190 Ambiguous

Although it is not easy to go out, the fun is still necessary, and the main thing is to ensure Toni's life.

Opening Big Amy's claws, Ye Han put on his slippers and came to Elizabeth. "What's the matter, is there something else?"

Although she was cooking, she knew everything that happened in the living room.

(?1,,0??) "Well, there's something wrong with Toni, I'm going to take a look." Ye Han embraced Elizabeth from behind. "Is it dangerous?"

Elizabeth turned her head and touched Ye Han's face. "I'm not in danger, others are in danger."

Ye Han shook his head, isn't it, the old bald head is not only dangerous, but his life is over. I have seen death, but I have never seen such a death. "That's good."

Elizabeth bowed her head lonely.

Ye Han felt that 80% of the time she felt that she was useless.

"You, there's nothing to be low about. You don't even think about who you are your girlfriend. If you were an average person, you wouldn't even be able to compare to one-tenth of yours." Ye Han put his finger on the tip of Elizabeth's nose. "Ah-woo! When people go to high places, water flows to low places."

Elizabeth put Ye Han's fingers in her mouth and retorted vaguely. "Damn it, you are so good."

Ye Han withdrew his hand, and his entire index finger was covered with Elizabeth's spittle.

"Go quickly, come back early and eat early." Elizabeth pushed Ye Han away. "Order!"

Ye Han should come down, and while holding his fingers, he turned around and walked towards the stairs. Elizabeth's spittle on your fingers is not good for riding. There are people from S.H.I.E.L.D at the door, so it's not okay to go the usual way. Leaving the basement is a good option. "Seriously, don't play games all the time, learn to cook, or how will you get married in the future." Ye Han repeated Big Amy, walking from behind the sofa to the stairs, "Marrying a man Well, how annoying it is to get married, how easy it is to be yourself." Big Amy ignored Ye Han at all, just controlled the villain on the TV to take out a gun and shoot the enemy on the opposite side!

So where are you here to protect the boss from fighting? You are obviously here for vacation. "Okay, it's up to you."

It's not that Emily doesn't know how to cook. When she was training her bodyguard skills, she also learned how to survive in the wild, but the things she cooks are not so delicious!

Ye Han came to the secret garage in the basement, turned over and got on his motorcycle. "YU, no thermal imaging device or sound pickup device detected?"

"Rest assured, baba, they did not use directional or non-directional monitoring and monitoring equipment. Electronic operation is easy to be detected. For Ye Han, who has detection equipment and super, as long as the electronic equipment is activated, electrons will be generated. sports

, YU can detect it.

"That's it, let's go."

Ye Han adjusted the power mode of the motorcycle to electric, and quietly slipped out of the small house far behind the house.

This house was originally a transformer room, but since Ye Han's villa self-supplied electricity, the small house was useless, and Ye Han came to convert it into the exit of the underground garage.

And those S.H.I.E.L.D employees are still at Ye Han's house, but they don't know that the person they want to protect has long since passed away.

Toni felt that her head was all messed up, and she was still thinking about something at this time!


With the crisp synthesis bell, the elevator came to the underground garage.


Making a sound like a corpse, Toni exerted all her strength to get herself out of the elevator door. Sweat like a stream wet Toni's light T-shirt, making the already tight T-shirt cling to her body.

The vacant spot on the chest was a not-so-small metal "bowl, empty.

And the broken T-shirt was shaking, but Toni didn't have time to care about it.

The pale complexion and the exposed blue veins under the skin showed that she did not come out of the buf with stiff and paralyzed muscles, it was just the result of her forcible control.

The will to survive still overcame the stiffness and paralysis of her muscles, making her struggle to move. But her feet were reluctant to make a real response. She stumbled on her left foot and let her run out.

There was a door that separated the elevator and the parking lot. She leaned against the door to barely stop herself, but let the door hit the glass wall with a sound.


Now she can clearly see the location of the old Ark reactor.

It was no different from the distance of the sky, for her body was hard and numb.

Tuo's pair finally slipped to the ground because of the softness. The sequelae of muscle numbness are still reflected.

Toni struggled to crawl on the ground, and there was a long stream of water on the ground, exuding the smell of wetness.

In just a few short steps, she climbed over the staff box blocking the road, pushed aside the wheeled tool cabinet, bypassed the car in front of her, pushed aside all the obstacles that could be pushed aside, and pushed aside the obstacles that could be climbed over. Even all climbed over.

It seemed that everything within reach became a stepping stone and a handrail for her to move forward. Finally, she climbed to the child of the old Ark reactor, but found that her muscles did not have enough Ability to support herself to reach the reactor, but because of the angle The problem pushed the reactor further in.


Toni gave up and lay on her back. .

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