People Are In Marvel, All Heroes Are My Employees

150. June Feixue, This Wave Is Not Wrong!

150. June Feixue, this wave is not wrong!

Cool was still swelling, and Thor and Strange didn't stop him at all.

The two of them now have a disgraced face and bruises all over their bodies, and the hands of the broken armor and the warhammer are beginning to tremble.

The two have reached their limit, but unfortunately it has become Kool who does not intend to let them go.

Originally, he was also trying to solve Thor, but he didn't expect the other party to come to the door by himself, so naturally he couldn't let the other party run away.

Strange is because of the Eye of Agamotto he wears.

Kool is not like Odin, because the prophecy dare not collect the rough stone, and even deliberately separate it.

Such a treasure was sent to own, and Kuer naturally wanted to accept it.

The huge snake head swallowed towards them, with its mouth wide open as if it were going to be a real swallow, but this time the targets were only Thor and Strange.

Both of them wanted to escape the scope of this giant mouth, and they didn't want to give up even if there was a chance, but even if they helped each other, they didn't succeed, and they could only watch the giant mouth come over.

Just when despair appeared in their hearts, they found that Kool did not bite down.

Although I don't know what happened, I still escaped from 02.

After relaxing, the two of them observed the surrounding situation. Except that they could still move, the rest of the place had fallen into silence, and even the bacteria were no longer moving.

I don't know when some ice debris appeared around, and it was still in the air.

These ice shards aren't condensation of water vapor, but debris from the space that has been cracked and shattered, Thor and Strange are sure. "Time is frozen!"

Strange has been in contact with Eye of Agamotto for too long and has a certain perception of time.

It is obvious that time has been frozen, and Kuer is also frozen in this piece of time.

God kings can be frozen, how powerful are those who use this power?

Strange thought of Dormammu, who had been driven away at the beginning. There are still so many strong people in the earth, so what is the role of his Asgardian!

He began to desperately want to gain power, prove that own exists, and prove that the death of the Ancient One is worthwhile.

Thor had already thought of who was coming, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

Ye Han can deal with Sirte and Hela at the same time, and it is not a problem for him to deal with Kool.

However, he still pulled Strange to retreat quite a distance. He had seen Ye Han's attack, and Thor didn't want to be embarrassed by Ye Han's attack.

The time in this area is still freezing, but Kool's eyes have begun to move.

Being able to control the opponent for a few seconds is already due to [Teigu · Devil's Essence]'s restraint on Kuhl.

After all, it is natural for snakes to be afraid of cold, and if they want to change, they must bear the restraint they must accept.

The ordinary cold winter would naturally not affect him, but unfortunately, the essence of Devil, after being cultivated by Ye Han for such a long time, had already surpassed the original by too much.

His blood has sublimated Devil's quintessence more than once.

"Who is it! How dare you fool God King Kuer!"

After Kool got rid of the influence, he began to look for the trace of the caster. He did not believe that Thor had such a means.

Ye Han stepped out of the void and appeared in front of Kuer.

Although the difference in body size between the two is huge, they are equally eye-catching.

"Midgard people, do you want to obstruct the great Lord of the Nine Realms? Put yourself under my command, and Midgard will be your reward!" Kuer still didn't know Ye Han's identity, and he was going to be incorporated as his own.

If you want to conquer the universe, it is far from enough to rely on the Venerable.

Strange was a little worried when he heard Kuer's words. He also knew Ye Han, but he didn't know that the other party had such a powerful power.

Because of the hand injury, he has always been prejudiced against Penglai, and naturally he also has some prejudice against Ye Han.

In his mind, mercenary was about to become synonymous with Penglai, and Strange naturally thought that Ye Han could not resist the temptation. "Don't worry, this won't buy Ye Han!" Thor, who was also weak, patted his shoulder comfortably.

Ye Han didn't even occupy Asgard, let alone the lord of Midgard.

Besides, what is the difference between the current Ye Han and the lord of Midgard?

"Are you Ye Han? What Odin can give you is doubled, don't challenge my temper!" Hearing that the person who came was Ye Han, Kuer's interest became even heavier.

No matter why Odin cooperated with the other party, this Ye Han must have something special, which made him want to earn more.

Unfortunately, what responded to him was that a small ice storm began to appear on Ye Han's palm.

Kool's eyes sharpened, Ye Han's actions only represented one meaning, you are not worthy! "Dumb mortal, do you think the Master's power can pick God of War out?" The snake roared, like billions of blades rubbing against it.

The space structure trembled because of this situation. Originally, the World Tree was unstable and naturally could not stand such fluctuations.

However, this situation made Strange very happy, and there would be no accident in the space for a while, but the other party was so angry, it seemed that Ye Han did not accept the other party's invitation.

However, he still had doubts in his mind whether Ye Han could defeat Kool.

Secretly, Strange began to channel 837 through the source of magic power from all sides, hoping to borrow enough magic power as the last guarantee.

Kur's roar and the changes in space did not affect the snowstorm in Ye Han's hands.

This time, he did not intend to freeze time and space again.

An extremely cold force like 'Mokobotmo' is also difficult for Devil's essence to control, and it is easy to cause irreversible damage. Once a day is the limit.

However, the real power of Devil's essence is ice, so there is no need to compete with time and space.

The original Ace Des couldn't carry the power of Devil's quintessence, so he could only use the ice knight as a carrier to absorb and release it from the ice knight during the battle.

But Ye Han's body can easily carry the energy generated by these emperors.

After sublimation, the energy generated by this emperor is not a small amount, and it has not been used since Ye Han obtained the essence of Devil.

All the energy was gathered in Ye Han's hands, like holding a snow globe, but it wasn't enough.

He transformed the other powers in his body through the Tiger Charm and the essence of Devil into pure Ice power.

After Ye Han cast these forces out, it gradually turned into a real blizzard. Although the main force was still aimed at Kuer, the scattered force also caused the earth to snow in June! .

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