"Even if I don't need you to say it, I know Kakarot."

"I also want to feel the power of that guy."

Vegeta said lightly.

The last time that guy eliminated Kakarot, he was very curious about Broly's strength.

Now that he has such an opportunity, he will definitely have to fight well!


"If that's the case, let's join forces to eliminate Broly first!"

"As long as Broly is eliminated, the rest of the people will not be a climate at all."

Sun Wukong said.

In fact, it stands to reason that he doesn't like to join forces with Vegeta.

But the situation at hand had to do this, because Broly's strength is indeed very strong.

Just now, neither of the gods of destruction defeated him.

At this time, if he did not join forces with Vegeta, he would not have the power to fight at all.

"Who wants to join forces with you, Kakarot?"

"I can eliminate him alone, you are less nosy."

Vegeta snorted coldly, and after the haughty voice fell, his body instantly burst out!

Rushed straight towards Broly.

"Hey, your opponent next is me Vegeta."

Vegeta stood in front of Broly and said coldly.

"Fuck off, you're not my opponent."

"But if you want to stop me, I don't mind letting you get out!"

Broly glanced at Vegeta disdainfully and said.

Now Vegeta was completely like a little mouse in front of him.

It is very easy to eliminate him, or even kill him.

Mainly because things are a little bad at Kafis right now, although she can still hold on.

But the physical energy has been very depleted, and if it continues like this, it is likely to be eliminated.

So he was more anxious to support Kafis...

"Hmph! Less get carried away! "

"Dare not put Laozi Vegeta in my eyes, I will not let you go."

Vegeta clenched his fists tightly.

Instantly transformed into the blue form of Super Saiyan.

"Cut, idiot who doesn't measure himself."

"Since you want to die so much, then I will fulfill you."

Broly frowned.

In fact, he is not interested in those guys in the seventh universe at all now.

Moreover, Master Qin Yu also said that he would save the seventh universe for the end.

It's just that Vegeta this guy wants to find something so much!

Then I don't mind cleaning him up.

"Come on, just let me see how powerful your special Super Saiyan is!"

Vegeta also said coldly, and then his body flashed out.

The speed is also quite amazing, and he is at Broly's side in an instant.

Then a punch blasted out...

I saw Broly gently raise his palm, and the cloud light wind lightly blocked Vegeta's fist.

"Is this the power you're proud of?"

"I said it a long time ago, Vegeta, you are not my opponent at all."

Broly's eyes narrowed slightly.

Then he suddenly grabbed Vegeta's fist and threw it hard to the ground.


The ground suddenly trembled, and Vegeta's body was directly embedded in the ground.


A mouthful of blood instantly spurted out of his throat.

Vegeta's whole aura instantly withered, and it directly changed back to normal.

"I already gave you a chance just now!"

"It's that you don't have a good grasp yourself, let me get out now!"

Broly picked up Vegeta like a chicken.

Then, as if throwing garbage, he threw it towards the outside of the ring.

"But... Damn it! "

"How can this bastard be so powerful?"

"I'm no match for him at all."

Vegeta looked incredulous!

Although he knew that this Broly was very powerful, he felt that he could have a good entanglement with Broly.

But now it seems that I think a little too much!

If he wants to kill himself, it is estimated that you will not need a second.


Then, Vegeta's body was thrown straight out.


And at that moment.

Sun Wukong suddenly teleported and directly handed over to Vegeta to take it.

"Are you all right, Vegeta."

"I told you all just now, Broly's strength is very strong, and you alone are not his opponent at all."

Sun Wukong said with some blame.

You must know that this game is related to the life and death of the seventh universe, and Vegeta is so reckless.

"Less nonsense, Kakarot."

Vegeta gritted his teeth, clearly in some pain.

Broly's bastard is really too powerful!

Just by dropping yourself to the ground, you can make yourself feel like your body is falling apart.

"Okay, you can rest here first!"

"Recover well."

"Gohan, you and Vic protect the Supporting Tower."

The Monkey King put Vegeta down.

He has to fight for a while now!

Since Broly was so difficult to deal with, he had to attack others.

"I see, Dad."

Son Gohan nodded.

They have already evolved just now, and they do not have to participate in the war in the early stage.

In this way, they can maintain their numerical advantage.

After all, this time the power is great, and the way to win is to win the universe with the largest number of people remaining in the ring in the final time.

On the other side, Broly saw the Monkey King take Vegeta down, but he didn't bother to pay attention.

These guys are left for last.

Then, Broly's body flashed and instantly appeared in front of Kafis.

"Are you all right? You take a good rest, and these smelly fish and rotten shrimp will be handed over to me! "

Broly glanced at the players around him and said to Kafis.

"Well, if I fight alone, I can't unload these bastards' legs!"

"But it's really a little difficult to deal with joining hands!"

Kafis nodded and said.

At this time, he has turned into a Super Saiyan, in blue form.

Although this form is powerful, its strength and speed have been greatly improved.

But the downside is that the consumption is too fast!

He only turned into this form, and in five minutes, his physical energy was already quite depleted.

"But then again, you guy is really hidden!"

"I thought you were very good in the last game!"

"I didn't expect that this guy of yours actually hid a stronger transformation, and your strength is estimated to be close to Brother Qin Yu, right?"

Kafis smiled a little helplessly and said.

Although he practiced hard, the gap between him and Broly was not shortened.

Instead, it stretched farther and farther.

This is the advantage of bloodline, and there is no way to change it at all.

"My strength is indeed strong now, even if it is a God of Destruction, I don't put it in my eyes."

"But if you compare it with Master Qin Yu, it's a bit too!"

"The height that Master Qin Yu is standing at is unimaginable now."

"Okay, you just rest well, these bastards leave it to me to clean up!"

Broly smiled and said.

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