People Are In Konoha, Get The Whitebeard Template At The Beginning

014 Konoha High-Level Meeting, Directly Release Pigeons [Seeking Flowers]

At the moment Mingye is discussing with Fugaku how to deal with Shisui.

"Mingye, isn't it too much to deal with Shisui in this way?" Fugaku looked at Mingye with some hesitation.

Regarding Mingye's proposal to seal Shisui's Chakra for a year first, Fugaku is still a little uncertain in his heart.

You know, for a genius like Shisui, no one will know how fast this age group grows in one year.

If it is sealed at this point, it will probably be a huge blow to Shisui's strength.

It will also have a great impact on the overall strength of the Uchiha family.

Mingye shook his head and said lightly: "His current mentality is not suitable for continuing to have Chakra for the time being, it's better to seal it first, and when his mentality changes and his mind is normal, then unseal him! "

Fugaku hesitated for a moment!

In the end, he nodded, and he couldn't change his cousin's decision.

Moreover, he also thinks what Mingye said makes sense.

"Also, Itachi had better keep a close watch on him, and let him have less contact with Shisui!"

Mingye continued to add.

In the end, Itachi will go to a dead end, and Shisui has a great influence on him.

If these two geniuses can be protected, it is best to correct their thinking.

If it can't be corrected, there is nothing Mingye can do...

It's just that this method is rather cruel, and Mingye really didn't want to use it until the last moment.

Fugaku nodded, and immediately stood up to deal with these matters.

However, a figure walked in from outside the door immediately.

"Patriarch, Lord Mingye, Third Hokage sent a letter!"

Fugaku received the letter, opened it, and immediately frowned.

"Third Generation asked us to go to the meeting because the Cloud Shinobi Mission is here! They also invited other big clans of Konoha!"

Mingye frowned slightly, what's the reason?

The mission is here, it’s fine if you receive it normally, why did you invite all the big families to a meeting?

This is not a very important thing.

Like Konoha, as the final victor in the Ninja World War, not to mention dozens of missions come every year, but there are still a dozen or so.

If everyone had to hold a meeting like this, I am afraid that everyone would not have to do other things, just wait for the meeting every day and be done.

Fugaku obviously also realized this, and looked at Mingye with a questioning look.

[Ding, reverse Uchiha: Participate in this Konoha Conference to resolve Third Generation's means of suppressing Uchiha. 】

[Mission Reward: One chance to draw a lottery. 】

【Ding, the ugly Third Generation: Break the prestige of Third Hokage, reveal its original face, and completely crush his ambitions. 】

[Mission Reward: One chance to draw a lottery. 】

Mingye narrowed his eyes slightly after hearing the task prompt in his mind.

The old clapper of Third Generation really has no good intentions. It turned out that he hoped to unite with other big clans to suppress Uchiha.

However, since you let me know about your plot, let's stop here.

Mingye pondered for a while, then said: "No matter what, he is still Hokage on the surface after all, let's go and see what kind of medicine is sold in his gourd!"

"Then what about Shisui?"

"Shisui, let's stop for now, let's deal with it later!"

Fugaku nodded: "Then let's go there quickly, there is not much time until the meeting starts."

After saying that, Fugaku seemed to turn around and leave.

Mingye stopped him directly: "Don't worry, let's wait an hour before going there!"

There was a big question mark on Fugaku's head, with a puzzled look on his face.

Mingye smiled and didn't explain much.

Since the main purpose of the Third Generation is to unite with other big clans to suppress Uchiha, if they don't go, the Third Generation meeting will not go on.

You can't press against the air!

Therefore, Third Generation will definitely be waiting for the two of them.

Simply let them wait a little longer!

Let them dry.


Fugaku found that he really didn't know this cousin more and more. Not only was his strength far beyond his imagination, he punched Susanoo.

Now the style of acting is also extremely weird.

Openly release the pigeons of Konoha and other high-level officials, and let Hokage wait for an hour, just to wait for their Uchiha family.

Doesn't that offend everyone?

Wouldn't Uchiha be squeezed out even more in the future!

But out of trust in Mingye, Fugaku still chose to believe.

In such a quiet waiting, an hour passed.

The two drank tea and chatted, and their lives were extremely refreshing.

Seeing that the time was almost too late, Mingye stood up and stretched, and nodded to Fugaku, indicating that it was time to set off.

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