People Are In Marvel, All Heroes Are My Employees

132. Universe Refugees - People Of Asgard

132. Universe Refugees - People of Asgard

Sakaar, the fourth planet of Taiyo Galaxy, is also the only planet inhabited by life in this Galaxy.

No matter how many years ago, this place has become a place of lawlessness, or the law here has been completely replaced.

In this place that doesn't pay attention to everything, only Gao Tianzun is the law here!

As long as you don't provoke Gao Tianzun, you can rely on force and tricks to mix things up here.

And Penglai's first step into the universe was to reach this chaotic place!

After entering here from a space gate, even Star-Lord became cautious.

(1.0;:;) These predators will always have all kinds of unclean things that need to be shot, but even so, he generally does not choose to come here.

Trading here represents not only wealth, but also infinite crisis.

But the value of Mind Gem is too great, and most people can't eat this treasure at all. In addition to the major empires in the universe, only these giants can buy it.

And Gao Tianzun can be said to be the group of people who don't ask where they came from.

"This gem has infinite power and is very popular in the universe. The Collector didn't even get it after asking for 100 million universe coins. Now the best price is only!" Tianzun is very jealous, but in front of money, he can be bold.

This time he was considered a middleman, and Mystique would give him a high commission. In order to earn enough price difference, Star-Lord was also a fight.

But no matter what he said, Gao Tianzun just smiled and nodded, without any rebuttal.

Like an ordinary old man who is very good at talking.

However, the Guardians of Galaxy, Banner and others have begun to pay attention to the movements around them. How can he be a good person who can become a ruler in such a place.

The more the other person laughed, the more vigilant they were.

With a heavy treasure in his hand, and in such a place, no matter how careful you are.

The performance of Xingjue and others has been shown in front of Gao Tianzun, but the other party did not move at all, just looked at the original stone in Banner's hand, and the smile became stronger!

After the people of Asgard entered the earth, they were still confused.

The Death of Odin, the invasion of Hela and Sirte, and the acfd to Midgard.

This series of events has left Asgard people who are accustomed to peace and whose life has not changed in thousands of years, at a loss.

Fortunately, a large number of Penglai employees soon began to contact them, arranging accommodation and preparing meals for them.

Definitely, and the most important one, arrange the next work.

The pact signed by Ye Han and Odin can only guarantee that they will not die, but not how well they will live.

If you want to be able to eat meat and drink every day without worrying about the price dropping the cup, then work hard.

They are also arranged for some hard work. They don't need to use their brains or worry. As long as they are willing to do it, there is absolutely no problem in supporting themselves.

But even this kind of thing made the people of Asgard very resistant.

When they were in Asgard, they never had any concept of work, they were just hanging out, fighting and having parties.

Suddenly letting them work is really unacceptable for these lazy people who are used to freedom, and they are even about to collide with the employees of Penglai.

Temper is not a special case of Thor, Asgard has this virtue.

Fortunately, after Loki and Thor walked out with Ye Han, they saw that the current God King's face was not good, and the Asgard people restrained.

Loki's face is hard to get better.

If you don't take care of the Odin treasury carefully, you really don't know what's inside.

In order to move these things into the golden capital, he and Thor have spent a lot of effort.

Even with their physical quality and the divine power in their bodies, they are still exhausted.

Moreover, Loki and Thor also deliberately speeded up, fearing that something would happen to the Asgard people, and now it seems that their worries are completely correct.

If Asgard and Penglai really got into a fight, Odin's efforts would be wasted.

Loki and Thor hurriedly began to assist Penglai in the arrangement of the collaborative work. They are now asking for help, but they can't let their own clansmen mess around.

Under the busyness of the two, the Asgard people were finally settled down, but it was already evening, and Ye Han had already returned to Penglai. "Are you going to go back to the Penglai Building next, you need to manage it here too!"

Half-lying, Thor questioned the equally tired Loki, who was now the god-king of Asgard and should lead the people forward.

"We can only rely on the power of Penglai now. Although Sirte and Hela have passed, my heart is still not calm, I am afraid that other things will happen!" "Penglai Building is the only core of Penglai, it must be Stand firm inside, and this will provide Asgard with protection!" Loki's position was different, and his thoughts began to change, and Xiao Cai finally showed signs of changing to wisdom.

I'm no longer here, and Thor is still the leader. If I'm not in Penglai, then the only contact with Ye Han will be cut off.

The loss caused by this is now unacceptable to Asgard.

Thor's one eye blinked, thinking about Loki's proposal, and finally nodded solemnly.

Odin died, and no matter who the throne was passed to, it was their brothers who worked together to govern Asgard.

Now that Loki is going out for the good of Asgard, he will stay here as a manager.

But now Thor is a lot smarter than Loki, and thinks a lot more.

Even if Loki went to Penglai, he was only alone, and fighting alone was not as good as having someone support and help.

He doesn't believe that the super-ability people in Penglai are not divided into factions, and where there are people, there is a struggle, which is a necessity. "Asgard's manpower can't be used so much now. Bringing some into Penglai can also deepen our connection with Penglai!" Thor had just finished speaking, and Loki looked at him like an outsider.

Is the intelligence gained from this eye so high? If Thor had this intelligence back then, whoever played would have to change positions!

Thor looked at Loki and thought he didn't accept his opinion, after all Loki has changed a lot now.

But Loki's next sentence was to make him understand that Loki is still that Loki!

"You arrange the manpower, but it must be good enough. When Asgard becomes an important pillar of Penglai, the survival guarantee is stable!".

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