Chapter 229

"Well, do you know A..M? They have their own private hospital. I know the senior management of A.M. They can help me treat my injuries. I'm sure the friends I brought are no problem, not to mention that you are a decent hero." Ye Han stroked his chin and looked up and down at Matthew, who was standing there leaning. "Wow wow wow!"

The Superman flute interrupted Ye Han and Matthew's conversation.

The exchange of fire between the hands and the Hui Gang outside the hot spring hotel is coming to an end. The weapons and ammunition of both sides have been greatly depleted, and the remaining resources cannot support them to fight for more time.

At this time, the long-awaited security has finally appeared.

Riot-proof Superman and ordinary security officers appeared one after another in the street in the distance in their Superman cars. They didn't dare to approach, even though the exchange of fire was coming to an end, it didn't stop completely.

Stay away and let these guys bite the dog, just be the fisherman or the oriole. What's more, many of the security people who come here are the money of that person. After a while, they will be kicked and the disaster will be eliminated. It doesn't matter which side wins, anyway, the money and security of both sides can get it.

"Looks like it's time to leave." Ye Han pulled Matthew up from the ground.


The injury under the rib made Matthew gasp.

"How about we go from above?" Ye Han raised his finger and pointed to the sky.

Matthew nodded helplessly, otherwise, would he still drill into the sewers like he did last time?

Although it is not impossible, but there is a better plan why not choose, and then go to the sewer to smell the odor, and you will be suspected of being abused.

Ye Han shoots one cobweb into the sky, and three shots from the other hand, tying up the three people on the ground respectively. With the help of the elasticity of the cobweb and the hoist on his wrist, Ye Han led the three big men to the next building. The roof of the apartment. "You're welcome, your friend is my friend. You helped me so much back then, and now it's no big deal." Killian thumped his chest.

"His matter will never get out, you can rest assured."

This is the luxury inpatient area on the top floor of the A.M Private Hospital. Generally, it is used to receive bigwigs who do not have private hospitals or private doctors, such as Toni, Hammer, General Ross and so on.

As a bioengineering company and a pharmaceutical company, it would be abnormal for A..M to not have its own hospital.

Human testing of some mild health supplements or medicines is carried out in this hospital. We can't isolate the pharmacists to an uninhabited experimental base just because of a human trial of an antidiarrheal drug, right?

It's not a pig for an experiment.

(!:1;0,.) "Are you finished with the other two injuries?" Ye Han asked Killian again.

"It's over, but why didn't you let them wake them up? And let me add a sedative?" Killian scratched his head, puzzled. "You know them?"

Not to mention this gold and protect his personal information very much, there is not much information coming up, how come people like Killian who are not in Second Gate know about them?

"Because that big guy is our customer, Wilson Fisk." Killian answered Ye Han's question unequivocally, as if there was nothing wrong with it. "He? Why did he come to the hospital?"

"His mother has Alzheimer's disease and also has cardiovascular disease, so he sent his mother to our place to try to find a way to treat his mother." 0·Seeking flowers·

Killian looked at Ye Han strangely, why does this girl know this information.

"Then do you know what he does?" Ye Han then asked.

"Isn't he a philanthropist? A real estate developer, the owner of a human resources company. That United Group belongs to him." Killian's mouth popped out of these terms.

"Well, that's right, I'll have a good conversation with the chairman next time." Ye Han said something Killian didn't understand and walked to the next ward.

Jin Bing and Bullseye were on the bed in this ward, hugging each other and sleeping soundly. The sedative injected to keep them from escaping gave them a sweet sleep.


This is really unfair, villain always eats spicy food, and there are many beautiful girls to accompany him, but he is decent, not to mention the tasteless food and spicy food, even if there is a partner, there can only be one, because Anything more is illegal.

Ye Han opened the door, unlocked the restraint lock on the wheels of the hospital bed, and directly dragged the bed out of the ward to the elevator.

Press the door closing button of the elevator, the elevator recognizes the fingerprint, and pops up a hidden control panel.

This panel says negative 5 layers, negative 6 layers, negative 7 layers.

The original underground parking lot had only 4 floors. From the 5th floor down, Ye Han secretly built it. Later, as one of A..M's secret research institutes, it was hidden underground in this hospital.

There is no problem in interrogating these two guys now. The underground base was built according to the nuclear explosion shelter.

In addition to being part of a research institution, it also has a certain survival function. Even a small dungeon interrogation room and prison are also planned, but they are usually not used and empty. what.

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