“Did the guy wake up?”

Outside Konoha Village.

In a huge underground building.

An old man with a bandage on his right eye, his entire right arm wrapped in clothes, and an X-shaped scar on his chin stood there on crutches.

And in front of him.

A masked figure knelt there on one knee, respectfully: “Master Tuanzang, he has woken up…”

“The mental state is still relatively poor, but the situation is generally understood…”

The ninja of the root organization reported in a deep voice: “He first hit the illusion of the Thousand Nights Lander, and in the moment after unraveling, he hit the double illusion technique used by the Thousand Nights Lander!” ”

“Are you even proficient in illusion?”

The old man raised his eyebrows and said indifferently: “And he can easily use the double illusion technique, cleanly put down a middle ninja directly, and play the other party between the palms…”

“It is worthy of being the descendant of Thousand Hands Taohua, what an amazing little ghost!”

He is one of Konoha’s high-ranking people.

Appointed by the third Hokage as Hokage assistant, the leader of the root organization – Shimura Danzo.

Because he has always had a tough style, unscrupulous means to achieve his ends, and is vicious and vicious, he is called “the darkness of forbearance” in the ninja world and is feared by major powers.

“Master Tuanzo, do you want to continue to tempt?” The ninja of the Root Organization asked.

“No need, that Tsunade guy is already a stranger to the third generation of Hokage, and he won’t stay in the village for too long, so there’s no need to overstimulate her…”

Stroking his right arm, which was wrapped in clothes.

Tuan Zang’s eyes flashed a trace of murderous intent: “And at the moment, we can’t take care of a little devil who has not grown up, there are more important things to do!” ”

“Go and call Uchiha Itachi, it’s time for him to make a decision!”



And at this time –

Inside Konoha Hospital.


“Tsunade-sama, you’re back! ~”

“It’s really good!”

Regardless of the patients.

Or the doctors and nurses in the hospital.

They all hugged Tsunade, full of excitement.

Even the female nurses were blinded and carried away.

Let Shizune and Rikuto, who were squeezed aside, fully appreciate the prestige and charm of Tsunade, the legendary medical saint.

“Sister Tsunade, it’s really popular…”

Rikuto, who followed Tsunade to Konoha Hospital to practice, sighed.

“It’s natural, Tsunade-sama is not only the granddaughter of the original Hokage Pillar-sama, but she has also achieved great merit in all important battles and has a high prestige in the village…”

Shizune hugged the guinea and said with some pride: “And over the years, the medical ninja system that Tsunade-sama has single-handedly created has saved countless people!” ”

With Tsunade, he finally got rid of everyone’s entanglement.

At her behest, the hospital quickly arranged for the injured patients for Lu Ren, who was his disciple.

Tsunade didn’t mean to participate, and said directly: “Shizune, you are in charge of guiding him!” ”

She has a phobia of blood and cannot see blood.

It is impossible to instruct in person.

And in the end, it’s just a relatively simple minor operation.

After all these years of training, with a silent medical level, it is more than enough to cope with these.

“Ah! My leg! My legs…”

Inside the operating room.

A wounded man wearing a Shinobi vest in Konoha, lying on the operating table, where he wailed.

The right leg was bloody and blurred with flesh.

Somewhat scary.

“His right leg was injured by the detonation charm, but fortunately his leg was saved…”

Shizune on the side wore gloves, checked the situation there, and said directly to the Lu people who followed him: “Without amputation, you must remove those rotten tissues as soon as possible and disinfect them to prevent the wound from becoming inflamed and further infected!” ”

“Is that so?”

Rikuto nodded.

See that bloody blur.

He deeply realized the cruelty of the ninja world.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

There are more cruel, bloodier ones.

However, his psychological quality is quite good.

Looking at that bloody, even somewhat rotten thigh, he was not greatly affected.

The silence on the side can see the performance of the Lu people.

Nodding darkly.

“Do you want to give it a try? Junior Brother Lu Ren…,” Shizune asked.

Take the medical level of the landlords.

And her senior sister was on the side to guide.

I believe that such a small operation is not a problem at all.

“I’m also a professional veterinarian, leave it to me!” Rikuto took a deep breath and nodded.

It’s not that he hasn’t had a similar surgery.

However, it is not for humans, but for small animals such as mice, stray cats, and hares.

Veterinarians are experienced and have been around for three or four years.

“Beasts… Veterinarian? ”

But in the medical class who followed aside, Oshiyama Castle Kawaki’s eyelids jumped.

I couldn’t help but say loudly: “Miss Shizune, you are a disciple of Tsunade-sama, you have studied with Tsunade-sama for many years, and you have rich experience, so naturally there is no problem…”

“Although he is also a disciple of Tsunade-sama, he is too young…”

“Hey, you guys are too child’s playful, aren’t you?”

On the operating table.

The wounded man, who was pale, but had stopped shouting because of the anesthetic, suddenly became excited when he heard this: “This is my leg!” ”

What can an eight-year-old do?

He didn’t want to have his limb amputated.

“Please believe in Tsunade-sama’s vision and trust my junior brother!”

Shizune looked at the wounded man and said in a deep voice.

“Well, since it’s Tsunade-sama’s arrangement, then I accept it!”

Out of trust in Tsunade, the medical saint, Naka Shinobu gritted his teeth and nodded: “Then come!” ”

“Don’t worry!”

The Lu people did not procrastinate either.

Grabbed the scalpel on the side.

Attentive and holding a sharp scalpel.

All except for those rotten flesh and blood tissues.

There is a silent senior sister on the side to guide.

As an experienced “veterinarian”, Lu people are becoming more and more skilled under the knife.

In a short time, the broken tissue has been removed and cleanly removed.

Let the silence that witnessed the whole process secretly praise.

“Then it’s easy!”

After cleaning the wound for the other party and simply disinfecting it with the potion, the Lu people directly sealed the seal with one hand.

The palm, bubbling with a soft green light, pressed on it.

The bloody wound slowly recovered there.

“This is … Palm cactus? ”

The onlooker medical class was directly frozen.

An A-level medical ninjutsu like palm cactus, an eight-year-old child can actually master it directly?

This talent… No wonder he was accepted as a disciple by Tsunade-sama.

“The wound has been treated, and if you bandage it with some medicine, it’s almost the same!”


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