Chapter 227 Do you want to ambush a wave of gin?!!

Conan sat above the seat, panicked.

“I don’t know what Conan will look like?”

Xiaolan looked at Conan with a smile.

Xiaolan knew very well that Conan was Kudo Shinichi.

So Conan’s appearance ten years from now must be the same as the new one.

After the photo is printed, will Conan take this opportunity to confess to himself?

Tell yourself about the smaller he has gotten into his body.

Even if the new one is in danger, she can face it together.

Xiao Lan looked at Conan, expecting in his heart.

Xiao Wai was also looking at Conan.

This guy will look like ten years later, it is Ding Teng Shinichi.

So, what does he do after the photo is printed?

Is it true that everything is told to Xiaolan? Or continue to cover up his own identity with other lies?

Yuan Jiaming pressed the start button, and a helmet was lowered, completely covering Conan’s head.


The white flash flashed, and the helmet rose again.

But Conan’s photo was not printed, and the error message of ‘ERROR’ appeared on the operating screen of the device.


“It looks like this machine is really out of order.”

Maori Kogoro looked at the screen and said.

“Eh? So the photos of Xiao Ai and Guan Zu are not what they looked like ten years later? ”

Yuan Zi said with a look of regret.

She really wanted to see what Guan Zu would look like ten years later.

Conan breathed a sigh of relief: “It’s dangerous…… Almost exposed………]

Xiao Wei saw Conan’s result and also had some doubts.

Don’t……… Did the machine really break down from just now??

No, or find an opportunity to pinch Guan Zu’s face to confirm whether he is wearing a human skin mask!

If you are usually with them and wear a mask, it is very disgusting!

That’s a total distrust of them! Xiao Lai had to figure out this matter.

Miss Secretary went to the side and answered a call.

After hanging up the phone, he walked toward several people.

“Gentlemen, now please follow me to the banquet hall on the seventy-fifth floor. Please go in the direction of the elevator~! ”

Miss Secretary greeted everyone.

When he finished speaking, he accidentally bumped into Guan Zu’s body.

“Ah, I’m sorry!”

Miss Secretary hastened to apologize.

“It’s all right, Miss Sawaguchi. Just pay attention next time. ”

Guan Zu smiled and said comfortingly.

People are always more tolerant of beautiful women and handsome men.

If he had just bumped into him a tattooed big man, then the big man would have fallen down at this moment.

But if it’s a beautiful woman, then it doesn’t matter.

“Here it is again, she belongs to the pig, so she always bumps into the east.”

Hara said with a smile.

“Eh? Miss Sawaguchi belongs to the pigs, right? ”

“Mr. Yuan!”

Miss Secretary’s face turned red with ridicule.

After some joking, Miss Secretary led the crowd into a glass elevator built on the outside of the building.

All three sides of the elevator are made of glass, and you can see the whole city of Seittama on the way to the elevator.

However, Maori Kogoro was afraid of heights, and only dared to stand against the elevator door, and his eyes were closed the whole time, and he did not dare to look out at all.

Wasted this wonderful observation deck.

However, the three little ghosts of the Junior Detective Team were not afraid of Gao at all.

All three of them stood on the outermost part, lying on the glass wall, enjoying the view outside the elevator.

“It’s so beautiful!!”

“It’s like approaching heaven step by step!”

Unlike the beautiful scenery that others noticed, Guan Zu noticed another building a few hundred meters away.

Although the building is not as tall as the twin-tower skyscraper, it is also a tall building that stands out from the crowd compared to other buildings around it.

If Guan Zu is not mistaken, in the plot, Gin is on the roof of that building, sniping the garden with a sniper rifle, right?

So this time, without knowing that ‘Shirley’ would be here, would gin still be there?

Guan Zu was thinking, should he install some bomb traps in that building in advance?

Or do you go to the roof of this twin-tower skyscraper yourself and snipe the gin on that building?

The speed of the elevator is fast.

When Guan Zu was still in the slightest, the elevator began to slow down and then stopped on the seventy-fifth floor.

The elevator door opened, and Miss Secretary led the crowd out of the elevator.

Outside the elevator is a huge hall.

“There’s a bit of chaos here because we’re preparing for the banquet.”

Miss Secretary said apologetically.

The crowd, led by Miss Secretary, walked toward several people in the distance.

“Ah, Maori senior!”

A mature woman in a red suit saw the crowd and turned to greet Maori Kogoro.

“Long plate, I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

Maori Kogoro and Nagapan Miyuki’s hands were held together.

“I’m sorry to have you come all the way here.”

Chang Pan Mei Xu said humbly.

“No, no, no… It was supposed to be alone……”

Maori Kogoro

Scratched his head in embarrassment.

At this time, Xiao Lan took two steps forward.

“I am his daughter Xiaolan, and my mother wants me to greet you on her behalf.”

Xiao Lan bowed slightly to Long Pan Meixu.

“Eh! Xiaolan! ”

Maori Kogoro looked at Xiaolan accusingly, which was also too faceless for him.

Let him introduce himself!

Xiao Lan ignored her father’s reaction and instead began to introduce others in her company, “Let me introduce you!” ”

“This is my classmate Enko Suzuki and Ashira.”


“This is the inventor Dr. Asa, the explorer Guan Zu.”

Sekizu and Dr. Agasa also nodded at Nagapan Mitsu.

Dr. Kasa was a little embarrassed, after all, the human parent Pan Meixu did not invite him, he was brought.

Guan Zu was not embarrassed in the slightest.

He did a lot more uninvited things.

He is now coming as a guest, and this long plate Mitsuru should be happy.

If he had come in another capacity, the lady of the long plate would have had a headache.

“This is Conan Edogawa, Ayumi Yoshida, Mitsuhiko Marutani, and Motoya Kojima.”

Xiaolan continued.

“Hello everyone, I’m Long Pan Mitsu. I’ll introduce it too. ”

Changpan Meixu turned to Guan Zu and the others slightly.

I have to say that in terms of small etiquette, the people of Sakura Country still pay considerable attention to Nagapan Mitsu and introduce the identities of several people around her to Guan Zu and others.

They are her painting teacher, cherry blossom painting painter such as Moon Peak Water.

and Iwamatsu Ōki, a city councilor in Nishitama City.

The reason why the Long Disk Group was able to build this building was indeed because the congressman worked in many ways to make this super tall building successfully constructed.

Finally, there is the designer of this twin-tower skyscraper, the architect Hidehiko Kazuma.

Guan Zu looked at the few people in front of him.

Who among these people will die?

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