People Are In Konoha, Get The Whitebeard Template At The Beginning

092. Five Tailed Beasts Gather, Nine Tails Disappears 【Please Subscribe, Please Customize】

In the following half a month, the ninja world remained calm.

Several villages are secretly planning how to attack the village of Konoha Shinobi, and they are even about to come up with a plan.

At that time, several villages will take out their tailed beasts together, and at least five tailed beasts will be gathered to attack Konoha at the same time.

The Tailed Beast is used as an assist, and other ninjas assist from the side.

If there is a chance, they can even untie the seal of Nine Tails directly, compared to being sealed by Konoha for so long.

Nine Tails' hatred for Konoha should be extremely strong.

As soon as it is released, Konoha will probably be the first to be destroyed!!

Gathering so much power, no matter how strong this Uchiha Mingye is, I'm afraid he can only drink his hatred on the spot.

At that time, the entire village of Konoha Shinobi will also be reduced to their possession.

Even, in order to win the whole Konoha in one fell swoop, many villages even conspired a very careful plan this time.

They recorded all the Jōnin, Elite Jōnin and other powerful people with surnames in the entire Konoha.

Then directly distribute it to each force, and then directly crush Konoha's high-end power with two to three times the power.

Make sure that every Konoha 220 ninja is facing several enemies at the same time!!!

In this way, even if a few ninjas have the ability to fight more with less, it is impossible for all Konoha to be geniuses.

Everyone can play more with less!!!

After having a general plan, the faces of all the people showed satisfied smiles, as long as they strictly followed the plan.

Konoha, the number one village in the ninja world, can change to another village!

Darui said to all the people present: "In this case, then follow the normal plan!"

"The Sand Shadow Ninja Village provides the power of the One Tail tail beast to guard the crane."

"Cloud Shadow Ninja Village provides the power of the two tailed beasts Matatabi, and at the same time, provides the power of Eight Tails Gyūki!"

"Iwakage Ninja Village offers the power of Five Tails Kokuō!"

"Takigakure Ninja Village offers the power of Seven Tails Chōmei!!"

"A total of five tailed beasts, several large ninja villages, and many small ninja villages have been assembled!!"

"This time, Konoha will definitely be pulled down from the sky, and we will avenge our relatives and friends who died in the ninja world war in the past.

Such a lineup, participating in so many forces, can be said to be unique except for the Ninja World War.

With the current Konoha against this lineup, except for (bfcb) Mingye's shot, I am afraid there is only a dead end.

Of course, if they encountered Emperor Guy in the village, it wouldn't be strange for them to be kicked to death with five tailed beasts.

In this way, the news of the Ninja United Force spread in a small area, but only limited to some high-level personnel.

Other ordinary ninjas are at a loss, because they find that their village has now stopped performing most tasks.

Instead, he took back all the ninjas who were outside, and even took out some of the formations at the bottom of the box rarely.

The whole village is under martial law!!!

The purpose is to protect his village during the battle against Konoha, lest he go out to fight and his hometown is stolen.

That's really the watermelon was not picked up, and the sesame seeds were lost!!

Such a large-scale change in the entire ninja world naturally attracted the attention of some interested people. Many forces, including Konoha, have noticed this subtle change.

Although Konoha's Anbu and Roots are currently in a half-waste state, they still have some basic abilities.

Jiraiya, who knew the news, was a little impatient. As the current interim Hokage position, he naturally also has a responsibility for Konoha.

Judging by the news from various sources, the abnormal actions of the major forces these days are likely to have special intentions.

This intention is on Konoha!!

Otherwise, there is another force that is worth these people's so much effort??

Is there anyone who knows Konoha's situation better than him, Hokage??

If the opposing team really catches Konoha by surprise, Konoha Village will die on the spot.

"Kakashi, immediately increase the orientation of the village, and all the barriers will be opened!!"

"At the same time, let's send out all the spies, and try to find out what the other party's plan is."

"Also, Uchiha Mingye hasn't moved yet?"

Jiraiya seemed a little anxious, walking up and down the office non-stop, scratching her head with both hands from time to time, and taking a file to look at from time to time.

looking uncomfortable,

Since returning from Mount Myōboku last time, Mingye says he needs a little time to absorb it.

Then took Tsunade directly to retreat.

Do you think Jiraiya is not anxious!!

On the one hand, what is the meaning of Mingye taking a Tsunade retreat alone? What is the meaning of taking a golden fairy technique and bringing a woman by his side? Isn’t this the same as poking Jiraiya’s wound!!

On the other hand, he also knows Mingye's strength. Judging from what Jiraiya knows, Mingye has absolutely no problem solving a tailed beast alone.

After using the fairy art, I am afraid that facing two tailed beasts will be more than enough!

But the problem is, now Mingye is closed!!

What should I do if the enemy suddenly attacked me at this time? Without Mingye on the frontal battlefield, I am afraid that with Konoha's current situation, it is impossible to stop the opponent's attack at all!

Thinking of this, Jiraiya couldn't help becoming more anxious, and even hesitated whether he should force Mingye to leave the level.

However, thinking of what Mingye said before the retreat, Jiraiya still hesitated.

"No, Master Jiraiya!!"

Jiraiya's heart skipped a beat, and a bad premonition arose when she heard the news.

Looking at the door, a ninja quickly ran in.

"Nine Tails Jinchūriki is missing!!"


Jiraiya slapped the table hard and asked with disbelief: What did you say? Naruto is missing??

Naruto is not only the son of his apprentice, but also a very terrifying weapon. Once something goes wrong, the consequences will be disastrous.

Jiraiya's complexion immediately became ugly, if the other party really did it, then the fun will be great,

Although he has confidence in Mingye's strength, the Wooden Golem Jutsu last time gave him great confidence.

But, can anyone really face the attack of multiple tailed beasts at the same time?

Jiraiya can't be sure, it's even hard to imagine!!

"Quick, activate all the ninjas in the village immediately, I must find Naruto!!"

Jiraiya roared, and her figure flashed out of the window immediately.

By this time, he couldn't sit still!

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