Chapter 260: Akimi Miyano’s sense of crisis!!

Guan Zu roughly talked about the organization and purpose of the zoo with Akimi Miyano and Xiao Ai.

Of course, there is no mention of who the members of the ‘zoo’ are, but only that there is such an organization that is looking for gems that can make people immortal.

In fact, Guan Zu didn’t know who the members of the ‘zoo’ were, only that there was a member with the code name Snake and a member with the code name Spider.

The others, he didn’t know at all.

Because when he crossed, he didn’t actually look at much of the strange thief Kidd.

But just such a little information has already made Miyano Akimi and Xiao Ai feel that this ‘zoo’ organization is probably not simple.

In other words, the pursuit of immortality of the world’s organizations will not be simple.

Because they had been members of the Black Organization before, they naturally knew very well how powerful the organization was.

Another organization with the same purpose as the organization is probably not much worse than the organization.

Soon, the time came to Saturday.

At six o’clock, Xiao Ai and Miyano Akimi both finished dinner together.

“Sister, do you want to go to Chaoliu with me and Xiaolan to see the performance of the strange thief Kidd?”

Xiao Ai looked at Akimi Miyano and asked.

Blame the thief Kidd for stealing not their things, and Xiao Mo naturally looks at this as hilarious.

In fact, the vast majority of people who rushed to the scene today ran to see the liveliness.

Even the garden, the second lady of the Suzuki Foundation, went to see the strange thief Kidd, not because she was worried that Uncle Da’s gem would be stolen.

“Well, let’s go check it out.”

Akimi Miyano gladly responded.

As for Guan Zu, there is no need to invite.

After eating at noon today, Guan Zu went out and did not come back at all in the afternoon.

“Do you want to shout honesty together?”

Xiao Ai looked at Akimi Miyano and asked again.

“No, honesty doesn’t seem to be at home for a few days, and there is a rest hanging on the door of the clinic next door.”

Akimi Miyano shook her head.


Little mourning listened, felt that things were playing strangely.

Guan Zu and Honesty are not at home together, these two people, should they go out to do things?

As for the object of the matter, it is naturally Yukijiro Suzuki, the eldest uncle of the garden.

“Zu this guy and honest two, won’t run to grab the blue miracle, right?”

Xiao Wei voiced his concerns.

In order to prevent and arrest the strange thief Kidd, the police deployed a large number of police forces around the Suzuki family’s museum in Shioru.

At this time, to rob the blue miracle, this is not to increase the difficulty of yourself.


Listening to Xiao Ai’s words, Miyano Akimi also felt as if there was such a possibility.

It’s just that Miyano Akimi is not worried that Guan Zu and Honesty will be caught by the police, and with Guan Zu’s transfiguration level, the police will not be able to catch him at all.

And even if Honesty is caught by the police, Guan Zu will definitely rescue Honesty from the Metropolitan Police Department just like rescuing her.

What Miyano Akimi cares about is that if Sekizu and Honesty really have an action to go out today, then why didn’t they call her together?

Although everyone is a team of people.

But she lives under one roof with Guan Zu every day, and she should not be a more intimate and trusted partner.

So why didn’t you shout at her this time, but honestly? Akimi Miyano had some uneasiness.

It won’t be because he hasn’t provided some VIP treatment for Guan Zu recently, and Xiao Lai is always angry with Guan Zu, so he began to be dissatisfied with them, right?

Akimi Miyano suddenly developed a strong sense of crisis.

If Guan Zu really stopped sheltering her and her sister, what should they do in the future?

Xiao Ai learned the transfiguration technique, it is true, without the protection of Guan Zu, it is not so simple for the organization to find them in a short period of time.

But everything is just in case.

In case they are found by the organization, without Guan Zu’s protection, she and Xiao Ai can only be reduced to lambs to be slaughtered.

When it comes to force, they have absolutely no way to deal with it.

After brainstorming, Akimi Miyano made a decision.


Xiao Wei looked at her sister doubtfully.

How did the good ones suddenly start to stay still?


Akimi Miyano looked back.

“Sister, are you all right?”

Little mourning asked with concern.

Has my sister been too tired lately? Or is there something on your mind?

“It’s all right.”

Miyano smiled and shook her head.

“I just think again, Zu and Honest, even if they go to rob Mr. Suzuki’s blue miracle, with their strength, they will certainly be fine.” So don’t worry. ”

Akimi Miyano explains.

“I’m not worried about that guy!” My concern is honesty! ”

Xiao Wei quickly defended.

She wouldn’t worry about the safety of that guy from Guan Zu!

“Yes ~ yes ~ the time is not early, let’s hurry up.”

Mingmei looked at Xiao Wei dotingly and said.

Guan Zu is a sanctuary that must not be lost.

And the sister is so ‘heartless and lungless’, then it can only be protected by her

Xiao Ai and Miyano Akimi drove to the Maori Detective Office, picked up Xiao Lan and the others, and then went to Shioru.

When they arrived at the museum in Shiodome, it was already crowded around the museum.

The crowd of onlookers has surrounded the four sides of the museum with three floors inside and three floors outside.

It can be seen how exaggerated the popularity of the strange thief Kidd is.

This is mainly because the strange thief Kidd has always only stolen things and not hurt people

In other words, Guan Zu announced in advance that he would come to snatch away the blue miracle located in the museum, afraid that no one would dare to come and see the liveliness.

It will not be the melon-eating masses gathered here, but a large number of heavily armed police forces.

After all, the name of Bandit 9527 still has a certain deterrent effect in the police circle and even the entire Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

In addition to the melon-eating crowd of onlookers, countless police forces blocked all directions of the museum.

First, to prevent the crowd of onlookers from getting too close, and second, to arrest Kidd, a strange thief who will come to step on the dot tonight.

Several helicopters were also flying in the sky.

However, Xiao Ai glanced twice and found that the helicopter in the sky did not seem to be a helicopter of the Metropolitan Police Department.

But…… Private helicopter?

Xiao Ai and Xiao Lan and the others came to the front of the crowd and grabbed a fairly good position.

Wait for the arrival of the strange thief Kidd.

“Hey ~ ~ Xiao Lan ~ Xiao Lai ~~!”

Jiro Suzuki rides his three-wheeled nephew, carrying Yuan Zi and his pet dog Lupin and stops by the side of Xiao Ai, Xiao Lan and others.

Conan rolled his eyes wordlessly.

The way these two people appear is so exaggerated!

Riding a three-wheeled dwarf from a police-closed road, not too much! Pull the wind.


Xiao Lan and Xiao Ai said hello to the garden.

“How’s it going?” Did the thief Kidd appear? ”

The garden took off the hard hat on her head.

“There is no movement yet.”

Xiao Lan shook her head.

Xiao Wei also shook his head.

She actually wanted to say that what came today was not necessarily the strange thief Kidd, but also the gangster 9527.

However, she was not confused, and naturally knew that such words could not be said.

Otherwise, wouldn’t she be looking for trouble for her and her sister?

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