Chapter 217 Changed the name

"Old man? S.H.I.E.L.D created by your father?"

Seeing that Toni was annoyed by the official name of S.H.I.E.L.D, Ye Han changed her name to it.

Toni watched Ye Han take out another piece of beef from the refrigerator, then cut a piece of bread in half, and put it in the oven to warm it up.

(!.1?0!.) "Would you please tell me this kind of secret?" Ye Han raised his eyes and glanced at Toni.

"Please, it's not a secret, is it? These are all information that can be found on the Internet. Toni waved her hand and stuffed a strawberry into her mouth. "Well, I didn't find it. "

Ye Han hadn't checked it at all, this knowledge was already in her head.

"You said you were invited by them too?" Toni remembered what Ye Han said just now.

"Yes, some level 6 agent came to find me." Ye Han nodded, put the butter in the frying pan, and turned on the stove. "Yeah, you're a street hero anyway." Toni thought for a while and then reflected, Ye Han's other First Stage identity is also easy to attract these people.

"No, they probably don't know yet. I'm not going to tell them that Ye Han shook his head and diced the beef on the chopping board." things." Toni crossed her arms and seemed to be gloating.

"Unless no one said, even if the paper can't cover the fire, what about using iron or steel?" Ye Han didn't understand where Toni's gloating came from, she still couldn't figure it out after all these years. "You're being serious. People say that if you want people to know nothing, you can't do anything about yourself. Why do they want to recruit you? Are you their agent?" 々?" I saw Ye Han put the diced beef into the meat grinder , Toni continued to ask.

"Where do I have that ability, they don't know my other identity, they just want to use my status as the chairman of GMS, and they say that this will let me teach classes or be a technology consultant, but they don't actually want to gain control of GMS. Right." Ye Han said that she understood, and she knew exactly where the green lights in the wolf's eyes were looking.

The other products of the GMS Group do not have any strong products yet, but a GMS communication software that is used by young people and even middle-aged people around the world is enough to make these guys jealous.

If it weren't for Toni's relationship, Ye Han felt that the own company had already been taken over. "Then don't go."

When Toni heard this, Ye Han was no longer taking the beef from the meat grinder, but raised her head and sternly confessed to Ye Han. "It's not in a hurry, it won't do anything if you drag them first."

Ye Han put on gloves, pounded the mince into small patties and placed them on the heated, buttered pan.

The smell of meat began to linger in the house again.

"Ye Han, where did you learn this skill from? It's amazing." Toni looked at the golden meat patties fried in the pan and swallowed.

"Look at the recipe. Western food is too simple. According to the measurement time required by the breakfast recipe, the taste will not be much different. Chinese food is difficult. It all depends on experience and feeling."

Ye Han turned the beef patties over and took out the hot, hot bread from the oven. She took out a slice of cheese and put it on the bread, then took out the beef patty and put it on top of the slice of cheese, then a piece of lettuce and the other half of the bread.

The temperature of the patty and bun melts the cheese and this burger is ready.

"It's as simple as you said, then anyone can be a chef." Toni picked up the hamburger Ye Han put on the plate. Omg, it's delicious! Toni took several bites in a row. It was like she had never eaten a hamburger in her life. "Why don't you make another one?"

Elizabeth swallowed, and Toni's performance made her suddenly feel that the steak was not tasty, even though the steak hadn't been put in her mouth.

"Okay, I'll cook what you want." Ye Han nodded.

My daughter-in-law still needs to be spoiled, although Ye Han doesn't seem to be the one calling the shots!

"Is it only about the A.I.E.L.D. when you came?" Ye Han continued to fry another beef patty.

"No, there are still some things, the Senate Armed Services Committee wants me to participate in the meeting." Toni swallowed the hamburger in his mouth and said.

"Your situation and my failure are too much to let go, but I should have you to help stop those capital gangsters, but you can only face it yourself." Ye Han gave Pan Di (Nord's) two meat patties Turned over.

"There's no way around that. The moment I reveal my identity, I'm mentally prepared. Or it's bound to happen." Toni shrugged helplessly.

"There are also many people who are jealous of me, and they will try their best to pull me down. There are also many people who want to use the armor as a weapon. They all want to turn this armor that I intended to protect into an accomplice of evil, how could I possibly let them succeed


Toni said don't worry, no one can take away her armor.

"Then I think there will be many people looking for various reasons to take your armor off you, so you should hurry up and think of some ways to deal with it."

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