spirits since we moved here. I thought it was Lord Aylin's power that scared the evil spirits away. It turns out it's because Miss Haruko is here."

"I heard that those powerful mikos can guard the city and prevent evil spirits from entering the city. I didn't expect that Miss Haruko is such a powerful miko."

"Everywhere, everyone looks up to me too much."

Haruko rolled her eyes at Aylin, then smiled and accepted the compliments from the villagers.

"By the way, Miss Haruko, where are you going now? Will you come back in the future?"

At this time, someone finally noticed the luggage Aylin was carrying and couldn't help but ask.

And these words also made the surrounding villagers feel tense.

Yes, Miss Haruko is a miko, and Lord Aylin is also a powerful warrior.

With the presence of Lord Aylin and Miss Haruko, Yingyuan Village has maintained peace for so many years.

The evil spirits will be purified by Miss Haruko, and the warlords and bandits will be repelled by Lord Aylin.

Anyway, since they moved to Yingyuan Village, they have never been attacked by evil spirits or warlords.

Now looking at Master Aylin and Miss Haruko, they seem to be leaving Yingyuan Village.

Once Master Aylin and Miss Haruko are gone, can Yingyuan Village still maintain its current peace?

Suddenly, the faces of the villagers showed worried looks.

"Don't worry, everyone. Even if we leave, Yingyuan Village will be fine."

Seeing the worries on everyone's faces, Aylin comforted: "Originally, this evil spirit was purified by Qingzi three months ago. However, Qingzi was also worried that the evil spirits would target this place again after leaving, so this I have been setting up a barrier for Yingyuan Village for three months."

"Now that the barrier to protect Yingyuan Village has been completed, we can leave with peace of mind."

"Three months ago, wasn't that?"

After hearing Ailin's words, the villagers suddenly remembered that three months ago, Master Ailin seemed to have something to go out and gave the children a few days off.

Then, one day, there was an explosion in front of Master Aylin's gym. When everyone was preparing to help with hoes and shovels, they discovered that there seemed to be a powerful battle in front of the gym, which destroyed the ground. It was filled with the help of

It turns out that that day was the battle where Haruko-sama purified the evil spirits.

Suddenly, the villagers' gratitude to Haruko was beyond words.

"Master Haruko, can't you just leave?"

"Everyone, Haruko-sama is a miko. We cannot be selfish and leave Haruko-sama here with us."

"After all, besides us, there are many people in the outside world who are infested by evil spirits and are waiting for Haruko-sama's rescue."

Aylin looked at the person who said this in surprise.

In this era, there are really very few people who have such ideological awareness.

After nodding to this person, Aylin said to everyone: "Furuqiao is right, Haruko-sama is a miko, and there are many people outside waiting for the rescue of Haruko miko, so we can't stay here for a long time." Staying in Yingyuan Village."

"However, after all, Miko Haruko has lived here for so many years, so this can be regarded as our second hometown."

"When we feel tired from expelling evil spirits outside, we will definitely come back here to rest for a while. Then don't blame us for disturbing everyone again."

"Lord Aylin, you are slapping us in the face by saying this."

As soon as Ailin finished speaking, he was retorted by the villagers: "Yingyuan Village was established because of Master Ailin and Master Qingzi. The entire Yingyuan Village belongs to Master Ailin and Miss Qingzi. We are just You are the tenants of Lord Aylin and Miss Haruko, how can you possibly say that you two are disturbing us when you go home?"

"That's right, Lord Aylin, Miss Haruko, don't worry, go out and drive away the evil spirits. We will build a warehouse next to Lord Aylin's gym, and 30% of the food tax revenue from the harvest will be piled into the warehouse every year."

"Yes, yes, Lord Aylin, Miss Haruko, we are supervising you. You must come back often after you go out, otherwise we will not care if the food in the warehouse is spoiled."

It seems that the villagers of Yingyuan Village are not stupid. They knew that it was impossible to keep Ailin and Qingzi, so they tried every means to get Ailin and Qingzi back.

"Well, I'll leave my gym to everyone. If we get tired outside, we will come back to rest."

Under the warm farewell of the villagers, Ai Lin and Qing Zi left Yingyuan Village.


It wasn't until the villagers were no longer visible that Haruko breathed a sigh of relief and slumped down.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

It was rare to see Ailin look like Haruko, and she burst out laughing.

"Ai Lin is a bully."

Seeing Aylin like this, Kuchiki Haruko couldn't help but pout, and turned her back to Aylin to show that she was angry.

"Hahahaha, sorry, sorry, Haruko looked so cute just now."


Kuchiki Haruko snorted coldly when she heard Aylin's praise, but the slightly upward corners of her mouth still betrayed her mood.

"How is it? Haruko, it feels good to be expected."

"Well, it's just that if they know that I'm not a truly powerful miko, I'm afraid they will be very disappointed."

"Who said we, Haruko-sama, are not powerful mikos?"

Aylin took Haruko's hand and comforted him: "Haruko, you also know that the mages and witches in this world are just ordinary people with spiritual pressure. At most, they have only figured out some ways to condense spiritual power and use spiritual power. s method."

"Haruko's spiritual pressure is no worse than that of those miko. In addition, Haruko, you are a person who has learned the ghost way. Based on your strength alone, there may not be a single miko in the world who is stronger than Haruko."

"Although it may be a bit crazy to say this, Haruko, you are probably the strongest miko in the world."


Although they have been married for many years, even Haruko would be very shy when being held by Ai Linjun's hand like this.

"Then let's go, Haruko, let's start our journey to eliminate spirits!"

"Miko-sama, according to my inference, there is a strong evil spirit in that direction, and there may be evil spirits. Let's go there."

"Well, please lead the way, samurai-sama..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

In Fujiwara Castle, the city lord Fujiwara Junichi paced back and forth anxiously at the gate of the city lord's mansion, and from time to time, he would look out the gate.

"Why aren't you coming?"

As the sun went down, the expression on Fujiwara Junichi's face became more and more panicked.

Even unconsciously, he had slowly moved away from the hall of the City Lord's Mansion, ready to escape at any time.

In this era, if the Fujiwara family can become the lord of a city, they can naturally be regarded as a powerful warlord force within a radius of dozens of miles.

However, no matter how powerful the force is, it still has no power to resist when facing those evil spirits.

A year ago, the old lord of Fujiwara Castle died of illness, and Junichi Fujiwara succeeded to the throne.

However, not long after, the lord's palace in Fujiwara Castle suddenly became extremely gloomy. Many maids and guards in the lord's palace, and even the lord's family members, began to fall seriously ill.

Therefore, Fujiwara Junichi summoned the mage in Fujiwara Castle and asked the mage to help him exorcise evil spirits.

But unfortunately, the mage not only failed to exorcise the evil spirits, but also returned seriously injured.

According to the seriously injured mage, the evil spirit in the City Lord's Mansion has become a climate, and if it continues, it will turn into an even more terrifying monster.

By then, no one in the city lord's mansion will be able to escape.

During this time, Junichi Fujiwara sent many people to various places to find powerful mages and witches. It was necessary to expel or purify the evil spirit before it grew enough to leave the hall.

"Lord City Lord..."

Just when Junichi Fujiwara was impatient, a servant rushed over.

"How's it going? Is the miko-sama here?"

At this moment, Fujiwara Jun immediately ran out of the gate of the city lord's palace. He first glanced behind the servant. After seeing no one else, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes, and then he asked the servant.

"Lord City Lord, Lord Haruko, they have arrived at the gate of the city. I am here to report to you first."

"Okay, okay, go and get everyone ready. We'll pick up Haruko-sama soon."

Hearing what the servant said, Fujiwara Jun was overjoyed and quickly arranged for people to prepare food.

The people Junichi Fujiwara sent out to find the mage and miko were all determined to drive out this evil spirit completely. They could not afford to waste time. After all, according to the seriously injured mage from Fujiwara Castle, it would take a month at most. This evil spirit will break away from the restrictions of the city lord's hall and become a more powerful "demon".

At that time, it will no longer be something that mages and witches can handle.

Therefore, these guards who go out to look for mages and witches will tell those mages and witches what the mage said, hoping to find a powerful witch who can purify this evil spirit.

Unfortunately, after hearing their descriptions, most mages and witches bluntly stated that they were powerless against this evil spirit that was about to fall.

Just when Junichi Fujiwara was about to despair, one of the guards brought good news.

According to the mage, a witch appeared on this land a year ago. Her power was beyond the scope of all mages and witches.

Any place she passes by, no matter how strong the evil spirit is, will be purified by her.

Even many mages and witches who have seen this witch admire her highly.

Because of her power, she was even praised by mages and witches as "the legendary witch - Haruko".

It happened that the mage knew some information about Haruko Miko, and based on this information, he finally contacted this "legendary miko".

"This is Fujiwara Castle? It feels worse than our Sakuragen Village."

After entering Fujiwara City, the guards of the Fujiwara City Lord continued to accompany Aylin and Haruko as they walked slowly to the Lord's Mansion. As for the servant who quickly rushed to the Lord's Mansion to report the news, no one paid attention to him.

"Haha, Haruko, are you looking down on me too much?"

Hearing what Haruko said, Aylin couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"If the lives of the villagers in Yingyuan Village are not as good as those outside, then why did I build Yingyuan Village? Wouldn't it be better to find a better city to settle in?"


"But Mr. Ai Lin, have you sensed this powerful evil energy?"

As the three of them gradually approached the City Lord's Mansion, Qingzi's expression gradually became serious.

At the same time, there is some excitement.

During this period, because she had been exorcising evil spirits as a "miko", Haruko's combat experience increased a lot. Of course, her reputation also spread through the exchanges with the wizards and witches she came into contact with.

Well, in some ways, Haruko has gradually adapted to her identity as a "miko", and she talks about the spiritual pressure of evil spirits as "evil energy".

"Ah, it seems that Lord Fujiwara was lucky enough to find us before this evil spirit was about to fall."

"Otherwise, within five days at most, this evil spirit will degenerate into a void. It's hard to say how many people in Fujiwara City will survive by then."

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