People Are In Marvel, All Heroes Are My Employees

158. Take Other People's Money For Own Business, Comfortable!

158. Take other people's money for own business, comfortable!

The otherworld monster is easy to solve. Many of Earth's technologies are physical ammunition, and then let people like humanoids and horse-faced Thor watch.

As long as the other party appears, you can change from octopus to octopus balls.

These things, Loki explained to Erica to manage, and he has other things to do!

Once the matter at hand was settled, Loki rushed to Nidaville, the hometown of dwarf in the Nine Realms.

In the Nine Realms, other races still have their own independence, but the dwarf and elves have completely become the dependencies of the Aesir.

But they still didn't go to Earth with Thor and Loki. After all, the destruction of Asgard belongs to the prophecy of the Aesir gods. What does it have to do with them?

But for what Loki explained, he will still earnestly complete it, just like reforging the eight warhammers now.

The soul in these warhammers has become a part of the warhammer, and there is also a method of re-forging, forging it as scum, so as not to damage the warhammer.

There are specialties in the surgery industry, and dwarf is professional in this regard.

Not to mention that the one who served Loki was the dwarf king Itri, who had the highest level of forging.

The five-meter-four king 'dwarf' placed all those warhammers in front of Loki. Although the appearance did not change, the soul in it had been completely destroyed.

Loki is also very satisfied with the warhammers. These warhammers can be used freely, and Penglai has added a background. "Itri, you did a good job. This time I came here in a hurry. Next time I will bring the gold coins." This time King Dwarf really helped a lot, and Loki naturally wouldn't be stingy.

Now Asgard is actually not poor. Although Odin's treasury has been owned by Ye Han, Thor and Loki also have their own treasury.

There may not be many treasures, but there are not many like treasures.

"It's just a matter of a few hammers and it doesn't take much effort, so don't be polite to the king of gods!"

After all, dwarf Ochoku declined, it wasn't difficult, and Loki was still the current god-king. "You should give or you have to give. You pay for your labor and I will pay you. This is the reason for doing business!"

After such a long time in company management, Loki has also begun to understand what it is to do business and like this kind of life.

Just like this time in Nidaville, Loki was wearing a suit instead of his dark green armor. "You really don't need money, but there is one thing we want to ask you for!" King Dwarf's huge body bent down and looked like he was asking for help.

Loki looked at each other and motioned to say anything if he had anything. He and King dwarf had known each other since childhood, and he would naturally help with ordinary things. "Niedhogg is eating more and more World Trees, and Nidavelle has begun to shake. I just ask you to repel it as soon as possible!"

This is not only the heart disease of King Dwarf, it is almost said that there are people who can perceive changes in space, and now they have a heart hanging, fearing that the World Tree will be destroyed.

Once the World Tree collapses, their living space will definitely be destroyed, so they can't be bothered.


Loki's brows furrowed a little, and if he could fix this, he wouldn't leave the trouble until now.

In order to solve Nidhogg, Asgard organized a total of five expeditions, but they all failed.

As a creature destined to destroy the Nine Realms, it is not the current Loki and Thor that can compete.

There is no way out. Loki is sure that Ye Han can solve Nidhogg, but he doesn't have enough conditions to convince Ye Han.

King dwarf looked at Loki's expression and spoke again.

"The materials used in Divine Armament such as Nier Mauer and Gungnir are not outdated and ordinary Ulu metal, so the top-quality Ulu is collected by the dwarf family." "If Nidhogg can be eliminated, I will The original intention is to offer these top-quality Ulus!" This is the biggest price that King Dwarf can offer, and in his opinion, no one can refuse.

Ulu metal is also the number one treasure in the entire universe, otherwise Odin would not use this metal to make weapons and destroyer armor.

And the top-quality Ulu is much more precious and powerful than the ordinary Ulu, and it may not be possible to destroy thousands of burnt-out wreckages of Perseverance. 0 · Ask for flowers ·

However, the existing stock is not a small amount. This is all the savings from the dozens of Ten Thousand Years of the dwarf family!

When it came to handing over the top-grade Ulu, King Dwarf also felt a heartache. The treasures that the Dwarf family had saved for such a long time were gone.

But he also thought of the prophecy of the dwarf family.

It is necessary to collect the best Uru as much as possible. When the dwarf tribe is dying, these best Uru can ensure that they will not be wiped out.

The crisis of genocide must be now!

As soon as the world tree falls, the dwarf clan will naturally not be able to survive!

Originally, Loki was still thinking about how to tell King Dwarf, but when he heard the best Ulu, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He also wanted to save the Nine Realms, but he didn't have any bargaining chips, but now King Dwarf has it!


He is no stranger to Ulu. He once had a dream to obtain weapons made by Ulu, even if it is a dagger with the same file size, but it has never been realized, which shows its preciousness.

Although I don't know how the best Ulu will be like this, it is definitely stronger than the ordinary Ulu.

If the number is large enough, you can indeed ask the boss to do it once.

"I will handle this matter, but there is no guarantee of success, and Nidhogg is not so easy to solve!"

"Prepare the top-grade Ulu first. If it is successful, I will come and get it from you. If there is a problem, then I can't help you!"

Loki still has something ugly to say later, after all, this time he is going to find a boss to solve it. If he can't come up with something, it will be embarrassing for everyone.

The dwarf king nodded in disappointment, the best Ulu will still exist in the future, and the dwarf family can't just die in his hands.

Right now, he can only comfort himself like this.

At the same time, there was another thing that quickly spread throughout Universe. All the forces that heard the news began to strengthen their vigilance, and Universe mercenaries became a sought-after existence.

Xandar, the capital of the Nova Empire, was raided by Thanos and turned to scorched earth.

The newly formed Nova Corps was once again nearly wiped out, leaving less than ten of hundreds of thousands of people to flee.

Panic strikes again! what.

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