Chapter 225

Even though Jin Bing is a citizen who has climbed up from the bottom, his education level is not high, but this does not prevent him from being a very polite person. Definitely except the enemy. "Happy to serve you, boss."

Bullseye nodded, and the flying darts in his hand were inserted into the forehead of a hand and a member who raised the gun on the ground next to him.

Jin didn't look at the stump and the broken arm on the ground. He just took out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped his hand, and walked towards the hot spring hotel.

With the thugs coming, he can definitely wipe his hands and watch. The door of the hot spring hotel was not closed, but opened wide. Looking at this, there shouldn't be many hands and people in it-.

Jin Bian stepped in, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw the man in gray thugs and members of the club. Matthew had already blasted the hammer three times, and the fist of the fourth hit didn't fall when he raised it, hanging in the air. Because Jin did walk in directly from the - gate.

At first glance, this big man is a sturdy one, but because he is white, it makes Matthew not so nervous.

It's been a long time since I beat the Dashima people, and they all got red eyes. Suddenly, a tall white man appeared, and anyone who changed it would be stunned. "I heard you were looking for me, here I am."

Jin Bing was rather magnanimous, and immediately revealed his identity after standing still. This time, the enemy was very jealous when they met, and Matthew directly threw away Oshima Iri in his hand. Finally seeing that he had been looking for someone for a long time, Matthew didn't say anything, just sullenly rushed towards Jin Bing.


Just as Ye Han was about to walk forward, there was a flying dart in front of his foot. "You mean we are gesturing?"

Ye Han almost laughed out loud, this bullseye, not the bullseye after the late stage was transformed, actually wanted to show off with Ye Han. "No, I just stopped you."

Bullseye denied Ye Han's guess and did not start with Ye Han, but just stared at Ye Han closely! "Alright alright."

Ye Han also wanted to see how Matthew and Kim would fight, so he stepped aside. This guy had a fight with Mrs. Gao, and he lost properly, but he didn't know the result of this fight with Jin.

Ye Han was blocked by Bullseye, and Matthew stood still and looked at Jin Bing who was standing not far in front of him.

"It seems that our conversation on the walkie-talkie that day didn't get the right result." Jin Bing's fist clenched and loosened. "I don't think what you're saying is true."

Matthew didn't specifically say what Jin Biao said to him, but Ye Han guessed that it should be a dissuasion or a negative sentiment propaganda.

It's not a positive thing, which caused Matthew to not even repeat the **. "You said you couldn't see, why bother?"

Kim and took off a ring from his finger, wrapped it in a handkerchief, and put it in the inner Kabuto. So it is still very hard to be an elegant villain, and you have to bring several handkerchiefs with you. What does the rain say about paper towels, paper towels are not elegant at all.

Only by wiping the back of the blood-stained hands with a handkerchief after the battle, and then throwing the handkerchief on the face of the enemy lying on the ground, is he worthy of the gray road gentry.

What's more, he is in a high position now, and there are few former enemies who dare to take revenge. It is really courageous and worthy of praise to run out suddenly.

Jin Bing took advantage of the gap after Matthew's three punches, grabbed Matthew's arm, and threw Matthew over the shoulder to the ground in front of him. "It's useless! Your fists are like tickling."

Once as a boxer in underground boxing, Jin has done strengthening training for the weak parts of his body! 0 · Ask for flowers ·

Like the neck, temples, back of the head and even the crotch, he has done training.

These trainings have strengthened his ability to fight and fight, even if some parts are hit, he will still feel pain, at least it will not affect his mobility.

In the life and death boxing match, your opponents will not give you a chance to breathe, they will only fight to the death according to you, because either you will die or he will die.

Therefore, the weakness of the human body that Matthew thinks does not exist in Jin Bing, he is not afraid at all, this is also the plan he made against the enemy for his body shape from the very beginning.

Because of its huge size, the sensitivity is not enough, so it strengthens its own anti-attack ability, so as to keep changing.

Matthew was caught by Jin and grabbed his arm on the ground, and then Jin raised his big fist, trying to kill this guy who was hindering his business.

Matthew became anxious after sensing Jin Bing's movements. Jin Bing punched him down, maybe he would have to explain it here now.

Judging from Jinbing's huge stature and ability to resist, this guy built himself as a tank.

Maybe the mobility is not enough, but the attack power and ability to resist are definitely very strong. Matthew, who was anxiously wriggling on the ground, fell into Jin Bing's eyes with his movements and demeanor, which seemed to make the boss very useful!

(;1!:0) However, the next second Jin Bian could only bow down, and even his raised fist had to be lowered to maintain his own balance.

Matthew raised his own feet and placed them on Jin Bing's arms, and pressed his heels against Jin Bing's elbow sockets.

Even though Jinjing is much stronger than Matthew, his arm can't twist his thigh. Matthew's trick makes Jin unable to keep his arm straight, so he can only bend it. what.

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