People Are In Marvel, All Heroes Are My Employees

115. Feeling The Body Being Hollowed Out, Little Spider-Man's Body Is Hollowed Out!

115. Feeling the body being hollowed out, little Spider-Man's body is hollowed out!

In Hellfire Club, several cracks appeared in a Crystal ball beside Black Queen Selene, and the bright starlight dimmed instantly.

The black queen narrowed her eyes, and the crack of the Crystal ball disappeared, but the starlight did not grow.

"Someone wants to use magic to spy on our whereabouts, but the other party is stronger than me and can resist for the time being, but we must speed up the planning process!" The other members of the club were moved by her words.

The Black Queen was the world's first Mutant and lived for thousands of years.

The length of her life endows her with a wealth of magical knowledge and powerful magical powers. Among the magical realms, the Black Queen's attainments are unfathomable.

As a result, the other party now admits that the other party's magic is stronger than hers!

While stroking her own Crystal ball, the Black Queen's eyes were not calm, and there was only one person in the world who could surpass her by magic.

Was Ye Han actually able to get help from Ancient One?

Before Penglai Building, Mei was late for work for the first time!

Little Spider-Man's body is abnormal, she can only take him to the hospital first, but the result of the examination is very healthy. "What a great opportunity to be an intern in Penglai, there are people who pretend to be sick and not come to work. You really disappoint me!" Thinking that little Spider-Man was pretending to be sick, Mei was really angry!

If Penglai was fired because of this incident, then the experience of interning here has completely changed from a bright spot to a stain.

(.!1:;;0.) (?『...!Group:』;.?) little Spider-Man followed Mei weakly, not even having the strength to argue.

The dim face also proved that he did not lie, and now he is really uncomfortable.

On the top of the clock tower yesterday, he was immersed in some black substance, and he became like this after that.

The body seemed to be full of hunger, but could not eat anything.

While walking up the steps, the dazed little Spider-Man accidentally bumped into a woman, and the other party's breath entered his brain.

Appetite suddenly increased.

Mei, who was criticizing little Spider-Man, noticed that the other party was distracted, and judged him on the spot.

Instead, he saw little Spider-Man's eyes full of **, staring directly at the woman who had walked away.

Little Spider-Man is not only at the age of rebellion, but also at the time of youthful sprouting?

Mei just felt that she was so tired of doing this Aunt!

Just as she was about to go up and wake up little Spider-Man, Ye Han walked out of the building.

The little Spider-Man seemed to sense something, and that kind of **** escaped his brain in an instant.

In a daze, he happened to see Ye Han.

"Mr. Ye, a lot of news has been talking bad about Penglai and you in the past two days, but my classmates and I all support you."

"It must be because the goddamn government is dissatisfied with the development of Penglai and wants to encroach on your interests. Our class is already organizing people to protest.."

"No matter what others say, I will stand firmly on your side..."

In front of Ye Han, the headache that plagued little Spider-Man completely disappeared, and he started chattering again.

During this period of time, the news is deliberately guiding the wind, and the public discussion is getting bigger and bigger.

He has always wanted to talk to Ye Han about these things, and now that he has the opportunity, he will not miss it.

Ye Han didn't care about little Spider-Man's words. For one of the four most nonsense people in the Marvel world, he didn't need to listen carefully.

It was little Spider-Man's internal condition that made him more concerned. There was a puddle of black liquid in it trying to hide.

In the case of dying, only the basic instinct is left in this pool of liquid, and the desire to survive is the greatest instinct of the living body!

Looking at the other party's form, Ye Han can also guess that the other party is a symbiote, maybe it's Venom.

"Your words are very contagious. Today, the bioelectricity laboratory is short of manpower, where can you help!" Before little Spider-Man could finish speaking, Ye Han interrupted him.

Ye Han is also planning to go out to sea for some fishing. All these things from the outside world can't disturb his own leisure activities, not to mention the nonsense of little Spider-Man.

But he still arranged a way out for Venom.

A symbiote, even a riot Ye Han doesn't care, but such a symbiote has a planet!

As for whether Venom could seize the opportunity, it was not Ye Han's responsibility.

It's dead and there are other symbiotes!

After Ye Han left, Spider-man's body suddenly became heavier again, his back was sore and his energy was low, as if his body was being hollowed out!

However, he still insisted on going to the bioelectricity laboratory.

Ye Han personally arranged for him to do the work, no matter what!

During the period of time Ye Han was fishing, a new situation appeared again.

A large number of Mutants appeared before Penglai, and many bodies were covered with scars and traces of chemicals!

They claimed to be the victims of the Mutant experiment, and it was Penglai who made it all.

The words are tragic, if Mystique is not in charge of all the affairs of Penglai, I would really believe it!

However, there are a large number of news out there scrambling to report every day, and things like the Mutant experiment are nailed to the most despicable behavior!

The situation began to ferment in the society, and the blind people have been completely controlled every day.

It was Eclipse, Thunderbird and others in the same organization of Polaris who led nearly a hundred Mutants to march in front of Penglai.

Under the instigation of the Red Devils, they contacted many Mutants to attack Penglai.

Hellfire Club promises them to pass legislation protecting Mutant in this matter!

This makes them completely irresistible.

But surprisingly, North Pole 810 was not among those marching!

A door of light suddenly appeared beside Eclipse, and an arm pulled him over.

In a nearby alley, a few Mutants, such as Polaris and Blink, were watching him. "Marcos! You can't be doing this with your compatriots, the Red Devils are using us as gunmen!" Polaris wanted Eclipse to retreat with Mutant.

Although she knew that Magneto was own's father, she also knew that own's biological father probably died at the hands of Penglai.

But the fear of the Red Devil and the forces behind him made her not choose to do so.

And how did Penglai fall? How many people around the world are counting on Penglai to eat, how many years will the world go backwards if it falls!

As long as you have a clear eye, you will not be moved by that kind of nonsense!

But Eclipse was completely blinded by the temptation in front of him.

"Mutant has been bullied for too long, as long as I take the chance, I won't give up!" "Better not try to stop me, or we will be enemies next time we meet!"

After Eclipse said these words, he ran back to the building, with concern in Polaris' eyes.

The Mutant incident did make Penglai's affairs a lot bigger, but the more the other party did, the more traces they left.

Several shadows began to gather beside Ye Han, and the other party had exposed too much information! .

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