People Are In Marvel, All Heroes Are My Employees

147. The Titans Assemble, Eight Fierce Eight Great Hammers!

147. The Titans Assemble, Eight Fierce Eight Great Hammers!

The desire for strength is an inevitable psychology of every creature, but it is also divided into strong and weak. The strong strive for it, and the weak wait for the arrival of strength.

But talent is the problem that plagues most people, and it also puts them at their limits.

But now, let their limit-breaking treasures fall from the sky!

I'm afraid it's a pie from the sky, and it's also a higher chance for those who work harder.

The seven warhammers also chose their own targets and attacked them.

A handle fell into the sea, and its choice was an Atlantean in the sea. Unfortunately, it was not a Namor who had broken thoughts of the ocean, but Haisha who had been pretending to be a good minister under him.

Haisha Atuma, he has been conspiring to overthrow Namor's rule, after all, his strength can not be compared with Namor, but unfortunately the constant failure makes his inner savings full of unwillingness.

And it was this unwillingness that made him a Sky Hammer Venerable Nekod Seabreaker!

The one who chose him was the largest warhammer, a little bigger than his Haisha himself, and the shape was very strange, like a huge amount of horn nails.

The second fell into S.H.I.E.L.D's prison, which houses the criminals S.H.I.E.L.D caught but were reluctant to kill.

One of them was recruiter Karl Creel.

A super criminal who can change its own molecular structure by absorbing substances in 833, but there are some limitations when simulating some special materials.

He was originally recruited by HYDRA, but was captured during S.H.I.E.L.D's struggle with HYDRA.

However, he is not willing to join S.H.I.E.L.D. Destruction is his nature. Just like when he voluntarily became a boxer, he just wanted to cause more harm to others. S.H.I.E.L.D would not agree to this.

In constant imprisonment, his destructive power has reached its limit.

And the warhammer that chose him has the same **, Grethos Destroyer!

A strange flying hammer with a long chain that looks more like an anchor than a hammer, but the destructive power of the hammer is very intuitive.

The third hammer fell into the hands of the grey gargoyle Paul Pierre Duvall.

He can completely turn himself into stone because of the experiment, and the creatures touched by his right hand will also turn into stone, and it will be invalid after an hour.

This is an Ability that cannot be exempted from divinity, even if Thor and others are touched.

However, he also has his own desire, even with such strength, he is still a mortal body, and his life has not grown.

He could feel the passing of life in every moment.

Immortality and eternal youth have become the only hope of the gray gargoyle.

(,??1:0?;) Even he has already started planning to contact the Asgard people who have appeared recently. From these people who claim to be the God Race, he may be able to obtain the secret of longevity.

But now this warhammer, like a blacksmith's hammer, solved his problem in time.

He has become Mork Fallen! The body has also been transformed into the physique of the Aesir Protoss, and can live for at least a few thousand years.

But what is alive is only his body, not his soul.

The fourth war hammer fell into the hands of a man with circular scars all over his body.

His name is Murderer Eric!

These scars are called the House of Souls, and they house the souls of those they killed, representing leadership and power!

Eric has been keeping an eye on Wakanda's current situation, and it has always been his goal, but Wakanda's changes made him a little confused, and it was actually related to Penglai! The fear of Penglai and the desire for revenge were intertwined in the heart, and successfully won the recognition of Warhammer.

Angel Soul Eater woke up from his body, and there seemed to be wraiths struggling in every soul house, and the wailing of the dead began to whistle around the sharp-toothed warhammer.

The fifth warhammer flew into a building with a madman inside.

He looks like a sixty-year-old man, but his real age is only forty.

This is because of the curse that afflicts their family, aging!

Norman Osborn, aka Osborn Industrial Contemporary Leader (acfd), is also the rambunctious Green Goblin.

He has been relying on semi-finished human body strengthening medicines to restrain his own aging, but he stopped taking medicines after he found that his own personality split became more and more serious, and even passed it on to his son.

But now the passing life is urging him, and the potion is already in his hands.

However, it didn't take long for him to make a choice. The fallen warhammer healed the injury, and this potion with great side effects was no longer needed!

Green Goblin's pupils suddenly turned white, and at this moment he became Skorn Destroyer.

The sixth warhammer fell into a military base, which was the base controlled by General Ross before, but now it has become controlled by others.

Although people have changed, their needs have not.

The Big Boss was studying the hot blood of the Juggernaut, heating it up so that it wouldn't cool to rock.

The new general wants to use this to create new combat power, but the big boss has little hope for this.

If it can be made, he will not wait for the other party to propose it.

However, he is only intellectual strengthening, and he can only do unnecessary work under his control, but this is completely different from the strongest creature he pursues!

His obsession with the strongest creatures became the key to attracting Warhammer.

The angular warhammer represented by Nur·Boundary Breaker turned him into a powerful creature, and the rapid expansion of his body made the originally huge head become normal.

The perfect combination of intelligence and force, this is the strongest creature in the heart of the boss!

The last war hammer fell into the hands of a man. If it wasn't for the wisdom that occasionally showed in his eyes, he would be like an ordinary person.

Maybe he is indeed an ordinary person now, but this man is not ordinary, because his name is Helmut Zemo!

Zemo is not famous now, his father is still somewhat famous, that is Heinrich Zemo, Baron Zemo of First Generation, then he is Baron Zemo of Second Generation.

Originally, Baron Zemo didn't care about his father and HYDRA, and time was enough to smooth those things out, but his wife and daughter died again because of HYDRA and Avengers.

Both are hated by him!

It is a pity that he has been living an ordinary life, but he does not have any strength and power as a means of revenge.

Since then, Zemo has been collecting information all day long, planning how to retaliate on both sides.

But before he got any information, Warhammer gave him the power to take revenge, but deprived him of the will to take revenge.

But as long as he can get revenge, he can give up everything.

It was also a determination that he obtained the most powerful warhammer, and the soul of the first Admiral Ghouth Stonebreaker under Kul flowed into his body along the primitive sledgehammer.

As early as when Kuer was rolling in the sea, Ye Han had already stood at the top of the building, looking at the other party and the direction of those warhammers. .

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