People Are In Konoha, Get The Whitebeard Template At The Beginning

066. When Hokage Was Replaced, Third Generation Was Directly Expelled【Please Subscribe, Please Order

Two hours later, Tsunade left Mingye's office limply, his face was flushed, and even the roots of his ears were pink!

Mingye let out a long breath in the office.

Are there really dragons in this world?

Maybe there is, after all he was served by Tsunade just now.

"Shock Fruit..."

Mingye narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he had discovered something very interesting.

Picking up a teacup on the desk, the teacup vibrated immediately, and the water in the teacup flowed out!!

While Mingye was researching this thing, there was another knock on the door!

With a wave of Mingye's hand, there was a gust of wind in the room, directly changing all the air in the room.

Mingye sniffed carefully, then nodded, the smell has disappeared!

He straightened his clothes and sorted out the messy calendar cemetery a little bit.

"Come in!!"

The door was pushed open, and it was Uchiha Fugaku who entered!

Moreover, the expression on Fugaku's face seemed to be a little abnormal, and he looked worried.

"Mingye, something big happened!"

Mingye raised his eyebrows, but there was no expression on his face, no matter how big the matter was, Mingye would not be overly emotional.

Unless, today Ōtsutsuki Kaguya is revived!

Otherwise, nothing is a big deal!

Seeing Mingye's indifferent expression, Fugaku immediately said, "Danzo stabbed Sarutobi Hiruzen in the back!"

"Danzo directly released a lot of evidence today, among which there are many things that are very unfavorable to Third Generation, including how White Fang died back then, and some plans to exclude Uchiha!"

"Even, even the records of Fourth Hokage's battle with Nine Tails and Naruto's life experience were all released!"

Mingye suddenly became interested, what's the matter? Danzo actually gave Third Generation a bottom line, and when Third Generation fell into Mingye's hands,

Just sold Third Generation directly!

"What about the others? He didn't just publish some evidence!"

Mingye asked slightly curiously.

Fugaku was taken aback, and said, "It's gone!"

Mingye's face was weird. According to common sense, you must have your own purpose for stabbing Third Generation in the back.

In order to achieve this goal, you start with the Third Generation.

But now the purpose has not been seen, is it possible that this Danzo and Third Generation have a sworn feud? Just to stab Third Generation in the back?

【Ding, congratulations to Host for completing the task of "The Ugly Three Generations" and successfully getting a lucky draw chance!】

The mechanical female voice in the head seems to be a direct proof of Fugaku's words.

This task was originally to discredit Third Generation, and Mingye is going to pull Nine Tails out to testify in a few days!

As a result, Danzo unintentionally helped him complete it first!

Mingye thought strangely, should he thank Danzo? After all, Danzo really helped a lot!

Shaking his head, he shook off these thoughts.

Thank you Danzo? You can thank him for not stomping him to death now!

"Draw the lottery now!"

Still the familiar turntable, still that familiar feeling, Mingye still couldn't read the words on the turntable clearly, but his intuition told him.

The words written on this turntable are probably earth-shattering!

"Congratulations to Host for getting [Wood Style Ninjutsu Gift Pack], all the ninjutsu in it have been fully integrated into Host's mind and muscle memory."

"At the same time, the Host has received a gift package to deliver gifts, so let's continue!"

A gleam of joy flashed in Mingye's eyes, Wood Style ninjutsu is the most scarce thing in the entire ninja world!

At present, it seems that only First Hokage Senju Hashirama can control the ability, and the others are controlled by the cells transplanted from Senju Hashirama!

After carefully checking the contents of the gift package, Mingye was immediately surprised!

Because, there are too many ninjutsu!

Numerous ninjutsu including 【Wood Style · Tree Birth】, 【Wood Style · Laughing Buddha Jutsu】, 【Sage Art · Myojinmon】, 【Sage Art · Wood Style · True Several Thousand Hands】, etc.

There are even some ninjutsu that never appeared in the original book, Wuhua Eight Gate, which dazzled Mingye.

However, soon Mingye was a little disappointed.

Because he can't perform many ninjutsu, such as [Sage Art·Wood Style·True Several Thousand Hands].

This thing needs Sage Art Chakra, but Mingye doesn't know how to use magic at all now, so I can only look at it greedily!

But Mingye didn't panic too much. After all, there are many ways to practice immortal arts, whether it is Mount Myōboku, Ryūchi Cave or Shibone Forest.

No matter how bad it is, doesn't he still have a system!

Maybe you can draw a lottery that day and you will be able to draw a fairy art practice method!

"Master Patriarch, another major event has happened!"

While the two were discussing this matter, a person wearing the Uchiha clan emblem came in from outside.

Panting heavily, he said, "Big.... The big thing is not good, Danzo District has announced something!"

If you endure it, you will immediately attract your attention.

Fugaku immediately said: "Don't worry, just speak clearly slowly!"

After hearing this, the ninja paused for more than ten seconds, and then said:

“Danzo said that after discussions among the village’s senior management, and after communicating with the Fire Nation daimyo, it was unanimously decided to remove Sarutobi Hiruzen from his Hokage position!”

Fugaku was shocked: "What? Hokage was fired!!"

The ninja immediately nodded affirmatively, and at the same time took out a piece of paper from his pocket!

On the paper was written "".." Mistake committed by Sarutobi Hiruzen", Mingye took it and took a closer look.

Good guy, this really doesn't even need old faces, it even mentions Sarutobi Hiruzen looking for women when he was young when he was doing missions outside.

Written with a nose and an eye!

Of course, this kind of thing is nothing in the first place, but once it is put on the table, it is simply shocking!

There are some things that cannot be weighed four or two on the scale, but they cannot be weighed by several thousand catties once they are on the scale.

Tangtang Konoha Hokage, when he was young, he actually went shopping in kilns!

It’s not a joke to say this!

Of course, there are more crimes on this paper, such as dictatorship, suppressing other clansmen, and so on!

Moreover, each of the above items has conclusive evidence, and there are several witnesses for those without evidence!

Mingye has to admire Danzo, it is not an easy task to collect this information!

It seems that this Danzo has plotted against the Third Generation for a long time, and he has been patient until today. Seeing that the Third Generation was in trouble, he took a fatal blow when he had a chance.

"At the same time, Konoha executives also announced that Shimura Danzō will take up the position of Fifth Hokage!"

Ninja then said!

Mingye smiled coldly, the purpose finally came out, it turned out to be thinking about Hokage's throne!

It's no wonder that this old boy first revealed the old background of Third Generation, otherwise how would he win the hearts of the people! Words

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