Chapter 240 Stalked? This fat woman has a problem!!

Guan Zu would go to the floor-to-ceiling window and look at the building a few hundred meters away.

It was completely dark, but with Guan Zu’s excellent eyesight, he could barely see everything on the roof of that building.

At this moment, he saw that on the edge of the roof of the building a few hundred meters away, there was one more figure than before!

And judging from the shape of the figure, the man seems to be setting up a gun at the edge of the building and aiming at the side of the twin towers skyscraper.

It’s already coming……… The corners of Guan Zu’s mouth were slightly raised.

If nothing else, that figure should be gin! For this day, Guan Zu waited for more than a week. Gin has finally appeared!

Guan Zu really wanted to see what the world would be like if he really killed the gin, right?

If the only model worker is hung, will the winery be completely occupied by fake wine?

Guan Zu took the plate, returned to the nearest table, put the plate on the table, turned and walked towards the safe exit.

Now that gin has appeared, it’s time for him to play.

The distance between this twin-tower skyscraper and the building opposite is only four or five hundred meters.

Such a short distance, he can be said to be a hundred shots.

Not to mention the sniper rifle, it is an ordinary rifle, in the case of a single point, such a close distance, he can not shoot crooked.

However, relatively close, such a close distance, for gin, it should be impossible to shoot crooked.

If Gin had found him first, he would have had to eat bullets.

However, now that he is in the dark, and the gin is in the light, gin can’t find out about his ‘middle door to sniper’ first, the winner is destined to be him.

Guan Zu left the banquet hall from the security exit.

In the crowd, one person noticed Guan Zu’s departure.

That man, of course, was Belmode who had infiltrated the banquet hall in disguise. That guy…… Sure enough, there was a problem.

“I’m sorry, I lost my company.”

Belmode spoke to the people around him, and then followed Guan Zu.

Guan Zu left the banquet hall and walked along the stairs towards the rooftop. Pushing open the door of the rooftop, I felt a wind blowing in my face.

The twin towers skyscraper is seventy-five stories high and more than 300 meters high. The wind at this height on the roof is naturally not small.

Walk up to the roof and close the door behind you.

However, Guan Zu did not immediately go to the edge of the roof, but leaned against the wall next to the door, waiting for his followers to follow.

Before in the banquet hall, he had actually noticed that someone was watching him.

It’s just that there are too many people in the banquet hall, and he is not sure who the people who have been staring at him are.

Or is it only because he is out of place with other people that someone is watching him all the time?

But Guan Zu felt that the former was more likely. Because the gaze that was watching him was very secretive.

Every time he tried to find someone who was watching him, he couldn’t find a target. Teach, remember the workers.

Therefore, this can never be a coincidence.

Since someone was stalking him, he was now leaving the banquet hall, and the man must have noticed it too.

So Guan Zu is gambling, that one will catch up with a high probability.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if you don’t catch up, the big deal is just a waste of a few minutes.

Gin they hadn’t detonated the bomb downstairs, and it was too early to cut off the building, and he wasn’t in a hurry.

Sure enough, within two minutes, Guan Zu heard footsteps and slowly approached. Although the footsteps were not loud, he could hear them very clearly.

High heels? Is it a woman?

The corners of Guan Zu’s mouth were slightly raised.

Interesting, this is to see that he is too boring, so send him fun? However, the showdown with gin is about to begin, which is not enough time.

Footsteps grew closer and closer to the door to the rooftop. Finally, stop on the other side of the door.

Immediately afterward, the door of Heavenly Disgust was slowly pushed open. A somewhat fat woman pushed open the door and walked out. But when she came out, she didn’t dare to move.

The Fourth Society, the soldier said with a clear name, “Say, why follow me?” ”

Guan Zu said lightly.

Originally, listening to the sound of high heels, he thought it would be a young and beautiful woman.

But after seeing people, he was immediately disappointed.

Although he didn’t plan to do anything, after all, there was not enough time.

Being followed by such a fat, and then heavy makeup middle-aged woman is really a bit of egg pain.

“I… I just came to the roof to blow the wind…”

The fat woman said in a trembling voice.

Originally, Belmode was only 70% or 80% sure, thinking that the person who ran to the roof was the gangster 9527.

But now, she was 100% sure that this person was the Humble Bandit 9527!

Otherwise, where can ordinary people get guns?

Don’t say it’s other robbers, where there is such a coincidence.

Pointed at gunpoint, she did not dare to act rashly now, and could only pretend to be an innocent guest.

“Oh? Is it? But you bumped into my secret, so don’t blame me.”

Guan Zu raised his pistol in his right hand and aimed it at the head of the woman next to him.

The left hand suddenly pulled out a narcotics gun and fired a shot at the stomach of the fat woman in front of him.

The opening banquet was being held downstairs, and he couldn’t shoot casually, at least not yet.

So you can only use an anesthesia gun.

Belmode looked at the needle inserted in his stomach and was a little confused.

She also thought that this guy in front of her would shoot herself with a pistol, and she was just ready to beg for forgiveness…

As a result, the bullet becomes a needle?? Belmode’s brain was racing.

What is this needle?

Anesthesia needles? Or a poison needle?

How should she react now?

Belmode himself is in very good shape, where there should be thinness, where there should be meat there is meat.

There is no extra flesh on the stomach anyway.

But in order to disguise herself as this fat woman, she had fake skin all over her body. Especially on the stomach, it is a thick layer!

The needle didn’t even shoot through the fake skin, so Belmode didn’t know how he should react!

Was he poisoned to death? Or is it unconscious and unconscious?

After thinking for two seconds, Belmode made a quick decision and took a gamble. Pretend to pass out!

At this time, she can only choose to gamble.

“I… Really…… Came to blow the wind……”

Belmode leaned against the wall and sat slowly on the ground, finally unconscious.

I have to say that Belmode is really worthy of being a good actor in Maiwu, and his acting skills are really nothing to say.

This coma looks exactly like the real coma. It’s just that she’s been in a coma for a long time.

Guan Zu looked at the unconscious fat woman in front of him with a little doubt.

Is it difficult to be because this guy is too fat, so the effect of the drug is slow?

But Guan Zu thought about it and felt that it was not right.

Before, when he was in the dusk annex, the food detective was nearly three hundred pounds, and the coma was faster than this fat woman.


There is something wrong with this woman! And!

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