People Are In Marvel, All Heroes Are My Employees

110. Can't Beat It? Then Please Join!

110. Can't beat it? Then please join!

Penglai's work has always been known for its large volume, but the workload has recently increased a bit.

S.H.I.E.L.D's large compensation has kept Penglai in the midst of statistical acceptance.

Black Panther also proposed further cooperation, and established a joint venture company with Penglai.

Wakanda should also officially enter the world, and this joint venture will be the first fortress.

At the critical moment when the Retribution was under construction, the entire Penglai was in a state of rapid operation.

Loki rubbed his neck and was about to walk into the Penglai Building. Although he was not weak, he was definitely a little tired during the successive negotiations.

It even made him less obsessed with rights.

Being a senior management of a company is so tiring. If you really get the throne, then how many things should you worry about.

But he suddenly looked at a tall building, where someone was looking at him.


Ten minutes later, Loki was there too, greeted not by a hammer, but by barrels of beer.

Thor finally matured after being stabbed 02!

He thought a lot on the way to deliver the original stone and during the time he was confined, and after spending more than a thousand years with Loki Life, he would not become so unfamiliar.

After he figured it out, he begged Odin to send him down.

This time, he's going to have a good talk with Loki.

The wine soon bottomed out, and the heaviness on Thor's face slowly dropped, as if he had completely dropped the knife in the back.

The sense of alienation that Loki had deliberately put on has also disappeared.

After the two chatted, they were able to open their hearts. Loki patted Thor on the shoulder, which was his affirmation, and he was about to return to Penglai to continue his work. "Wait a moment!"

But Thor stopped Loki and sent him back to Penglai with a hammer in the other's suspicious eyes!

Exhaling a breath of malice in his heart, Thor seemed to return to his previous expression. "Now I really don't mind that knife!"

And Loki, who was hit by him, got up with a smile on his face, as if he was not the one who was hit.

This silly Big Brother has finally learned to be black-bellied, this is how he looks like the king of Asgard!

A crow flew across the sky, passing it all on to Odin.

"Thor and Loki are finally grown up!" Odin said with a little relief!

But in his heart, the worry still did not let go.

It's still too late to start growing up now, there's not much time left, can the fateful Ragnarök be able to resist them?

Just thinking about owning the eldest daughter, Odin already thought of the answer.

Fortunately, Loki is now an employee of Penglai, and after turning his attention to the Penglai Building, Odin has some spirits.

I just hope that Ye Han can protect the remnants of Asgard for Loki's sake!

Odin has no hope of Asgard's destruction, as long as the rest are arranged.

He planned to meet Ye Han for this reason. Ragnarök's spare strength was not something anyone could resist, and it was even rarer in the Nine Realms.

Ye Han definitely has this strength!

His eyes began to swept across the treasure room. He didn't intend to beg Ye Han, because he couldn't pull Face.

In the face of Asgard's survival, Odin can do absolutely anything.

Since Ye Han is a businessman, he still chooses to conduct a transaction in the way of a businessman.

In the Penglai Building, Ye Han directly threw a notice into the trash can. "There's no need to send this kind of thing in in the future!"

This is an audit notice sent by the Security Council, inviting Ye Han to attend the Security Council meeting on strengthening superhero management.

All countries are ready for a hemorrhage, ready to exchange a lot of benefits for Ye Han to let go.

As long as Ye Han agrees, this matter is a certainty!

But Ye Han didn't have the slightest interest in this, so the superhero management went to superhero, what does it have to do with him?

There are only employees in Penglai, such as super villain and superhero, all of which do not exist here!

Mystique nodded hurriedly and took away all the contents in the trash can, without waiting for a special cleaning.

She also didn't want the boss to go to this meeting.

Although many people in Penglai know that there are super-ability people here, they are very vague.

After all, those who are easily exposed are still secretly playing cards in the warehouse, and they all work in human appearances.

If the boss agrees to this control measure, not to mention that there will be a lot of turmoil in Penglai, what should I do?

"Do you want to go to Waganda to relax during this period of time? The branch there has a new breakthrough, so I just went to test it." Mystique rolled his eyes and thought of a good way to keep the boss away from all this.

The technological breakthrough of the branch is really important, and it is worth Ye Han's visit.

Moreover, the relationship between Penglai and Waganda should also be deepened. At present, only the Black Panther tribe is in contact with Penglai, and other tribes should also establish contact.

Ye Han thought for a while, then nodded.

Recently, Penglai really has nothing to worry about. It is better to go to Waganda to play around.

(1?!0:) As for the Security Council, Ye Han really didn't take it to heart.

But it is an ordinary organization formed by human beings on earth, and its full range cannot even cover the earth completely, so there is absolutely no reason to care.

Mystique hurried to arrange the next thing.

The main thing is to push out all the work of own, how can the boss travel without her.

In a gorgeous building, the red devil walked in from the door without choosing to teleport in.

Because this place can't tolerate being so presumptuous.

Of the thirty-two 807 chairs, only one was still vacant, and he sat directly on it.

This represents his status, black chariot!

Then it also means that there are six people above him in front of him!

"I have started to stir up the conflict between Mutant and Penglai, but I don't think it will be of any use!" The Red Devil said bluntly.

Although the ability of Polaris is very strong, it can even override the magnetic force of the poles, but the strength of Penglai is not so simple.

Sitting in the top four chairs, the scarlet lips of the woman representing the Black Queen drew an arc.

"These are just interference. Our plan is already underway. Once all Ability users register, they will not be able to get rid of our control. Now only Penglai can stop all this!" "We must let the other party have no time to worry about these things, This is just part of the plan, I have other things waiting for Ye Han!" The Black Queen seemed to have counted everything into Ultimate, but the Red Devil still didn't have much confidence in the success of the plan. "We have already understood Ye Han's strength. Do you think this kind of trivial matter can hold him down?" The black queen's smile still didn't dissipate at all.

"Then let him join the ranks of sharing the cake, after all, no one will refuse our invitation!" She is very confident about this, because the organization she belongs to is called Hellfire Club! .

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