176: Sacrifice Abandoned Son

But in fact, the members of the board of directors are divided according to their proportions. Although they are better than ordinary retail shareholders, the bottom-level board members are not.

The right to raise a hand is also controlled by the major shareholders and the top management of the board of directors. When everyone is in danger like this, the top leader speaks, and the people below are not allowed to whisper and pretend to act.

Only a few major shareholders and people with factions like Ye Han didn't say a word.

"56.6 points, it fell directly by 56.6 points. I only saw a red line like jumping off a cliff." Obadiah patted the table, and the room instantly became quiet.

"Tell me what to do." As soon as these words came out, the room became quieter.

Most of the people look at the nose and nose and the heart, and they all think they are transparent people!

At this time, whoever speaks first will be used as a gunner next.

There is definitely the one who takes the initiative to carry the gun.

Whether it was threatening him with his family, or a brave man with a lot of money, someone who was secretly passed through must have someone to break the deadlock, otherwise he would not be able to perform the show today with so many people gathered by Obadiah. How embarrassing.

So a buddy who took the pot raised his hand.

"Chairman Toni Stark Miss should have been traumatized because of the A-Qaeda incident. We have used the excuse of 'post-traumatic stress' to the media. Do you have any better ideas? The money belongs to everyone, The result of shrinking is that everyone will have less money. You can decide for yourself"々. "

"Then file a restraining order."

One of the major shareholders sitting not far from Obadiah spoke.

Anyway, the person who took the blame has already appeared, and everyone who spoke next will remember what they said.

It can be pushed to the person who speaks first, as long as it is the person who is crooked at the beginning! "Injunction, does anyone else have a different opinion?"

Obadiah repeated the words of the major shareholder. As the chairman of the meeting, he has this obligation, because it is very likely that some shareholders may not hear it clearly.

No one spoke for a long time, and the audience was silent.

Obadiah kept watching Ye Han out of the corner of his eyes, for fear that this little girl would jump out and say, 'I'm against something.

Because the prohibition order' is unanimously passed by the board of directors, it means that according to the rules and regulations of Stark Industries, Toni will be removed from the board of directors, prohibited from participating in board meetings and prohibited from making decisions on company operations, anyway, what is prohibited depends on the company itself What regulations are in place?

Stark industrialists have a great career and have long formulated many rules and regulations, which are in line with local laws.

In this case, the little girl who is so close to Toni that she is favored by Toni and sits on the board of Stark Industries at a young age will not speak because of this 'injunction'? Children are not adults. , how can you know what is safe, isn't it generally frizzy? A little bit of excitement will make you bloody?

"The passing of the 'injunction order' will mean that Toni Stark will no longer hold the position of chairman, and will not be allowed to participate in board meetings and company decision-making, and there are many regulations, which I will not elaborate here. Think about it." Still not moving? This little girl is more treacherous than she imagined... Or is this what Toni taught? Don't hold back? What kind of calculus is Toni playing?

Obadiahstan never thought that Ye Han entered Stark with his own ability. He always thought that Ye Han was a pawn inserted by Toni, and he must have echoed it secretly.

Because Ye Han is too dazzling, if Toni wants to install someone, she must find a low-key person, who will let people who don't let their guard down lurk, and will only launch attacks at critical moments.

And the dazzling chess piece is used as a blindfold. It is best that everyone's eyes are focused on the bright chess of Ye Han, so that no one cares about the dark chess.

Obadiah, who had guessed like this, once thought that Toni was more vigilant and scheming than he knew, and Ye Han was a poor child who didn't even know that he was a bait, an abandoned child who came out and sacrificed. .

But they all took out the matters related to Toni's future, broke them apart and said, this little girl and liar has not moved, she is not afraid of things coming true, Toni was kicked out, and took her from eating spicy food to drinking spicy food. Do you drink the northwest wind?

Obadiah suddenly felt that his judgment of Ye Han seemed to be shaken or shaken.

Now he has a feeling that Ye Han was thinking about himself and trying to get rid of the Stark' behind (Qian Li Zhao).

The little girl stared at the table with a serious frown, as if she was deciding between life and death, which was all looked at by Obadiah.

It feels like Ye Han is balancing the benefits of helping Toni, or not helping Toni.

But it's a bit like when the little girl wanted to refute for Toni, or to excuse Toni, but because of Toni's request, she could only keep her mouth shut and it was very uncomfortable.

Ye Han is like both of these states, so Obadiah is a bit of a melon.

Can't you have less facial expressions in this girl's film? It's hard to judge your thoughts by engaging in that richness!

Obadiah was madly complaining in his heart. .

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