Chapter 198 Sweeping the Thousand Army

Fortunately, when she designed Mark 3 and Mark 1 and Mark 2, she designed an escape system for use in situations where it was necessary to abandon the armor!

You must know that when she is wearing it, she has to rely on the screws on the mechanical arm to put it on. The backup plan when abandoning the armor is equivalent to abandoning the armor to take it off. I did not expect that the second battle To scrap it.

(;,.1.??0.!?) Toni pressed the wrist switch and took off the glove from her left hand. Wearing gloves makes the fingers inflexible, and it is not easy to perform complex operations. "You don't want to go anywhere!"

With a loud bang, Obadiah smashed in front of Toni. At the moment, he was extremely miserable.

But fortunately, like Toni, he still has a layer of inner armor in it. With this thing, he survived and roared, and Obadiah waved at Toni and swept the army.

Oh shit!

Toni hurriedly closed the mask that had been opened, and crouched down to avoid Obadiah's attack, then raised her hand to fight back, but there was no response.

This made her stunned for a moment, and looked at her left hand, only to realize that the glove had been taken off by him just now and thrown aside.

Toni was stunned, but Obadiah would not be stunned, she slapped Toni again when she returned, and slapped Toni out.

Toni was slapped and rolled a few times, passed over her body, jumped up with one hand and a single electromagnetic pulse engine, and slapped Obadiah's metal brain case.

Definitely not the hand that took off the glove, Toni didn't want such a young hand to die. It's a pity that Toni's attack is out of shape because of the lack of one hand and one foot to guide the climber, and it is still very slow!

As a result, with a punch, the old bald-headed steel helmet just made a "bang" and disappeared.

On the contrary, Toni herself was caught by Obadiah and nestled between the two big hands. "Weapon Status!"

Toni's chest and abdomen were squeezed. Although it was supported by the armor, the armor was also alloy and had toughness. Toni, who was still oppressed by the shapeshifting armor, felt very uncomfortable. "The electromagnetic pulse engine shock system is offline, and the missile system is offline!"

J.A.R.V.I.S reported the attack system of Toni's armor in the same way, but Toni found that she had almost no counterattack ability. "Psst!"

A hydraulic device on Toni's chest was broken, and the hydraulic oil was squeezed out and splashed on the Iron Overlord's visor.

With the breakage of this hydraulic device, the next Psst" sounded together. "Flashbang! Fire bombs! "

There are several ways for aviation equipment to evade missiles, either active or passive.

The active type includes detonating the missile with the wing, bypassing the obstacle and letting the missile hit the obstacle. Generally, it can only be achieved by the pilot's extremely high driving technology.

The passive type includes several ways of projecting aviation aluminum sheets, incendiary bombs, etc. to induce missiles to change direction. Generally, missiles are aimed at radar-guided and infrared-guided missiles, because these two missiles are also the most common.

In particular, the famous Sidewinder infrared guided missile is to use incendiary bombs to deal with.

Infrared guided missiles are guided by infrared tracking heat sources, which are the high temperature of the aircraft engine or jet port. Only incendiary bombs exceeding this temperature can change the direction of the missile, which requires the incendiary bomb to be very hot.

Toni gave an order, the disc on her thigh was pushed out, and the incendiary bomb was ejected by the triggering device, and instantly wrapped the two of them.

0. Ask for flowers...

The high temperature will also have an impact on the equipment, not to mention that Obadiah just recovered from freezing, and giving him a string of hot ones directly makes Obadiah's entire system sluggish.

Taking this opportunity, Toni broke free from Obadiah's claws, escaped, and hid behind the outer cabinet of the air conditioner. "You're so smart, Toni."

Obadiah slowed down for a while, then recovered and began to search for Toni.

"Ye Han? Ye Han are you there?" Ye Han also asked Pepper in surprise. "I'm here, what's wrong?"


Ye Han's voice really sounded in the communication device.

"I take back what I just said, I can't handle this guy, but I have an idea, you help me..." Toni's voice was light and hurried.

"I think you should leave that to Pepper. I'm waiting for you to knock his shell off. As long as you knock off his tortoise shell, I'll have a solution for him. Double insurance, understand?" Ye Han's voice Relaxed and comfortable, as if nothing had happened.

"What are you going to do?"

Pepper raised her head, she knew there was a fight on the roof, but she didn't dare to go up.

"It's up to you, Pepper, go to the center console, turn on all the circuit breakers, and I'll let you know when I'm out of the roof, press the main bypass button again, everything on the roof They will all be burned by electromagnetic explosions." Toni explained to Pei


"Okay, I'll go in right now."

Pepper moved his weak legs and walked into the first floor of the Stark Industrial R&D Center. In the distance, Ye Han was crouching on the roof of the Stark Industrial Office Building, holding a black and white Gauss sniper rifle painted like her battle suit, aiming at Obadiah's big iron brain. what.

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