Chapter 247 The Plane Exploded!!

“Vodka! Circumvent!! ”

Gin sweat hair fried.

While ordering the vodka to control the plane to retreat, he even got his own hands on it, breaking the helicopter’s lever to the side.

Although only one black shadow was seen, Gin was basically sure that the black shadow was carrying anti-equipment such as bazookas on its shoulders.

This gunship can withstand the shooting of bullets, but it cannot resist the attack of anti-equipment such as bazookas!

So after seeing the figure on the roof, carrying a bazooka.

Gin immediately let the vodka evade.

If this were to be directly hit by the bazooka, they would all die here.

Gin reacted quickly, but the rockets flew faster.

The time of Guan Zu’s rocket launch is almost the same as the time when Gin reacted to make the vodka evade.

As soon as the helicopter deflected a little to the side, the rockets flew over.

Almost rubbed the fuselage on the right side of the helicopter and flew over.

Just when the gin and others in the plane were breathing a sigh of relief, the rocket hit the tail of the helicopter and exploded.


The siren in the helicopter sounded rapidly.

Vodka also immediately felt that the helicopter was out of control.


Cohen felt the strong vibration of the plane and realized it was not good.

“What is the situation now!!”

Chianti clutched his sniper rifle tightly.

“Big Brother!! The plane is out of control!! ”

Vodka did its best to control the balance of the helicopter.


Gin gave the order to retreat.

This time, he lost again.

Gin felt that he had made full preparations to deal with 9527.

Even the helicopter gunships were driven out.

But I really didn’t expect that 9527 seemed to know his plan.

Sniped Calvados, who was ambushed in the opposite building, and made it impossible for their pre-installed bombs to explode.

Even the bazooka was prepared in advance! Bombard his gunship with a bazooka!

Gin wondered, why did 9527 know about their actions?

This time, only a few of them involved in the operation, as well as the boss, knew about it.

The peripheral members had no idea of the plan this time.

So, is it the inner ghost again?

Calvados is dead, he can’t be an inner ghost.

People sitting on helicopters are also likely to be killed by rockets, so they can’t be ghosts.

So……… Is the inner ghost Belmode?

This time, he will definitely report all this to the BOSS truthfully.

If Belmode really betrayed them, then no matter how much the boss spoiled Belmode, he would definitely kill her!

Of course, the premise is that they can go back alive.

The enemy was inside the roof of the twin towers skyscraper, not on the edge of the roof, so Vodka quickly controlled the helicopter to reduce the height.

In this way, the people on the roof will not be able to continue to attack them for a short time.

At the same time, he controls the helicopter to quickly move away from the skyscraper of the twin towers.

Although the helicopter was damaged and less controlled, it was still just as fast.

In just a few seconds, it was already flying out of the attack range of the bazooka.

Guan Zu carried the rocket launcher loaded with the bomb to the edge of the roof, and watched the helicopter that was still burning with flames quickly away.

“It’s really fast.”

Guan Zu complained.

The attack distance of the bazooka is only three hundred meters, and the helicopters have already flown out six or seven hundred meters, and they cannot attack at all.

He could still continue to buy longer-range individual anti-aircraft missiles, such as Stinger.

But see the helicopter burning with fire and smoke.

Guan Zu felt that there should be no need to buy any anti-aircraft missiles.

Sure enough, the helicopter piloted by Gin flew for a while, and suddenly it exploded in the air.


Immediately after that, the helicopter quickly fell downwards.

After falling to the ground, there was another more violent explosion.

Seeing this scene, Guan Zu frowned.

Because he vaguely saw that before the helicopter exploded, something seemed to eject.

“Wouldn’t this all be dead?”

Guan Zu spat out a groove.

If none of this is dead, then there is no other way for him to do it.

He couldn’t see anyone anymore, and even if he wanted to mend the knife again, he couldn’t make it up.

Guan Zu withdrew his gaze and looked down at the bottom of the building.

The middle floor of the building is on fire.

At the bottom of the building, there are a large number of fire trucks, ambulances and police cars.

There are also a considerable number of media reporters.

The explosion of the Twin Towers skyscraper on the day of the opening ceremony, and the fire also broke out, which is big news in itself.

Then these people witnessed the shooting down of a helicopter.

That’s the bigger news.

Seeing so many people below, Guan Zu knew that he should go.

If he doesn’t leave, I’m afraid that he won’t be able to leave when the police helicopter or the Self-Defense Force helicopter arrives.

Guan Zu put away the bazooka in his hand and quickly ran towards Belmode, who was lying on the ground.

Banquet hall.

The people who were waiting for the elevator here witnessed the whole process of the face lift being shot down!

The helicopter had just turned the direction of the searchlight away when it was attacked.

The others didn’t react to what the situation was, but Conan did.

This is someone on the roof of the roof, attacking this helicopter gunship outside with a bazooka!

Thinking about this, Conan didn’t care if there was any danger, turned around and ran towards the escape stairs.

He wanted to see who was on the rooftop, attacking the helicopter outside with a bazooka.

However, Conan had just turned and ran towards the escape stairs when he was pulled by Xiao Ai

“Little devil! Don’t run around at this time! ”

Little Mourning grabbed Conan’s arm deadly.

Before, Xiao Yi did not know that the helicopter was piloted by Gin and Vol 480 Tega, because when flying the plane at night, the lights would not be turned on inside.

It’s the same thing as driving.

If the lights are turned on inside, you will not be able to see the outside.

However, the fire emitted by the explosion just now made Xiao Ai see the two people sitting inside the plane.

Gin and vodka!

The people in the organization, even if they turn to ashes, she knows them!

Why gin and vodka are here, she doesn’t know.

It could be because of yourself, or it could be because of other tasks.

But who just attacked Gin and the helicopter they were piloting? The first thing Xiao Ai thought of was Guan Zu!

Thinking of what Guan Zu had said before, Xiao Lai became more and more sure that the person who had just attacked Gin was most likely Guan Zu!

And Xiao Ai also knows Conan’s identity, knowing that he is actually a high school detective Kudo Shinichi.

Seeing him turn around and run in the direction of the escape stairs, naturally he would not succeed.

Guan Zu is doing his best to help her and her sister eliminate the organization, and although she can’t help much, she can keep Conan from bothering him.

“Let go of me!!”

Conan turned and shouted.

All he wanted now was to hurry up to the roof and see who the attackers were.

Other nature doesn’t take care of anything.


Garden punched Conan in the head.

“Little devil! You’re rude! ”

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