People Are In Marvel, All Heroes Are My Employees

134. Retribution Sets Sail, Destination - Star Sea!

134. Retribution sets sail, destination - Star Sea!

Ye Han's retribution number has already completed the research, but it has been in an upgrade state because there will be breakthroughs in technology from time to time.

After all, it was Ye Han's car, so be careful.

But now, this space warship, which has been running in for so long, is finally going to enter space for the first time.

The Retribution was originally used as a warship for shapeshifting Vajra, and there are many places that humans cannot adapt to, but these have all been erased.

The weapons loaded on the warships are all made based on the concept of Hextech magic and technology integrate. The power has not decreased, and it has become more diverse.

The outside looks murderous, but the inside is extremely comfortable, Ye Han will not embarrass himself in this regard. "This time the alien rescue is likely to be dangerous, how can you go there in person!" Before the "827" Retribution, Mystique was still discouraging Ye Han.

She originally thought that Ye Han was just going to send someone to rescue, but what she didn't expect was that Ye Han would actually go there in person.

Regardless of how dangerous aliens are, Sakaar alone will not be so simple.

Guardians of Galaxy are all veterans in the universe, and Banner and others are not weak, but they all fell into it and needed Penglai's rescue.

If the boss is also caught in Sakaar this time, then there is really a big problem.

However, her dissuasion was completely useless, Ye Han still boarded the Retribution before it took off.

Looking at the Retribution from a distance, which was still about to disappear, Mystique's face was full of worry. Even though she had already arranged a lot of strong men in the battleship, she still couldn't rest assured!

If Ye Han hadn't left, she must stay and control Penglai, I'm afraid that Mystique has also sneaked into the battleship.

But now I can only hope that Ye Han can come back safely.

In a room of the Retribution, several people were sitting together, discussing the development of the rescue operation.

Ghost Rider, Juggernaut, Angel and others were among them. They were strong enough and could find someone to replace their work, so they were all arranged by Mystique into the rescue team.

Because Ye Han was also there, she even wanted to put the entire Penglai into the Retribution.

However, while the others were discussing, Gorgon stood in the direction of a visit port and looked at the moon, falling into contemplation.

Everything in the microscopic world is in confusion, File size? How much? The entity is illusory? The things in it are always in an unknown state, because they are changing every moment.

Penglai has dispatched millions of t-3300s in the micro world, and has already begun to prepare for the investment of new models.

However, there is still no uniformity in the collected data, but this is the charm of Quantum Realm.

Even other scientists like to wander around here, hoping to find some inspiration from the unpredictable transformation.

However, Dr. Pym ignored those who came, and only deepened the exploration of quantum Realm.

But investigating his mood became more and more irritable. As a dimension, the microscopic world is not as small as imagined, but has an infinite extension.

Under such circumstances, I'm afraid how can I find my own wife!

Hope also saw that his father was in a wrong mood, so he could only appease him, but it didn't work much. "Go and rest first, with Penglai as a support, you will definitely be able to find your mother!" In fact, she had long given no hope, but she had to give Dr. Pym some comfort.

Just as HP helped up Dr. Pym, who had not slept for a long time, and after the two walked towards the lounge, there were some intermittent sounds coming from the monitoring equipment of the quantum dimension!


In the Sakaar, Banner and others have been put on an electric shock device.

The power is so strong that even Banner and Destroyer Drax cannot resist, and their freedom has been completely restricted. "The signal has been passed, as long as Penglai receives it, we will be rescued soon!"

Banner ate fruit he had never seen before, and spoke to the Guardians of Galaxy and the two Mutants indifferently.

His heart has been exercised very strong under various conditions, and he also has a lot of confidence in Penglai.

Up to now, he has not seen anything that can embarrass Penglai!

Although Gambit and Iceman joined Penglai for a long time, they did not develop a sense of honor belonging to Penglai..

But no matter how his own company has to support him, a reluctant smile is even his approval of Banner.

Guardians of Galaxy is completely no Giving face, Gamora just smiled bitterly, thinking that Banner didn't know the power of Gao Tianzun.

And because the money was not received, Star-Lord, who was also a slave, has become a powder keg.

"Do you know how powerful Gao Tianzun is? To say such a thing, I shouldn't take this business!" "Maybe I should let the gems stay on Earth, isn't even Thanos your opponent?"

Hearing Star-Lord's irony, Banner's face had begun to appear green. As an employee of Penglai, he didn't like others mocking his own company.

Gamora hurriedly covered Star-Lord's mouth. Although their planet was green, they didn't want to see Hulk come out.

Because of this violent creature, they were able to live in this comfortable room with a fixed diet.

Their argument continued, apparently restrained, but it was all recorded.

Looking at Banner and his party in the picture, Gao Tianzun's mood has changed a lot. They are now Gao Tianzun's favorite toys!

Gao Tianzun is a member of the oldest race in the universe. The long years have made them feel boring, and they can only satisfy their own hearts through various hobbies.

His Little Brother Collector is where he collects all items through 5.3 as a place to fill the vacancy in his heart, ranging from planets to small upgraded cells in his collection.

The Mind Gem had already been sent to the Collector by him, and Gao Tianzun had no pursuit of these things, even if it was the original Universe stone.

His spiritual sustenance is games and competitions, forcing other intelligent beings to participate, and the struggle and wandering of these creatures can satisfy him.

(?1,0:!) And Banner and the others are his new targets!

He even knew that Banner and the others had contacted Earth, but he didn't stop it.

When hope is about to come, but watching hope is destroyed, that is the real despair.

This is the good show he planned!

Looking at the space gate surrounding the planet, Gao Tianzun couldn't wait.

Come quickly, Penglai!

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