173 Retrieval Procedure

Toni was suddenly stunned when she said this.

"I'll add a search program for you here. You can search for the content you need based on keywords, record time or title code number, but you need to make sure that the program is not interrupted, otherwise you will have to search from the beginning." Ye Han continued. Toni's words.

"So, you are a father and son soldier? Oh, you are both female. A mother and daughter soldier!" Pepper sighed, it seemed that she must go this time. "Then you wait."

Ye Han took out an egg File size cylinder from his pocket, turned the switch on, and placed it on Toni's coffee table! "J.A.R.V.I.S, please link the bluetooth link of this keyboard."

Ye Han's voice fell, the top of the cylinder lit up with red light, and then a red holographic keyboard was projected onto Toni's coffee table. "You are very convenient." Toni scratched her head.

"Not just mine, but also yours. This is a product of GMS Group." Ye Han pointed to the logo of the letter G on the cylinder. This makes me want to see it. It seems that if there is a day when the group goes bankrupt, I can still have a full meal.

of. "

Toni began to think about how to renovate her basement.

This kind of cutting-edge equipment still needs to be installed, which can save time and space. "I'll start writing now, soon."

After the keyboard was projected on the coffee table, the floor-to-ceiling glass doors of Toni's living room facing the sea became dark one by one, and then a curtain was lowered next to the TV, and a projection hit the curtain from the side.

It is a software writing interface.

Ye Han put his hands on the holographic keyboard and danced quickly. She felt that if she could type at this speed in her previous life, she would still be curled up in that little rental house!

Did you get electrocuted because the water was overturned because of the small space? You should have lived in a big house by updating the novel long ago!

However, she didn't have it in her previous life, so she came to this world. After a while, Ye Han coded the software.

Toni took over and mounted Ye Han's data package to her crack program. The main program is still the crack program. After all, if you can't get in, all subsequent operations will be in vain. You can search the database yourself to find something.

"Do you know the doctor who saved me? Dr. Ethan. His hometown is Comilla. Because of the war, his whole family was killed by the bad guys except him and he was shot for saving me. There are only ruins there. Don't worry, I'm calm, and the things that touch me make me calmer."

There was anger in Toni's eyes, but there was no expression on her face.

"By the way, I almost forgot about the business. The board of directors informed me that there will be a board meeting at the company headquarters in New York this afternoon. Those people asked if you were going." Pepper said suddenly.

"Don't go, I don't know who is going to attack me now." Toni was going to continue debugging her big toy at home.

"Well, you are right in doing this, and Obadiah first said that you are better at home." "Mr. Ye Han, Miss Wilson is here." J.A.R.V.I.S's voice suddenly sounded! "Let her come in." Hearing what Pepper said, Ye Han roughly guessed what Emily was here for.

"Boss, Miss Stark, Miss Potts." Emily came to the restored living room, and saw the three girls all looking up at her, which made her nervous.

Even if they see each other often, Toni and Pepper are still in the top position for a long time, and it is still very exciting to be watched suddenly. 0 · Ask for flowers ·

However, in fact, it was just because the three girls were carrying out a secret plan just now, and a stranger came in at this moment, and I felt that I had to do something natural to cover up the secret thing I was doing just now. The three girls who were staring at the place turned their attention to Emily.

"Is it about the Stark Industry meeting?" Ye Han picked up the unfinished Coke and took a sip.

"That's right, I also guessed that you should already know, so what's the answer?"


"Go, help me see what those old guys are going to do." Toni agreed directly for Ye Han. "Toni, don't make decisions for others!" Pepper stopped Toni's raised hand.

"I'm going, maybe I can see which one is looking for trouble." Ye Han nodded to Emily.

"Look, she and I thought about going together." Toni felt recognized. "Then it's time to set off." Emily lifted the suit in her hand. "It's still as thoughtful as you think." Ye Han took the suit from Emily's hand.

"However, you only have ten minutes to change your clothes." Emily raised her hand, glanced at her watch and said, "Don't be afraid, I'll change clothes quickly." Ye Han walked into Toni's bedroom. "Where did she go yesterday?"

After seeing Ye Han closing her bedroom door, Toni asked Emily quietly.

"I don't know, she's not with me." Emily shook her head.

"Aren't you her personal secretary?" Toni frowned. what.

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