Chapter 233: I Know the Murderer But I Just Don’t Say It!!

After returning from the Twin Towers skyscraper, Sekizu often went to the city of West Tama alone.

Pedal near the twin towers skyscraper.

Find sniper spots suitable for sniping at the Twin Towers skyscraper.

One of the best sniper points is another tall building six or seven hundred meters away from the twin towers skyscraper.

The height of the tall building is not as high as the Twin Towers skyscraper, but it is much higher than other buildings around it.

It is also almost two-thirds the height of the twin towers skyscraper.

And that building is facing the VIP sightseeing elevator of the Twin Towers skyscraper, which can perfectly snipe the guests inside the elevator.

Of course, apart from that building, it’s not that there are no other sniper spots.

But it’s all worse than that sniper point.

Guan Zu also deliberately ran to the roof of the building to take a look.

I wanted to install traps like bombs, but I thought about it. At the level of gin, it is impossible not to explore the environment when choosing this place as a sniper point.

And Guan Zu believes that true masters are aware of danger.

If he planted a bomb trap in such a way, there was a 90% chance that he would hit the grass and startle the snake

So after thinking about it, Guan Zu gave up the idea of setting a trap in advance at this best sniper point.

When the time comes, he will go to the top floor of the Twin Towers skyscraper, where he will fight with the gin in the door!

He didn’t believe that gin could snipe him! Weekend.

Nishitama City Councilor Ōki Iwamatsu moved into the 67-story Suite in Tower B of the Twin Towers Skyscraper.

He was then stabbed to death in the suite by a small black man with a dagger. Next.

Guan Zu, Xiao Ai, and others were called to the Metropolitan Police Department by Officer Mu Twilight. Of course, it’s not just the two of them.

In addition, Yuanzi, Xiaolan, Maori Kogoro, Conan and the three little ghosts of the Junior Detective Team, as well as Dr. Asa, are all summoned to the Metropolitan Police Department by Officer Megumi.

When he saw everyone, Guan Zu knew that something had happened.

And it was among the few people I met that day at the Twin Towers skyscraper, and some of them died.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t have been called to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Subsequently, the words of Officer Tsui Twilight confirmed Guan Zu’s thoughts.

“I’m not looking for you today for anything else. In the suite of the Twin Towers skyscraper, the body of the assassin was found. ”

Officer Megumi looked at the crowd and said.

A young criminal policeman next to him posted a photo of the deceased on a whiteboard.

“This person is!!”

“Nishitama City Councilor Ogiwamatsu Iwamatsu!?”

Maori Kogoro was shocked. This man actually is!

Guan Zu was not surprised in the slightest, but felt that it was indeed so.

The Ohki councillor actually dared to laugh at Maori Kogoro, it was not a big lantern in the toilet, looking for death.

“When he asked for accommodation from Mitsuo Changpan, I heard that you all happened to be there.”

Officer Mu Twilight looked at everyone and said.

After saying that, he looked at the other torturer behind him.



A young police officer who was a little strong, but not very fat, opened the file book in his hand.

“The time of death was probably between 10 p.m. and 00 a.m., and the murder weapon could have been a knife. However, it was not found on the spot. ”

“But, in Ogi’s hand, he holds a small wine glass that has been split in two.”

Officer Chiba glanced at the file and said.

Guan Zu looked at the young criminal policeman with a little curiosity. This is Officer Chiba under Megumi?

Shouldn’t that be a big fat guy?

How this person looks, it has nothing to do with the big fat man.

“A small wine glass?”

The others, like Guan Zu, did not pay attention to a young criminal policeman.

“This is it.”

Officer Shiratori took out a bag of evidence containing a small wine glass that had been torn in half, as well as some tiny fragments.

“This small wine glass belongs to the high price. Ohki likes to drink, and it is likely that he will be a fan of B-noodle hair.”

“We analyzed that it is likely that the deceased deliberately left behind pre-death messages that hint at the identity of the murderer.”

Officer Megumi said.

At this time, the not very fat police officer Chiba posted several photos on the whiteboard.

They are veteran painter Ruzuki Tsukiho, Nagapan Mitsu, chairman of the Changpan Group, her secretary Sawaguchi, architectural designer Hidehiko Kazuma, and director and software engineer Jiaming Yuan.

The police believe that the murderer is likely to be among the five.

Because in addition to Maori Kogoro, Sekizu and others, only these people know that Nishitama City Councilor Ohki Iwamatsu will live in the hotel of the Twin Towers Skyscraper that day.

At this time, the Twin Towers skyscraper has not yet opened. Others simply do not have the conditions to kill.

Thus, Maori Kogoro’s murderer exclusion method began.

Hara Jiaming, who was suspicious of director and software engineer, was then told that Hara was the only one with an alibi.

“What was the murderer’s motive?”

Dr. Kasa asked curiously.

“It is still under investigation. Although Ohki is a city councilor, he actually seems to hold more power than the mayor. ”

Officer Megumi said.

“Like this twin-tower skyscraper, the municipal bill that originally did not allow the construction of high-rise buildings was forcibly changed.”

Officer Shiratori added

“Therefore, Miss Mitsu has no way to refuse Mr. Ohki’s request to stay in the hotel before the opening…”

Xiao Lan couldn’t understand the points before, and now he finally figured it out.

“So, isn’t the brooch worn by Miss Mitsu very similar to a small wine glass that has been broken in half?”

Conan said suddenly.

“Wait a minute!! It definitely won’t be a beauty!! ”

Maori Kogoro was in a hurry. That’s his cute schoolgirl!

When others were arguing (analyzing) who was more likely to be the murderer, Guan Zu did not say a word, but recalled the details of the case.

His deepest impression of the case was the emergence of the Black Order. And Gin will mistake the garden for Shirley sniping.

In the final scene, Conan drives a sports car and uses the impact of the explosion to fly from the seventy-fifth floor of Building A directly to the swimming pool on the roof of Building B.

Other details, he did not remember very clearly before.

But after recalling it for a while, I remembered more and more details. Among them, I also remember who the murderer of this case was.

It was none other than the oldest painter, such as Yuefeng Shui.

As for the motive for the killing, it was because the Twin Towers skyscraper blocked his family’s ‘line of sight’ of Mt. Fuji.

Originally, he could enjoy the full Mount Fuji at home.

But once the Twin Towers Skytop was built, the building split Mt. Fuji in two!

Therefore, he hated the Ogi councillor who forcibly passed the municipal bill, and the long-plated Mitsuo who funded the construction of the Twin Towers skyscraper.

In the end, he set out to kill two people.

However, Guan Zu remembered the murderer of this case, but he did not tell the police of his intentions.

He’s a bandit! How can you help the police? Inexistent!

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