People Are In Konoha, Get The Whitebeard Template At The Beginning

178. Konoha's Final Plan, Mingye See Kaguya

The next day, early in the morning.

"The Uchiha family announces that the Uchiha family will be disbanded and fully integrated into Konoha!!!"

"The Hyuga clan announces that the Hyuga clan will be disbanded and fully integrated into Konoha!!!!"

"The Akamichi family announces that the Akamichi family will be completely disbanded and fully integrated into Konoha!!!"

Huge voices - one after another.

Mingye stands on the newly restored Hokage Rock, watching it all with a flat-eyed gaze.

"This is the first step towards peace in the ninja world..."

Beside Mingye, Konan listened blankly to these voices,

As a member of Akatsuki, her original ambition was peace in the ninja world.

After experiencing the defeat of Yahiko and Nagato, she originally thought that the ninja world had completely lost hope of peace.

However, Konan seems to have spotted a new possibility.

He gently walked behind Mingye, and put his arms around Mingye's lower back.

"Thank you, Mingye!!"

Konan murmured softly.

Feeling the soft touch coming from behind, Mingye said lightly: "This is just the beginning, let's keep watching!"

After finishing speaking, Mingye's figure suddenly disappeared.

Although quite a few families announced their complete disbandment, it was not enough!!

There are still some more diehards who have not given up.

It seems that he still wants to resist tenaciously.

"Since you are looking for death, I will give you a ride!!!"

A cold smile slowly emerged from the corner of Mingye's mouth.

However, when Mingye rushed to these families, he was quickly disappointed.

"Forget you to run fast!!"

Mingye looked at the empty house and snorted coldly.

These family members are not fools, even if they want to preserve the family.

It is also impossible to confront Mingye head-on.

After all, they have seen Mingye's strength with their own eyes.

If they were to confront Mingye, their small families would be wiped out in ashes.

"Master Mingye, there is no longer any family in Konoha!"

Jiraiya and Kakashi hand over a list to Mingye.

It was impressively written on it which families left Konoha, and those families disbanded on their own initiative.

Mingye didn't even look at it, and just threw it aside.

He is not interested in fussing with these little miscellaneous fish.

Run away, run away, it doesn't matter!!

"Yes, that's not enough!!!"

"You are responsible for tearing down all the family plaques and walls, completely tearing down!!"

In the past, what divided these families apart from people's hearts.

There are still many physical barriers, and now Mingye is going to remove these things completely.

"In addition, everyone in the entire Konoha agrees to be divided according to the parents --- minor children!!"

"Everyone will be allocated residences according to the family model, and the housing will be allocated free of charge, decided by lottery!!"

Mingye's move is naturally to disrupt the division of all families geographically.

At that time, it is natural that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors.

The concept of family naturally faded away.

Just like that country of Mingye Blue Star.

Jiraiya nodded without retorting.

Anyway, the family has been disbanded, and they have already achieved this point, so naturally they are not afraid to do more.

Mingye nodded slightly, and said, "Let's execute it first!"

Doing this is almost the limit.

The soil of the family's existence was almost completely dismantled by Mingye.


In the future, as long as the concept of family is completely downplayed in the education of the next generation,

Presumably, the word family can be completely wiped out in history.

Everything can start with Konoha.

Later, they will all be copied to the entire ninja world.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner according to Mingye's vision.

After doing all this, Mingye left this place directly.

Now, he's off to deal with another hot potato.

in a separate small room.



Ōtsutsuki Kaguya was staring blankly at the sky outside the window.

When she woke up again, she found that she could no longer use any power.

Not even a little Chakra is felt.

Kaguya knew right away that she was under house arrest.

However, she was not in a hurry and just waited here.


The door was pushed open directly.

Mingye walked in slowly, looking at the calm Kaguya, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Speak, I want to hear your thoughts!"

Up to now, the ancestor of Chakra has completely become a piece of fat in Mingye's hands.

Mingye can knead as she wants.

There will be no trace of resistance.

Of course, the most important thing is to get some more information from Kaguya.

Preferably something about Kaguya's original world or something.

Mingye is very interested in this thing.

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