Xia Ye didn't care about everyone's reactions.

After completing the formalities, I was ready to go back to the room to put my luggage.

At this time - the drunk Ehara Tokio staggered towards Xiaolan, pretended to be slumped, and reached out to touch Xiaolan's butt.

Maeda Satoshi, who was about to leave with his girlfriend Akiko Sayama, frowned and prepared to take action. However,

Xiaolan, who seemed defenseless, easily dodged Ehara Tokio's hands, turned around and kicked him in the chin..

Ehara Tokio screamed and spun around, flying seven or eight meters in the air, then fell heavily to the ground, twitched a few times and stopped moving.~

"What a standard roundhouse kick!"Maeda Satoshi smiled and gave Xiaolan a thumbs up, and then took his girlfriend back to the room.

"Xiaolan, be careful!"Xiaolan is wearing a super short skirt today, and Uncle Maori told her about it in the car just now!

"It's okay, Sonoko, I'm wearing safety pants!"Xiaolan used Yuanzi's body to block the surrounding view, slightly lifted the hem of the miniskirt that reached her thighs to let Yuanzi see, and hummed softly:"I won't let others see it!"

"Just let someone see it, right?"

Yuanzi blinked mischievously, her beautiful eyes narrowing:"If you ask me, you can't let others see your straight, slender and dazzlingly white legs! Otherwise, we would suffer too much, don’t you think so, Xia Ye?"

"That's right!"Xia Ye nodded solemnly and followed Yuanzi in teasing Xiaolan:

"It's best to wrap the whole leg with black cloth, so that even the ankle is not exposed, so I can only see it!"

"You two idiots!"

Xiaolan saw that her best friend and her boyfriend were colluding together, teasing her, and staring at her thighs, which made her legs feel a little hot. She suddenly pursed her lips and snorted:

"When I got back, I changed out of my miniskirt into pants that didn’t even expose my feet!"

"Don't"September 13""!"Yuanzi was the first to surrender, holding Xiaolan’s arm and saying coquettishly:"Actually, I really like watching it!"

"Don't!"Xia Ye followed suit, took Xiaolan's other hand and said with a wicked smile:"Actually, I am the same!"

Xiaolan rolled her eyes wildly.

These two bad guys were having fun, right?

Kicking away a wretched man had already made her the focus of the entire hotel lobby, but now she was being teased by these two idiots, and she could already feel it. The eyes with various meanings fell on me, it was so embarrassing!

"You two, please spare me!"

"Xiaolan, what did you say?——"

"Xia Ye and I are protecting you.~"

"Protect your head!"

Xiaolan was pulled left and right by Yuanzi and Xia Ye, and she almost didn't have to walk by herself. She looked at her best friend with a speechless face:"It's okay for Xia Ye to protect me, Yuanzi, you idiot, I can hit you three times with one hand. Ten, how can you protect me?"

"Did you hear Xia Ye?"Yuanzi's eyes were aggrieved, but his tone was teay:

"Xiaolan dislikes me. We have been good sisters for more than ten years, but she actually dislikes me!"

"I saw! Xia Ye pinched Xiaolan's face and snorted coldly:

"Don't worry, we'll take care of her when we get back soon! Span her!"

"Xia Ye, I knew you were the best! Yuanzi acted coquettishly and blew a kiss to Xia Ye through Xiaolan:


The corners of Xiaolan's eyes twitched. She gritted her silver teeth.

If she really had such an annoying boyfriend and tea master best friend, she would have killed them both!

Even if these two guys were just pretending to be like this. They looked like they were deliberately teasing themselves, and that was very annoying!

They made people want to bite them!

In the hotel lobby, the attackers left in a swagger, and the hotel front desk and security didn't dare to stop them.

They were from the Suzuki family. Who dares to mess with him!

Besides, the guy on the ground who was beaten was not seriously injured. He was just kicked in the chin and passed out from the pain. He probably didn’t even need to go to the hospital. In fact, the innocent and cute girl with amazing skills was still his subordinate.......Show mercy~

Mouri Kogoro and Conan had calm expressions on their faces, they were no longer surprised by this kind of thing.

Ever since I got along with Xia Ye.

Xiaolan seems to be getting more and more violent!

The beautiful lady Kamijou Hideko who stayed in the hall watched with twinkling eyes as the unconscious Tokio Ehara was being carried away. When her pretty face turned to Kogoro Mori, she smiled sweetly:"Mr. Mori, you saw the man pretending to be the Duke of the Night. Who is the man?"

"The Duke of the Night? what is that?"Moori Kogoro looked confused. He scratched his head and thought about it, but he still couldn't figure it out!

"He's a character in the novel written by Shinichi's father, Kudo Yusaku!"Conan was speechless. After all, you were also high school classmates, and your relationship became pretty good later on. Why don't you even know your father's masterpiece?


Mouri Kogoro waved his hands casually and said:

"it does not matter!"

"In that case, I'll take my leave~"

Kamijou Hideko suppressed her smile, her pretty face became a little cold, but she said goodbye to everyone politely.~

"Oh, Miss Kamijou!"

Mouri Kogoro looked at Kamijou Hideko who was swaying her sexy waist and leaving ruthlessly. He lifted Conan and put it in front of him and said fiercely:"Conan, tell me the information about the Duke of Dark Night. I must find him. Then win the heart of Kamijou-san!"

"OK OK!"

Conan rolled his eyes speechlessly.

This guy only has some fighting spirit when it comes to women.

But forget it. It's already good that he can take the initiative to investigate. What else is there to ask for?

It happens that he is also interested in this mystery. Just think of it as a hobby after vacation.

"That's right boy——"Uncle Maoli looked at Conan suspiciously, frowned and said,"Did you see Xiaolan and Yuanzi playing with Xia Ye just now? Why do I feel that something is wrong with Yuanzi and Xia Ye?"


Conan almost choked to death.

Uncle, you just discovered it!

Not only did that guy Xia Ye have an affair with Yuanzi, he even didn't let go of Ayumi's mother. I saw it myself!

Poor Conan, he was a famous detective in vain. There are countless cases solved outside, but I didn't even realize that my mother Yukiko hasn't lived in my house for a long time. Instead, she has been living at Xia Ye's house. Only those who want to have fun occasionally go home and spend the night in the master bedroom~


"Uncle, you are overthinking it. Sister Yuanzi has that kind of personality and is very enthusiastic towards everyone. Besides, she and Sister Xiaolan are the best best friends, and they will never do anything to make Sister Xiaolan sad!"

Of course Yuanzi will not do anything to make Xiaolan sad, but if Xiaolan doesn't have any objections, Yuanzi can naturally talk to Xia Ye - Damn it! Conan's heart is as sour as drinking vinegar, even though he has given up on Xiaolan. , but seeing that she actually went with Yuanzi and Xia Ye - she was still sour!

"You are right to say that!"

Mouri Kogoro is so obedient. Conan just persuaded him and he changed his mind. He laughed and put Conan down and touched his head:"Forget it, I must be overthinking. Conan, you can play by yourself for a while. , I'll go to the hotel bar for a drink~"


Conan is used to it.

After Kogoro Mori left, he started to visit this hotel alone, which covers a large area and has very complete ancillary facilities.

In the top-floor presidential suite of Izu Hotel.

The big bed in the master bedroom.

Xiaolan Riding boldly on Yuanzi, who had just been chatting with Xia Ye over tea downstairs, she lifted up the top of her idiot best friend with her two little hands and tickled her slender waist. She was familiar with Yuanzi's weaknesses, and Yuanzi's itch. The meat is here!

"Stop, I surrender!"

Yuanzi was scratched so hard that he couldn't breathe, and he panted for mercy. However, Xiaolan had no intention of stopping and continued to scratch!

"Out of stock, Xiaolan! Xia Ye saw him every time!"Yuanzi was so itchy that she burst into tears, so she quickly diverted Xiaolan's attention.

"It doesn't matter! Xiaolan raised the corner of her mouth and hummed softly:"Don't tell me I'm wearing safety pants. Even if I'm not, it's not a big deal. Xia Ye is my boyfriend, and it doesn't matter even if he sees me!""

"Xiaolan, you are so open now!"Yuanzi knows that her best friend was very shy back then, and she would blush every time she was seen by a girl like herself. She didn't expect that she would be so open-minded now, and her skin is already thicker than her own!

"Will I allow you two to hook up if I don't open up?"Xiaolan said angrily:

"Besides, I'm not Xiao Ai, they are genuine, what about me? What can I do if I don’t open up?"

"What you said makes sense! Yuanzi just breathed a sigh of relief, but found that Xiaolan was still scratching herself, and was speechless."Why are you still scratching? Xia Ye, come and save me, your Xiaolan is bullying me!""

"Haha, wait and see if he will come!"A sneer appeared on Xiaolan's pretty face, and she glanced at Xia Ye who was sitting on the sofa and looking over here,"The scenery over there is so beautiful, he can't bear to come over!"

"ah? Yuanzi was stunned. He looked in the direction of Xia Ye.

As expected, he was looking at it with great interest. He had no intention of getting up.

Xia Ye picked up the teacup and took a sip.

He continued to enjoy the beautiful scenery~

Xiaolan and Yuanzi had been arguing for a long time. Both of them had blushing cheeks and watery eyes.

In addition, Xiaolan was riding on Yuanzi -

Xiaolan was wearing a miniskirt. Although Yuanzi was not a miniskirt, it was also a skirt above the knee. After a while of playing, her clothes were naturally messy.——

"Damn it, Xiaolan, you are so scheming! Yuanzi's eyes were full of resentment:"You actually used our beauty to seduce Xia Ye, you're showing mercy to others, aren't you?""

"Humph, this is called strategy!"Xiaolan touched Yuanzi's fair and smooth face frivolously,"If you don't act scheming, you will bully me!"

"I surrender!"Yuanzi surrendered again

"Call me sister!"

"Sister Xiaolan!"

"Poof——"Xiaolan couldn't help laughing and rolled her eyes at her,"You really screamed~" (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Of course, my surrender is very sincere!"


Xia Ye walked to the bed with a smile..........

"The garden is already known——"

"caught you!"

A sharp look flashed in Xiaolan's eyes.

She grabbed Xia Ye's wrist with lightning speed, pulled him hard, and pulled him down beside her and Yuanzi.

Then she pounced on him and looked at Yuanzi. Said:"Yuanzi, this guy betrayed you just now, come and deal with him!"


Yuanzi did not hesitate!

She was still worried about Xia Ye's refusal to save her just now!

Xia Ye was able to avoid Xiaolan's sneak attack, but only a fool would do this. Who would do it with two beautiful girls? Refuse!?

"Sonoko, hold this hand down!"


"Xiaolan, he sneak attacked me!"

"It’s okay, you won’t lose a piece of meat!"


"It's okay Xiaolan, you won't lose any meat!"

"Damn the garden!"

"I said you two——"

"Isn't it punishment? Why did you kiss me?"

"Shut up, don't talk, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet~" In the hotel corridor, on the way to the swimming pool.

Xia Ye touched her face.

She looked at Xiaolan and Yuanzi with narrow eyes:

"I washed it several times——"

"Why does it still smell like sewer?"

"Who was drooling just now?"

Xiaolan Yuanzi blushed at the same time. Of course it was the two of them - everyone couldn't help it from just now to the end. Wet kiss, wet kiss. How can we call it a wet kiss without saliva?

Xia Ye raised the corner of her mouth:" Forget it, I forgive you, after all, I also enjoyed a lot of benefits just now~"

Xiaolan and Yuanzi rolled their eyes at him, and said in unison:"You are so good after getting an advantage!"

Xiaolan pursed her lips. In the situation just now, she and Yuanzi didn't know how much he had taken advantage of. Hum, although this was all the plan~ came to the swimming pool.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi took off their swimsuits. Xia Ye looked expectantly.

After the fight, he was kicked out by two girls. They sneakily ran to the bathroom to change into swimsuits.

He had no idea what style they were in!

"Does it look good?"

"All beautiful!"

Xia Ye gave a thumbs up decisively!

Xiaolan was wearing a black high-riseThe most attractive thing about the swimsuit is the pair of slender and powerful legs. Because of the high-cut swimsuit, the entire thigh is fully displayed, giving Xiaolan's already perfect long legs the illusion of being 1.8 meters long.!

Plus a slim curve with a deep V.

Sexy, pure and charming!

It’s simply a visual feast!

As for Sonoko, she is as bold as ever. Today she is wearing a sexy string bikini that is similar to the one worn by her sister Ayako yesterday. It is composed of simple strings and cool pieces of cloth, but yesterday Ayako wore white. And 0.3 Sonoko is wearing purple today!

Coupled with a figure that is even plumper than Xiaolan's.

There is a sexy temptation that does not belong to girls~

A globe appeared in front of Xia Ye's eyes - the southern and northern hemispheres separated by the equator were clearly visible and majestic~

This made him sigh.

Nature is really amazing!


"Xia Ye, as long as you like it!"

Seeing that the carefully selected swimsuits worked, the two girls giggled and started to have a water fight.

Xia Ye lay in the shallow water and watched them playing with a smile, and her heart was full of tenderness.

At the same time -

Conan He was still walking around the hotel.

Unknowingly, he walked to a large balcony.

He took a casual look and found that below him was the hotel's large swimming pool.

In the swimming pool, Xia Ye was lying in the shallow water like an old man, and Xiaolan Xiaolan and Yuanzi would come to him and chat intimately from time to time, their bodies brushing against each other. Xiaolan and Yuanzi were still wearing such sexy swimsuits. Damn it, that guy Xia Ye is so gorgeous! Unconsciously, Conan's gaze It fell on the other big sisters in the swimming pool. After all, although the body was that of a primary school student, the soul inside was that of an adolescent high school student. It was the time when he was curious about women's bodies.

As for why he didn't look at Xiaolan and Yuanzi, he was afraid of being exposed by Xia. Ye's keen intuition discovered, and then he was beaten~

At this moment.

Conan, who was peeping, did not notice.

A figure with a strange mask on his face opened the balcony window, came behind him, and gave him a gentle push!

The moment of falling , Conan saw the true face of the"murderer", which was an image he was very familiar with - the Duke of the Night!


Xia Ye reached out and picked up Conan's short legs to lift him out of the water and teased:

"Conan, are you practicing diving here?".

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